# Hive > Hive source connector ## Description Read data from Hive. :::tip In order to use this connector, You must ensure your spark/flink cluster already integrated hive. The tested hive version is 2.3.9. If you use SeaTunnel Engine, You need put seatunnel-hadoop3-3.1.4-uber.jar and hive-exec-2.3.9.jar in $SEATUNNEL_HOME/lib/ dir. ::: ## Key features - [x] [batch](../../concept/connector-v2-features.md) - [ ] [stream](../../concept/connector-v2-features.md) - [x] [exactly-once](../../concept/connector-v2-features.md) Read all the data in a split in a pollNext call. What splits are read will be saved in snapshot. - [x] [schema projection](../../concept/connector-v2-features.md) - [x] [parallelism](../../concept/connector-v2-features.md) - [ ] [support user-defined split](../../concept/connector-v2-features.md) - [x] file format - [x] text - [x] csv - [x] parquet - [x] orc - [x] json ## Options | name | type | required | default value | |----------------------|--------|----------|---------------| | table_name | string | yes | - | | metastore_uri | string | yes | - | | kerberos_principal | string | no | - | | kerberos_keytab_path | string | no | - | | hdfs_site_path | string | no | - | | read_partitions | list | no | - | | read_columns | list | no | - | | common-options | | no | - | ### table_name [string] Target Hive table name eg: db1.table1 ### metastore_uri [string] Hive metastore uri ### hdfs_site_path [string] The path of `hdfs-site.xml`, used to load ha configuration of namenodes ### read_partitions [list] The target partitions that user want to read from hive table, if user does not set this parameter, it will read all the data from hive table. **Tips: Every partition in partitions list should have the same directory depth. For example, a hive table has two partitions: par1 and par2, if user sets it like as the following:** **read_partitions = [par1=xxx, par1=yyy/par2=zzz], it is illegal** ### kerberos_principal [string] The principal of kerberos authentication ### kerberos_keytab_path [string] The keytab file path of kerberos authentication ### read_columns [list] The read column list of the data source, user can use it to implement field projection. ### common options Source plugin common parameters, please refer to [Source Common Options](common-options.md) for details ## Example ```bash Hive { table_name = "default.seatunnel_orc" metastore_uri = "thrift://namenode001:9083" } ``` ## Changelog ### 2.2.0-beta 2022-09-26 - Add Hive Source Connector ### Next version - [Improve] Support kerberos authentication ([3840](https://github.com/apache/seatunnel/pull/3840)) - Support user-defined partitions ([3842](https://github.com/apache/seatunnel/pull/3842))