chen 2 years ago

+ 53 - 32

@@ -1,16 +1,37 @@
   <div v-if="!item.hidden">
-    <template v-if="hasOneShowingChild(item.children,item) && (!onlyOneChild.children||onlyOneChild.noShowingChildren)&&!item.alwaysShow">
+    <template
+      v-if="
+        hasOneShowingChild(item.children, item) &&
+        (!onlyOneChild.children || onlyOneChild.noShowingChildren) &&
+        !item.alwaysShow
+      "
+    >
       <app-link v-if="onlyOneChild.meta" :to="resolvePath(onlyOneChild.path)">
-        <el-menu-item :index="resolvePath(onlyOneChild.path)" :class="{'submenu-title-noDropdown':!isNest}">
-          <item :icon="onlyOneChild.meta.icon||(item.meta&&item.meta.icon)" :title="onlyOneChild.meta.title" />
+        <el-menu-item
+          :index="resolvePath(onlyOneChild.path)"
+          :class="{ 'submenu-title-noDropdown': !isNest }"
+        >
+          <item
+            :icon="onlyOneChild.meta.icon || (item.meta && item.meta.icon)"
+            :title="onlyOneChild.meta.title"
+          />
-    <el-submenu v-else ref="subMenu" :index="resolvePath(item.path)" popper-append-to-body>
+    <el-submenu
+      v-else
+      ref="subMenu"
+      :index="resolvePath(item.path)"
+      popper-append-to-body
+    >
       <template slot="title">
-        <item v-if="item.meta" :icon="item.meta && item.meta.icon" :title="item.meta.title" />
+        <item
+          v-if="item.meta"
+          :icon="item.meta && item.meta.icon"
+          :title="item.meta.title"
+        />
         v-for="child in item.children"
@@ -25,72 +46,72 @@
-import path from 'path'
-import { isExternal } from '@/utils/validate'
-import Item from './Item'
-import AppLink from './Link'
-import FixiOSBug from './FixiOSBug'
+import path from "path";
+import { isExternal } from "@/utils/validate";
+import Item from "./Item";
+import AppLink from "./Link";
+import FixiOSBug from "./FixiOSBug";
 export default {
-  name: 'SidebarItem',
+  name: "SidebarItem",
   components: { Item, AppLink },
   mixins: [FixiOSBug],
   props: {
     // route object
     item: {
       type: Object,
-      required: true
+      required: true,
     isNest: {
       type: Boolean,
-      default: false
+      default: false,
     basePath: {
       type: String,
-      default: ''
-    }
+      default: "",
+    },
   data() {
-    this.onlyOneChild = null
-    return {}
+    this.onlyOneChild = null;
+    return {};
   methods: {
     hasOneShowingChild(children = [], parent) {
       if (!children) {
         children = [];
-      const showingChildren = children.filter(item => {
+      const showingChildren = children.filter((item) => {
         if (item.hidden) {
-          return false
+          return false;
         } else {
           // Temp set(will be used if only has one showing child)
-          this.onlyOneChild = item
-          return true
+          this.onlyOneChild = item;
+          return true;
-      })
+      });
       // When there is only one child router, the child router is displayed by default
       if (showingChildren.length === 1) {
-        return true
+        return true;
       // Show parent if there are no child router to display
       if (showingChildren.length === 0) {
-        this.onlyOneChild = { ... parent, path: '', noShowingChildren: true }
-        return true
+        this.onlyOneChild = { ...parent, path: "", noShowingChildren: true };
+        return true;
-      return false
+      return false;
     resolvePath(routePath) {
       if (isExternal(routePath)) {
-        return routePath
+        return routePath;
       if (isExternal(this.basePath)) {
-        return this.basePath
+        return this.basePath;
-      return path.resolve(this.basePath, routePath)
-    }
-  }
+      return path.resolve(this.basePath, routePath);
+    },
+  },

+ 1 - 1

@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
       <div class="field">
         <!-- [移动端]标题 -->
         <h2 class="mobile-title">
-          <h3 class="title">芋道后台管理系统</h3>
+          <h3 class="title">铂原联动后台管理系统</h3>
         <!-- 表单 -->

