소스 검색


huaerzx 2 년 전
1개의 변경된 파일109개의 추가작업 그리고 0개의 파일을 삭제
  1. 109 0

+ 109 - 0

@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ import org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils;
 import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
 import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Value;
 import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
+import org.springframework.util.StringUtils;
 import java.io.File;
 import java.io.IOException;
@@ -33,6 +34,9 @@ import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
 public class XxhTagManager {
+	final static Long stepSize=50000000L;
+	final static Long allUserSize=300000000L;
+	final static String tempTableSuf="_tempRN";
 	final static String ETL_TABLE_NAME = "ads.XXH_ALL_MONTH_ETL2";
 	protected DynamicExecuteService dynamicExecuteService;
@@ -153,4 +157,109 @@ public class XxhTagManager {
+	/**
+	 * 更新 etl库 历史数据带手机号的
+	 * @param listStr 要处理的表名 【表名,userid字段】 用\n分割(直接从文本文件里复制所得)
+	 */
+	public void updateHistoryTable2RowNo (String listStr)  {
+		String[] s1=listStr.split("\\n");
+		Arrays.stream(s1).forEach(str-> {
+			String[] s2=str.split(",");
+			String tableName=s2[0];
+			String userId=s2[1];
+			JSONObject jsonObject =dynamicExecuteService.get(DsEnum.clickhouse, String.format("select create_table_query,partition_key from `system`.tables t where name ='%s' ",tableName));
+			if(jsonObject != null ){
+				String runCreateSql=jsonObject.getString("create_table_query");
+				String partition_key=jsonObject.getString("partition_key");
+				String tempRowNumber=tableName+tempTableSuf;
+				//【1】创建temp表
+				runCreateSql=runCreateSql.replace("CREATE TABLE","CREATE TABLE if not exists")
+						.replace(tableName,tempRowNumber);
+				log.info("\n" + runCreateSql);
+				//!!!
+				//dynamicExecuteService.execute(DsEnum.clickhouse,runCreateSql, "手动创建复制库表!");
+				//【2】查询列
+				List<JSONObject> colList= dynamicExecuteService.list(DsEnum.clickhouse, String.format("select name from system.columns where `table`='%s'",tableName));
+				SortedSet<String> columns = new TreeSet<String>();
+				colList.stream().map(item -> item.getString("name")).forEach(columns::add);
+				//【3】查询数据总量
+				if(!partition_key.isEmpty()){
+					List<JSONObject> partitionObjList  =dynamicExecuteService.list(DsEnum.clickhouse,
+							String.format("select distinct `%s` as pcol from ads.%s ",partition_key,tableName));
+					List<String> partitionList = new ArrayList<>();
+					partitionObjList.stream().map(item -> item.getString("pcol")).forEach(partitionList::add);
+					if(partitionList.size()>0){
+						partitionList.stream().forEach(pcol->{
+							String _sql=String.format("with  (select round(round((%s/(round(COUNT()/%s)+1)))/1000)*1000 from ads.%s where %s  ='%s') as step\n",
+									allUserSize.toString(),stepSize.toString(),tableName,partition_key,pcol) +
+									"SELECT USERID from (select USERID from ads.CFG_ZT_USERS order by USERID) where rowNumberInAllBlocks() % (step/1000) =0\n";
+							List<JSONObject> userSpList =dynamicExecuteService.list(DsEnum.clickhouse,_sql);
+							//分区 分号段 计算
+							if(userSpList.size()>1){
+								SortedSet<String> mobileList = new TreeSet<String>();
+								userSpList.stream().map(item -> item.getString("USERID")).forEach(mobileList::add);
+								mobileList.add("999");
+								String mobileLeft = mobileList.first();
+								for(Iterator<String> it = mobileList.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
+									String mobileRight = it.next();
+									if(mobileLeft.equals(mobileRight)) {
+										continue;
+									}
+									_getJoinSql(tableName,columns,userId,partition_key,pcol,mobileLeft,mobileRight);
+									mobileLeft = mobileRight;
+								}
+							}
+							//分区 计算
+							else{
+								_getJoinSql(tableName,columns,userId,partition_key,pcol,"","");
+							}
+						});
+					}
+				}
+				else{
+					//直接 计算
+					_getJoinSql(tableName,columns,userId,"","","","");
+				}
+			}
+		});
+	}
+	/**
+	 * 获取join   sql
+	 * @param tableName
+	 * @param partitionCol
+	 * @param partitionVal
+	 * @param leftUserId
+	 * @param rigthUserId
+	 * @return
+	 */
+	private String _getJoinSql(String tableName,SortedSet<String> columns, String userId, String partitionCol,String partitionVal,String leftUserId,String rigthUserId){
+		StrBuilder builder=new StrBuilder();
+		String joinStr=String.join(",", columns);
+		if(userId.equals("PHONE")){
+			joinStr=(joinStr+",").replace("PHONE,","s.PHONE,");
+			joinStr=joinStr.substring(0,joinStr.length()-1);
+		}else{
+			joinStr=(joinStr+",").replace(userId+",","s1.ROWNUMBER as "+userId+",");
+			joinStr=joinStr.substring(0,joinStr.length()-1);
+		}
+		builder.append(String.format("insert into ads.%s select  ",tableName+tempTableSuf))
+				.appendLn(joinStr)
+				.appendLn(String.format(" from ads.%s s left join db92.DIC_PHONE_ROWNUMBER s1 on s.%s=s1.PHONE ",tableName,userId));
+		if(!partitionCol.isEmpty()){
+			builder.appendLn(String.format(" where %s='%s' ",partitionCol,partitionVal));
+			if(!leftUserId.isEmpty()){
+				builder.appendLn(String.format(" and s.%s>=%s and s.%s<%s",userId,leftUserId,userId,rigthUserId));
+			}
+		}
+		log.info("\n" + builder.toString());
+		//!!!
+		//dynamicExecuteService.execute(DsEnum.clickhouse, builder.toString(), "插入temp表");
+		return builder.toString();
+	}