Jelajahi Sumber

add 财务权责明细表

Ping 1 tahun lalu
2 mengubah file dengan 248 tambahan dan 0 penghapusan
  1. 184 0
  2. 64 0

+ 184 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
+import pandas as pd
+from sqlalchemy import create_engine, text
+from sqlalchemy.types import NVARCHAR, Date, DECIMAL, INTEGER
+from datetime import datetime, timedelta
+from tqdm import tqdm
+import json
+from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta
+import calendar
+from urllib.parse import quote_plus
+from utils import load_config, truncate_target_db, update_column_comment
+import json
+debug = False
+if debug:
+    debug_condition = ''
+    pass
+    debug_condition = ''
+    pass
+cols = {
+    'contract_id': [NVARCHAR(32), '租赁合同ID'],
+    'fee_subject_id': [NVARCHAR(32), '费用类型ID'],
+    'fee_direction': [INTEGER, '费用方向'],
+    'themonth': [NVARCHAR(32), '账单明细ID'],
+    'kind': [NVARCHAR(16), '类型'],
+    'money': [DECIMAL(14, 2), '金额'],
+def query_total(conn) -> int:
+    query = """
+        select 
+            count(1)
+        from yuxin_finance.fin_finance_bill_detail
+        where is_delete=0 and is_valid=1 and biz_type=2 {debug_condition}
+        """.format(debug_condition=debug_condition)
+    return conn.execute(text(query)).scalar()
+def extract(conn, batch_size, i) -> pd.DataFrame:
+    """ This API extracts data from
+    """
+    query = """
+        select biz_id, fee_subject_id, fee_direction, begin_time, end_time, original_money, occurred_money
+        from yuxin_finance.fin_finance_bill_detail
+        where is_delete=0 and is_valid=1 and biz_type=2 {debug_condition}
+        limit {batch_size} offset {offset}
+        """.format(batch_size=batch_size, offset=i, debug_condition=debug_condition)
+    source_data = pd.read_sql(query, con=conn)
+    return source_data
+def transform(conn, data) -> pd.DataFrame:
+    """ Transforms the dataset into desired structure and filters
+    """
+    df_data = []
+    for index, row in data.iterrows():
+        begin_date = row['begin_time']
+        end_date = row['end_time']
+        # Calculate the number of days between the two dates
+        num_days = (end_date - begin_date).days + 1
+        num_months = (end_date.year - begin_date.year) * 12 + (end_date.month - begin_date.month) + 1
+        # Calculate the amount per day
+        if num_days == 0:
+            num_days = 1
+        elif num_days < 0:
+            num_days = abs(num_days)
+        original_money_per_day = row['original_money'] / num_days
+        occurred_money_per_day = row['occurred_money'] / num_days
+        original_money_remainder = row['original_money']
+        occurred_money_remainder = row['occurred_money']
+        current_month = begin_date
+        while current_month <= end_date:
+            first_day = 1
+            last_day = calendar.monthrange(current_month.year, current_month.month)[1]
+            if current_month.month == begin_date.month and current_month.year == begin_date.year:
+                first_day =
+            if current_month.month == end_date.month and current_month.year == end_date.year:
+                last_day =
+            num_days_month = last_day - first_day + 1
+            if current_month.month == end_date.month and current_month.year == end_date.year:
+                # keep remainder in the last day
+                original_money = original_money_remainder
+                occurred_money = occurred_money_remainder
+            else:
+                original_money = original_money_per_day * num_days_month
+                original_money_remainder -= original_money
+                occurred_money = occurred_money_per_day * num_days_month
+                occurred_money_remainder -= occurred_money
+            original_money = round(original_money, 2)
+            occurred_money = round(occurred_money, 2)
+            def append_row(_kind, _money):
+                new_row = {
+                    'contract_id': row['biz_id'],
+                    'fee_subject_id': row['fee_subject_id'],
+                    'fee_direction': row['fee_direction'],
+                    'themonth':,
+                    'kind': _kind,
+                    'money': _money,
+                }
+                df_data.append(new_row)
+            if row['fee_direction'] == 1:
+                append_row('应收', original_money)
+                append_row('实收', occurred_money)
+                append_row('待收', original_money-occurred_money)
+            else:
+                append_row('应付', original_money)
+                append_row('实付', occurred_money)
+                append_row('待付', original_money-occurred_money)
+            # Increment the current date by one month
+            current_month += relativedelta(months=1)
+        pass
+    columns = [k for k, v in cols.items()]
+    df = pd.DataFrame(df_data, columns=columns)
+    return df
+def load(conn, df: pd.DataFrame, target_db) -> None:
+    """ Loads data into a MySQL database
+    """
+    # Define the column types for the table
+    dtypes = {key: value[0] for key, value in cols.items()}
+    # create target table with df.dtypes
+    df.to_sql(target_db, con=conn, if_exists='append',
+              index=False, dtype=dtypes)
+def etl():
+    config = load_config()
+    target_db = 'bi_bill_detail_month_'
+    connection_string = 'mysql+pymysql://{username}:{pwd}@{host}:{port}/{db}?charset=utf8'\
+        .format(username=config['mysql']['username'],
+                pwd=quote_plus(config['mysql']['password']),
+                host=config['mysql']['host'],
+                port=config['mysql']['port'],
+                db=config['mysql']['db'])
+    engine = create_engine(connection_string)
+    with engine.begin() as conn:
+        # Get the total number of rows
+        total = query_total(conn)
+        # Define the batch size
+        batch_size = 100
+        truncate_target_db(conn, target_db)
+        if debug:
+            total = 200
+            batch_size = 100
+        print('total', total)
+        # Write the data to the table in batches
+        for i in tqdm(range(0, total, batch_size)):
+            data = extract(conn, batch_size, i)
+            data = transform(conn, data)
+            if debug:
+                print(data.head())
+            load(conn, data, target_db)
+        update_column_comment(conn, target_db, cols)