+ 2 - 2

@@ -162,8 +162,8 @@ export default {
       editDialog: false,
       addDialog: false,
       searchForm: {
-        cpid: "",
-        categoryName: "",
+        // cpid: "",
+        // categoryName: "",
         pageSize: 20,
         pageNum: 1,

+ 3 - 0

@@ -505,13 +505,16 @@ export default { ? : "", ? : "",
+      console.log(this.form.themeColor, this.form.bgColor, "颜色");
       this.form.cacheSeatOne = JSON.stringify(this.productJson);
       this.form.guidancePic = JSON.stringify(this.guidancePic);
       this.$confirm("确定要提交吗?").then((_) => {
         if (!this.form.threshold) this.form.threshold = 0;
         post("/product/info/create", this.form).then((res) => {
+          // console.log(this.addColors.bgc, this.addColors.thc, "颜色");
           if (res.code === 0) {
+            console.log(this.addColors, "颜色");
             setTimeout(() => {
             }, 1200);

+ 22 - 13

@@ -438,30 +438,39 @@ export default {
       id: this.$route.query.ids,
       pageSize: 1,
     }).then((res) => {
-      console.log(res, "一条数据");
-      this.form =;
-      console.log(, "row");
-      // row.threshold = row.threshold ? row.threshold : 0;
+      let row =;
+      row.threshold = row.threshold ? row.threshold : 0;
       // this.form = row;
-      if (row.bannerPics) {
-        this.bannerUrl =
-          process.env.VUE_APP_BASE_IMG_URL +
-          "/" +
-          JSON.parse(row.bannerPics)[0];
-      }
-      if (row.logoPic) {
-        this.logoUrl = process.env.VUE_APP_BASE_IMG_URL + "/" + row.logoPic;
-      }
+      // console.log(res, "一条数据");
+      this.form = row;
+      // console.log(, "row");
       this.addColors.thc = {
         s: JSON.parse(row.themeColor)[0],
         e: JSON.parse(row.themeColor)[1],
+      console.log(row);
       this.addColors.bgc = {
         s: JSON.parse(row.bgColor)[0],
         e: JSON.parse(row.bgColor)[1],
         ss: JSON.parse(row.bgColor)[2],
         ee: JSON.parse(row.bgColor)[3],
+      console.log(this.form.bgColor, this.form.themeColor, "颜色");
+      // row.threshold = row.threshold ? row.threshold : 0;
+      // this.form = row;
+      if (row.bannerPics) {
+        this.bannerUrl =
+          process.env.VUE_APP_BASE_IMG_URL +
+          "/" +
+          JSON.parse(row.bannerPics)[0];
+      }
+      if (row.logoPic) {
+        this.logoUrl = process.env.VUE_APP_BASE_IMG_URL + "/" + row.logoPic;
+      }
       if (JSON.parse(row.guidancePic).p) {
         this.guideUrlP =
           process.env.VUE_APP_BASE_IMG_URL + JSON.parse(row.guidancePic).p;

+ 4 - 5

@@ -133,11 +133,10 @@ export default {
     // 搜索
     search() {
       let data = {
-        pageNo:1,
-        pageSize:100,
-        productName:'',
-        spid:''
+        pageNo: 1,
+        pageSize: 100,
+        // productName: "",
+        // spid: "",
       get("/product/info/page", data).then((res) => {
         // console.log(res,"搜索");

