123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748 |
- select crc.tenant_id, crc.id '合同ID', hhb.dept_id '房源所属门店ID', house_sd.name '房源所属门店', maintainer_sd.id '所属门店ID', maintainer_sd.name '所属门店', hhr.address '房源地址', mt_emp.name '合同维护人',
- cri.name '租客姓名', crc.begin_time '合同开始日期', crc.end_time '合同结束日期',
- crc.quite_date '退租日期', crc.terminate_type '退租类型',
- case when JSON_EXTRACT(crc.`cancel_info`, '$.paymentAccountType')=1 then '银联'
- when JSON_EXTRACT(crc.`cancel_info`, '$.paymentAccountType')=2 then '支付宝'
- when JSON_EXTRACT(crc.`cancel_info`, '$.paymentAccountType')=3 then '微信' end '退款途径',
- REPLACE(REPLACE(JSON_EXTRACT(crc.`cancel_info`, '$.paymentAccount'), '"', ''), 'null', '') '退款账号',
- REPLACE(REPLACE(JSON_EXTRACT(crc.`cancel_info`, '$.bankName'), '"', ''), 'null', '') '银行行号',
- REPLACE(REPLACE(JSON_EXTRACT(crc.`cancel_info`, '$.bankNumber'), '"', ''), 'null', '') '开户银行',
- REPLACE(REPLACE(JSON_EXTRACT(crc.`cancel_info`, '$.reason'), '"', ''), 'null', '') '退租备注',
- REPLACE(REPLACE(JSON_EXTRACT(crc.`cancel_info`, '$.rejectName'), '"', ''), 'null', '') '退租操作人',
- REPLACE(REPLACE(JSON_EXTRACT(crc.`cancel_info`, '$.rejectTime'), '"', ''), 'null', '') '退租时间',
- _total.direction '费用方向',
- _total.kind '费用科目',
- _total.original_money '金额',
- IF(_total.direction='应收', 1, -1) * _total.original_money '应退款金额',
- _detail.info '财务退款备注',
- IF(_flow_status.avg_status is null, '', IF(_flow_status.avg_status=1, '待审核', IF(_flow_status.avg_status=3, '审核通过', '部分审核通过'))) '审核状态',
- IF(_flow_status.avg_status is null, '', IF(_flow_status.avg_status=3, '已退款', IF(_flow_status.avg_status>1, '已部分退款', '未退款'))) '退款信息'
- from yuxin_contract.cont_renter_contract crc
- left join yuxin_house.hse_house_base hhb on hhb.is_delete=0 and hhb.id=crc.house_id
- left join yuxin_setting.setting_department house_sd on house_sd.id=hhb.dept_id and house_sd.is_delete=0
- left join yuxin_house.hse_house_room hhr on hhr.is_delete=0 and hhr.id=crc.house_id
- left join yuxin_setting.setting_employee_dept maintainer_ed on maintainer_ed.emp_id=crc.maintainer_id and maintainer_ed.is_delete=0
- left join yuxin_setting.setting_department maintainer_sd on maintainer_sd.id=maintainer_ed.dept_id and maintainer_sd.is_delete=0
- left join yuxin_setting.setting_employee_info mt_emp on mt_emp.id=crc.maintainer_id and mt_emp.is_delete=0
- left join yuxin_contract.cont_renter_info cri on cri.is_delete=0 and cri.customer_type=1 and cri.contract_id=crc.id
- left join (
- select bd.biz_id, sd.name 'kind', IF(bd.fee_direction=1,'应收','应付') 'direction', SUM(bd.original_money) 'original_money'
- from yuxin_finance.fin_finance_bill_detail bd
- left join yuxin_setting.setting_dictionary sd on sd.id=bd.fee_subject_id
- where bd.is_valid=1 and bd.is_delete=0 and bd.biz_type=2
- group by bd.biz_id,sd.name,bd.fee_direction
- ) _total on _total.biz_id= crc.id
- left join (
- select bd.biz_id, GROUP_CONCAT(CONCAT(sd.name, bd.original_money)) 'info'
- from yuxin_finance.fin_finance_bill_detail bd
- left join yuxin_setting.setting_dictionary sd on sd.id=bd.fee_subject_id
- where bd.is_valid=1 and bd.is_delete=0 and bd.biz_type=2 and bd.fee_direction=2
- group by bd.biz_id
- ) _detail on _detail.biz_id=crc.id
- left join (
- select bf.biz_id, avg(bf.audit_status) 'avg_status'
- from yuxin_finance.fin_finance_bill_flow bf
- where bf.is_delete=0 and bf.biz_type=2 and bf.bill_type=2
- group by bf.biz_id
- ) _flow_status on _flow_status.biz_id=crc.id
- where crc.contract_status=3 and crc.is_delete=0