Greenplum sink connector
Write data to Greenplum using Jdbc connector.
Not support exactly-once semantics (XA transaction is not yet supported in Greenplum database).
Optional jdbc drivers:
Warn: for license compliance, if you use GreenplumDriver
the have to provide Greenplum JDBC driver yourself, e.g. copy greenplum-xxx.jar to $SEATNUNNEL_HOME/lib for Standalone.
The URL of the JDBC connection. if you use postgresql driver the value is jdbc:postgresql://${yous_host}:${yous_port}/${yous_database}
, or you use greenplum driver the value is jdbc:pivotal:greenplum://${yous_host}:${yous_port};DatabaseName=${yous_database}
Sink plugin common parameters, please refer to Sink Common Options for details