+ 315 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,315 @@
+  <div>
+    <el-container>
+      <!--搜索-->
+      <el-header class="searchBox">
+        <el-form :inline="true" :model="searchForm" ref="searchForm" class="demo-form-inline">
+          <el-form-item label="策略名称">
+            <el-input v-model="searchForm.strategyName" name="searchForm.strategyName" placeholder="策略名称" />
+          </el-form-item>
+          <el-form-item label="策略类型">
+            <el-select v-model="searchForm.strategyType" filterable placeholder="请选择">
+              <el-option label="基本" :value="0" />
+              <el-option label="活动" :value="1" />
+              <el-option label="测试" :value="2" />
+            </el-select>
+          </el-form-item>
+          <el-form-item label="生效状态">
+            <el-select v-model="searchForm.strategyStatus" filterable placeholder="请选择">
+              <el-option label="生效中" :value="1" />
+              <el-option label="未生效" :value="0" />
+            </el-select>
+          </el-form-item>
+          <el-form-item style="float: right">
+            <el-button type="primary" @click="init()">搜索</el-button>
+            <el-button @click="reset('searchForm')">重置</el-button>
+          </el-form-item>
+        </el-form>
+      </el-header>
+      <!--表格-->
+      <el-main class="tableBox">
+        <vxe-toolbar>
+          <template #buttons>
+            <vxe-button icon="fa fa-plus" @click="toAdd">新增</vxe-button>
+            <vxe-button @click="init()">刷新</vxe-button>
+            <vxe-button status="primary" style="float: right" icon="fa fa-plus" @click="value5 = true">历史记录</vxe-button>
+          </template>
+        </vxe-toolbar>
+        <vxe-table border resizable keep-source show-overflow highlight-hover-row ref="xTable" :data="tableData"
+          :edit-config="{trigger: 'click', mode: 'cell', showStatus: true, }" @edit-closed="editClosedEvent">
+          <vxe-table-column field="strategyName" title="策略名称" />
+          <vxe-table-column field="maskText" title="策略备注" :edit-render="{name: 'input'}" width="300" />
+          <vxe-table-column field="strategyType" title="策略类型" width="100">
+            <template #default="{ row,_columnIndex}">
+              {{ strategyType[row.strategyType].label }}
+            </template>
+          </vxe-table-column>
+          <vxe-table-column field="strategyStatus" title="状态" :edit-render="{name: '$select', options: strategyStatus}"
+            width="80" />
+          <vxe-table-column field="templateId" title="使用模板">
+            <template #default="{ row,_columnIndex}">
+              {{ row.templateName }}
+            </template>
+          </vxe-table-column>
+          <vxe-table-column field="createTime" title="创建时间" />
+          <vxe-table-column title="操作" width="220">
+            <template #default="{ row }">
+              <template v-if="$refs.xTable.isActiveByRow(row)">
+                <vxe-button @click="saveRowEvent(row)">保存</vxe-button>
+                <vxe-button @click="cancelRowEvent(row)">取消</vxe-button>
+              </template>
+              <template v-else>
+                <vxe-button @click="toAdd(row)">编辑</vxe-button>
+                <vxe-button @click="toCopy(row)">复制</vxe-button>
+                <vxe-button @click="del(row)">删除</vxe-button>
+              </template>
+            </template>
+          </vxe-table-column>
+        </vxe-table>
+        <vxe-pager :loading="loading" :current-page="searchForm.pageNum" :page-size="searchForm.pageSize"
+          :total="searchForm.totalResult"
+          :layouts="['PrevPage', 'JumpNumber', 'NextPage', 'FullJump', 'Sizes', 'Total']"
+          @page-change="handlePageChange" />
+        <!-- 历史记录 -->
+        <vxe-modal v-model="value5" width="60%" title="历史记录">
+          <template #default>
+            <vxe-toolbar>
+              <template #buttons>
+                <vxe-input v-model="schemelogParam.notes" type="search" clearable placeholder="搜索操作记录"></vxe-input>
+                <vxe-input v-model="schemelogParam.userName" type="search" clearable placeholder="搜索操作人"></vxe-input>
+                <vxe-button @click="searchEvent" content="搜索"></vxe-button>
+              </template>
+            </vxe-toolbar>
+            <vxe-table auto-resize height="600" :data="schemelog">
+              <vxe-table-column field="createTime" title="时间"></vxe-table-column>
+              <vxe-table-column field="notes" title="操作记录">
+                <template slot-scope="props">
+                  <div v-html="props.row.notes"></div>
+                </template>
+              </vxe-table-column>
+              <vxe-table-column field="userName" title="操作人"></vxe-table-column>
+            </vxe-table>
+            <vxe-pager :loading="loading" :current-page="schemelogParam.pageNum" :page-size="schemelogParam.pageSize"
+              :total="schemelogParam.totalResult"
+              :layouts="['PrevPage', 'JumpNumber', 'NextPage', 'FullJump', 'Sizes', 'Total']"