+ 64 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+select mm.*, dm.themonth,
+from (
+    select m.*, n.kind
+    from (
+        select
+            crc.tenant_id,
+            hhb.dept_id '房源所属门店ID', '房源所属门店名称', hhr.address '房源地址', hhr.house_area '房源面积',
+   '合同所属门店部门ID', '合同所属门店部门',
+   '合同ID', crc.contract_no '合同编号', crc.maintainer_id '合同维护人ID', '合同维护人',
+   '租客姓名', crc.begin_time '合同开始日期', crc.end_time '合同结束日期', DATEDIFF(crc.end_time, crc.begin_time)+1 '签约天数',
+            crc.`type` '合同类型', crc.sign_type '成交方式',
+                TRIM(TRAILING ',' FROM CONCAT(
+                    IF(crc.contract_status = 1 AND crc.contract_sub_status = 1, '待处理,', ''),
+                    IF(crc.contract_status = 1 AND crc.contract_sub_status = 2 AND crc.sign_status = 1, '待租客签字,', ''),
+                    IF(crc.contract_status = 1 AND crc.contract_sub_status = 2 AND crc.sign_status = 0, '带租客实名,', ''),
+                    IF(crc.contract_status = 2 AND crc.transition_type != 1 AND LENGTH(trim(crc.`down_payment_info`)) > 1 AND JSON_EXTRACT(crc.`down_payment_info`, '$.status') = 0, '待付款,', ''),
+                    IF(crc.contract_status = 2 AND crc.transition_type != 1 AND crc.is_sync_tenant = 1, '待租客确认,', ''),
+                    IF(crc.contract_status = 2 AND crc.transition_type != 1 AND DATE(NOW()) < crc.begin_time, '即将搬入,', ''),
+                    IF(crc.contract_status = 2 AND crc.transition_type != 1 AND LENGTH(trim(crc.`down_payment_info`)) > 1 AND (JSON_EXTRACT(crc.`down_payment_info`, '$.status') = 1 AND DATE(NOW()) >= crc.begin_time AND DATE(NOW()) < DATE_ADD(DATE(crc.end_time), INTERVAL 30 DAY) ), '租约中,', ''),
+                    IF(crc.contract_status = 2 AND crc.transition_type != 1 AND crc.`begin_time` <= DATE(NOW()) AND DATE(NOW()) >= DATE_ADD(DATE(crc.end_time), INTERVAL 30 DAY) AND DATE(NOW())< DATE(crc.end_time), '即将到期,', ''),
+                    IF(crc.contract_status = 2 AND crc.transition_type != 1 AND DATE(NOW()) >= DATE(crc.end_time), '已到期,', ''),
+                    IF(crc.contract_status = 2 AND crc.transition_type = 1, '已续约,', ''),
+                    IF(crc.contract_status = 3 AND crc.terminate_type = 1, '正常退,', ''),
+                    IF(crc.contract_status = 3 AND crc.terminate_type = 2, '违约退,', ''),
+                    IF(crc.contract_status = 4 AND crc.invalid_type = 1, '已作废,', ''),
+                    IF(crc.contract_status = 4 AND crc.invalid_type = 2, '已拒绝,', '')
+                )) '合同状态',
+            crc.approval_status '审批状态',
+            0 'splitter',
+            _total.subject_name '费用类型',
+            _total.fee_subject_id
+        from yuxin_contract.cont_renter_contract crc
+        left join yuxin_house.hse_house_room hhr on hhr.is_delete=0 and
+        left join yuxin_house.hse_house_base hhb on hhb.is_delete=0 and
+        left join yuxin_setting.setting_department house_sd on and house_sd.is_delete=0
+        left join yuxin_house.hse_community hc on and hc.is_delete=0
+        left join yuxin_setting.setting_employee_dept crc_ed on crc_ed.emp_id=crc.maintainer_id and crc_ed.is_delete=0
+        left join yuxin_setting.setting_department crc_sd on and crc_sd.is_delete=0
+        left join yuxin_contract.cont_renter_info cri on cri.is_delete=0 and cri.customer_type=1 and
+        left join yuxin_setting.setting_employee_info sign_emp on and sign_emp.is_delete=0
+        left join yuxin_setting.setting_employee_info mt_emp on and mt_emp.is_delete=0
+        left join (
+            select bd.biz_id, bd.fee_subject_id, 'subject_name'
+            from yuxin_finance.fin_finance_bill_detail bd
+            left join yuxin_setting.setting_dictionary sd on
+            where bd.is_valid=1 and bd.is_delete=0 and bd.biz_type=2
+            group by bd.biz_id, bd.fee_subject_id,
+        ) _total on _total.biz_id=
+        where _total.fee_subject_id is not null
+    ) m
+    cross join (
+        select '应付' as 'kind' union all
+        select '应收' as 'kind' union all
+        select '实收' as 'kind' union all
+        select '实付' as 'kind' union all
+        select '待收' as 'kind' union all
+        select '待付' as 'kind') n) mm
+left join yuxin_bi.bi_bill_detail_month dm
+    on dm.fee_subject_id=mm.fee_subject_id and
+       dm.kind=mm.kind and
+       dm.contract_id=mm.合同ID;