Elasticsearch.md 4.6 KB



Output data to Elasticsearch.

Key features


Engine Supported

  • supported ElasticSearch version is >= 2.x and <= 8.x



name type required default value
hosts array yes -
index string yes -
index_type string no
primary_keys list no
key_delimiter string no _
username string no
password string no
max_retry_count int no 3
max_batch_size int no 10
tls_verify_certificate boolean no true
tls_verify_hostnames boolean no true
tls_keystore_path string no -
tls_keystore_password string no -
tls_truststore_path string no -
tls_truststore_password string no -
common-options no -

hosts [array]

Elasticsearch cluster http address, the format is host:port , allowing multiple hosts to be specified. Such as ["host1:9200", "host2:9200"].

index [string]

Elasticsearch index name.Index support contains variables of field name,such as seatunnel_${age},and the field must appear at seatunnel row. If not, we will treat it as a normal index.

index_type [string]

Elasticsearch index type, it is recommended not to specify in elasticsearch 6 and above

primary_keys [list]

Primary key fields used to generate the document _id, this is cdc required options.

key_delimiter [string]

Delimiter for composite keys ("_" by default), e.g., "$" would result in document _id "KEY1$KEY2$KEY3".

username [string]

x-pack username

password [string]

x-pack password

max_retry_count [int]

one bulk request max try size

max_batch_size [int]

batch bulk doc max size

tls_verify_certificate [boolean]

Enable certificates validation for HTTPS endpoints

tls_verify_hostname [boolean]

Enable hostname validation for HTTPS endpoints

tls_keystore_path [string]

The path to the PEM or JKS key store. This file must be readable by the operating system user running SeaTunnel.

tls_keystore_password [string]

The key password for the key store specified

tls_truststore_path [string]

The path to PEM or JKS trust store. This file must be readable by the operating system user running SeaTunnel.

tls_truststore_password [string]

The key password for the trust store specified

common options

Sink plugin common parameters, please refer to Sink Common Options for details



sink {
    Elasticsearch {
        hosts = ["localhost:9200"]
        index = "seatunnel-${age}"

CDC(Change data capture) event

sink {
    Elasticsearch {
        hosts = ["localhost:9200"]
        index = "seatunnel-${age}"
        # cdc required options
        primary_keys = ["key1", "key2", ...]

SSL (Disable certificates validation)

sink {
    Elasticsearch {
        hosts = ["https://localhost:9200"]
        username = "elastic"
        password = "elasticsearch"
        tls_verify_certificate = false

SSL (Disable hostname validation)

sink {
    Elasticsearch {
        hosts = ["https://localhost:9200"]
        username = "elastic"
        password = "elasticsearch"
        tls_verify_hostname = false

SSL (Enable certificates validation)

sink {
    Elasticsearch {
        hosts = ["https://localhost:9200"]
        username = "elastic"
        password = "elasticsearch"
        tls_keystore_path = "${your elasticsearch home}/config/certs/http.p12"
        tls_keystore_password = "${your password}"


2.2.0-beta 2022-09-26

  • Add Elasticsearch Sink Connector

next version

  • [Feature] Support CDC write DELETE/UPDATE/INSERT events (3673)
  • [Feature] Support https protocol & compatible with opensearch (3997)