+              @page-change="handlePageChangeChannelog" />
+          </template>
+        </vxe-modal>
+      </el-main>
+    </el-container>
+  </div>
+  import {
+    post,
+    get
+  } from '@/api/common'
+  export default {
+    name: 'Index',
+    data() {
+      return {
+        //  搜索相关内容
+        searchForm: {
+          channelKey: '',
+          strategyName: '',
+          strategyType: '',
+          strategyStatus: '',
+          pageNum: 1,
+          pageSize: 10,
+          totalResult: 0
+        },
+        // 表格数据
+        loading: false,
+        tableData: [],
+        templateList: [],
+        strategyStatus: [{
+            label: '生效中',
+            value: '1'
+          },
+          {
+            label: '未生效',
+            value: '0'
+          }
+        ],
+        strategyType: [{
+            label: '基本策略',
+            value: '0'
+          },
+          {
+            label: '活动策略',
+            value: '1'
+          },
+          {
+            label: '测试策略',
+            value: '2'
+          }
+        ],
+        value5: false,
+        pushdata: false,
+        pushdataDate: '',
+        schemelog: [],
+        schemelogList: [],
+        filterName1: '',
+        schemelogParam: {
+          pageNum: 1,
+          pageSize: 10,
+          totalResult: 0
+        },
+      }
+    },
+    mounted() {
+      get('/strategy/strategy-info/page', {
+        'pageSize': 100,
+        'pageNum': 1
+      }).then(res => {
+ => {
+          res.templatePhoto = process.env.VUE_APP_BASE_IMG_URL + res.templatePhoto
+          res.label = res.templateName
+          res.value =
+        })
+        this.templateList =
+      })
+      this.init()
+    },
+    methods: {
+      init() {
+        // get('/strategyInfoNew/page', this.searchForm).then(res => {
+        //   console.log(res)
+        //   if ( {
+        //     this.tableData =
+        //     this.searchForm.totalResult =
+        //   } else {
+        //     this.tableData = []
+        //     this.searchForm.totalResult = 0
+        //   }
+        // })
+      },
+      editClosedEvent({
+        row,
+        column
+      }) {
+        const $table = this.$refs.xTable
+        const field =
+        const cellValue = row[field]
+        // 判断单元格值是否被修改
+        if ($table.isUpdateByRow(row, field)) {
+          setTimeout(() => {
+            let param = {}
+            param[field] = cellValue
+            post('/strategyInfoNew/update/' +, row).then(res => {
+              this.$message({
+                message: res.message,
+                type: 'success'
+              });
+            })
+            // 局部更新单元格为已保存状态
+            $table.reloadRow(row, null, field)
+          }, 300)
+        }
+      },
+      reset(formName) { // 重置
+        // this.searchForm = {}
+        // get('/strategyInfoNew/page', {}).then(res => {
+        //   this.tableData =
+        // })
+      },
+      toAdd(e) {
+      this.$router.push("/schemeV2/schemeAdd")
+      },
+      toCopy(e) {
+        const routeUrl = this.$router.resolve({
+          path: '/schemeV2/schemeAdd',
+          query: {
+            copyId:
+          }
+        })
+, '_blank')
+      },
+      del(row) {
+        this.$confirm('此操作将永久删除该文件, 是否继续?', '提示', {
+          confirmButtonText: '确定',
+          cancelButtonText: '取消',
+          type: 'warning'
+        }).then(() => {
+          const $table = this.$refs.xTable
+          $table.remove(row)
+          post('/strategyInfoNew/delete', {
+            'ids': []
+          }).then(res => {})
+        }).catch(() => {
+          this.$message({
+            type: 'info',
+            message: '已取消删除'
+          });
+        });
+      },
+      handlePageChange({
+        currentPage,
+        pageSize
+      }) {
+        this.searchForm.pageNum = currentPage
+        this.searchForm.pageSize = pageSize
+        this.init()
+      },
+      handlePageChangeChannelog({
+        currentPage,
+        pageSize
+      }) {
+        this.schemelogParam.pageNum = currentPage
+        this.schemelogParam.pageSize = pageSize
+        get('/strategyInfoNew/getlog', this.schemelogParam).then(res => {
+          this.schemelog =
+          this.schemelogParam.totalResult =
+        })
+      },
+      searchEvent() {
+        get('/strategyInfoNew/getlog', this.schemelogParam).then(res => {
+          this.schemelog =
+          this.schemelogParam.totalResult =
+        })
+      }
+    }
+  }
+<style lang="scss">
+  .searchBox {
+    background-color: #fff;
+    border-radius: 4px;
+    box-shadow: #bfbfbf 0 0 2px;
+    height: unset !important;
+    padding: 10px 10px;
+    form {
+      margin: auto;
+      .el-form-item {
+        margin: 5px 5px;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  .tableBox {
+    margin-top: 10px;
+    background-color: #fff;
+    border-radius: 4px;
+    box-shadow: #bfbfbf 0 0 2px;
+    .block {
+      .el-pagination {
+        margin-top: 30px;
+        float: right;
+      }
+    }
+  }

+ 198 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
+  <div>
+    <el-container>
+      <!--搜索-->
+      <!--      <el-header class="searchBox">-->
+      <!--        <el-form :inline="true" :model="searchForm" class="demo-form-inline">-->
+      <!--          <el-form-item label="策略名称">-->
+      <!--            <el-input v-model="searchForm.strategyName" placeholder="策略名称" />-->
+      <!--          </el-form-item>-->
+      <!--          <el-form-item label="key">-->
+      <!--            <el-input v-model="searchForm.channelKey" placeholder="key" />-->
+      <!--          </el-form-item>-->
+      <!--          <el-form-item label="策略类型">-->
+      <!--            <el-select v-model="searchForm.strategyType" filterable placeholder="请选择">-->
+      <!--              <el-option label="基本" :value="0" />-->
+      <!--              <el-option label="活动" :value="1" />-->
+      <!--            </el-select>-->
+      <!--          </el-form-item>-->
+      <!--          <el-form-item label="生效状态">-->
+      <!--            <el-select v-model="searchForm.strategyStatus" filterable placeholder="请选择">-->
+      <!--              <el-option label="生效" :value="0" />-->
+      <!--              <el-option label="未生效" :value="1" />-->
+      <!--            </el-select>-->
+      <!--          </el-form-item>-->
+      <!--          <el-form-item style="float: right">-->
+      <!--            <el-button type="primary" @click="searchBtn">搜索</el-button>-->
+      <!--            <el-button @click="reset">刷新</el-button>-->
+      <!--          </el-form-item>-->
+      <!--        </el-form>-->
+      <!--      </el-header>-->
+      <!--表格-->
+      <el-main class="tableBox">
+        <vxe-toolbar>
+          <template #buttons>
+            <vxe-button icon="fa fa-plus" @click="value9 = true">新增</vxe-button>
+          </template>
+        </vxe-toolbar>
+        <vxe-table
+          ref="xTable"
+          border
+          resizable
+          show-overflow
+          :data="tableData"
+          :edit-config="{trigger: 'manual', mode: 'row'}"
+        >
+          <vxe-table-column
+            field="strategyName"
+            title="策略名称"
+            :edit-render="{name: 'input', attrs: {type: 'text'}}"
+          />
+          <vxe-table-column
+            field="strategyType"
+            title="策略类型"
+            :edit-render="{name: 'input', attrs: {type: 'text', placeholder: '请输入昵称'}}"
+          />
+          <vxe-table-column
+            field="strategyStatus"
+            title="状态"
+            :edit-render="{name: '$select', options: [0]}"
+          />
+          <vxe-table-column
+            field="channelKey"
+            title="key"
+            :edit-render="{name: 'input', attrs: {type: 'text', placeholder: '请输入昵称'}}"
+          />
+          <vxe-table-column
+            field="fullCode"
+            title="渠道编码"
+            :edit-render="{name: '$input', props: {type: 'float', digits: 2}}"
+          />
+          <vxe-table-column
+            field="createTime"
+            title="创建时间"
+            :edit-render="{name: '$input', props: {type: 'date', placeholder: '请选择日期'}}"
+          />
+          <vxe-table-column title="操作" width="160">
+            <template #default="{ row }">
+              <template v-if="$refs.xTable.isActiveByRow(row)">
+                <vxe-button @click="saveRowEvent(row)">保存</vxe-button>
+                <vxe-button @click="cancelRowEvent(row)">取消</vxe-button>
+              </template>
+              <template v-else>
+                <vxe-button @click="editRowEvent(row)">编辑</vxe-button>
+              </template>
+            </template>
+          </vxe-table-column>
+        </vxe-table>
+        <vxe-pager
+          :loading="loading"
+          :current-page="tablePage.currentPage"
+          :page-size="tablePage.pageSize"
+          :total="tablePage.totalResult"
+          :layouts="['PrevPage', 'JumpNumber', 'NextPage', 'FullJump', 'Sizes', 'Total']"
+          @page-change="handlePageChange1"
+        />
+      </el-main>
+    </el-container>
+    <vxe-modal v-model="value8" title="记忆功能的窗口" width="600" height="400" show-zoom resize remember>
+      <template #default>
+        <vxe-form :data="formData3" :rules="formRules3" title-align="right" title-width="60">
+          <vxe-form-item title="基本信息" span="24" title-align="left" title-width="200px" :title-prefix="{icon: 'fa fa-address-card-o'}" />
+          <vxe-form-item title="名称" field="name" span="12" :item-render="{name: 'input', attrs: {placeholder: '请输入名称'}}" />
+          <vxe-form-item title="昵称" field="nickname" span="12" :item-render="{name: 'input', attrs: {placeholder: '请输入昵称'}}" />
+          <vxe-form-item title="性别" field="sex" span="12" :item-render="{name: '$select', options: sexList}" />
+          <vxe-form-item title="年龄" field="age" span="12" :item-render="{name: 'input', attrs: {type: 'number', placeholder: '请输入年龄'}}" />
+          <vxe-form-item title="其他信息" span="24" title-align="left" title-width="200px" :title-prefix="{icon: 'fa fa-info-circle'}" />
+          <vxe-form-item title="地址" field="address" span="24" :item-render="{name: 'textarea', attrs: {placeholder: '请输入地址'}}" />
+          <vxe-form-item align="center" span="24">
+            <template #default>
+              <vxe-button type="submit" status="primary">提交</vxe-button>
+              <vxe-button type="reset">重置</vxe-button>
+            </template>
+          </vxe-form-item>
+        </vxe-form>
+      </template>
+    </vxe-modal>
+  </div>
+import { post, get } from '@/api/common'
+export default {
+  name: 'Index',
+  data() {
+    return {
+      //  搜索相关内容
+      searchForm: {
+        channelKey: '',
+        strategyName: '',
+        strategyType: '',
+        strategyStatus: '',
+        pageSize: 10,
+        pageNum: 1
+      },
+      value9: false,
+      // 分页相关
+      total: 0,
+      // 表格数据
+      loading: false,
+      tableData: [],
+      tablePage: {
+        currentPage: 1,
+        pageSize: 10,
+        totalResult: 0
+      }
+    }
+  },
+  methods: {
+    async insertEvent(row) {
+      const $table = this.$refs.xTable
+      const record = {
+        sex: '1',
+        date12: '2021-01-01'
+      }
+      const { row: newRow } = await $table.insertAt(record, row)
+      await $table.setActiveCell(newRow, 'sex')
+    },
+    handlePageChange1({ currentPage, pageSize }) {
+      this.tablePage.currentPage = currentPage
+      this.tablePage.pageSize = pageSize
+    }
+  }
+<style lang="scss">
+  .searchBox {
+    background-color: #fff;
+    border-radius: 4px;
+    box-shadow: #bfbfbf 0 0 2px;
+    height: unset !important;
+    padding: 10px 10px;
+    form {
+      margin: auto;
+      .el-form-item {
+        margin: 5px 5px;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  .tableBox {
+    margin-top: 10px;
+    background-color: #fff;
+    border-radius: 4px;
+    box-shadow: #bfbfbf 0 0 2px;
+    .block {
+      .el-pagination {
+        margin-top: 30px;
+        float: right;
+      }
+    }
+  }

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