123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150 |
- package com.chinacreator.process.dao;
- import org.springframework.stereotype.*;
- import org.apache.log4j.*;
- import java.util.*;
- import com.frameworkset.common.poolman.*;
- import com.chinacreator.process.bean.*;
- import java.sql.*;
- @Component
- public class TencentBillDao
- {
- private static Logger logger;
- static {
- TencentBillDao.logger = Logger.getLogger((Class)TencentBillDao.class);
- }
- public List<TencentBillOrder> pageQuery(final String cpid, final String spid, final String starttime, final String endtime, final int pageno, final int pagesize) {
- final StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("");
- sb.append(" SELECT");
- sb.append(" orderid,");
- sb.append(" userid,");
- sb.append(" DECODE(busitype,'0','0','1','1','2','2','3','1','4','3') busitype,");
- sb.append(" TO_CHAR(DECODE(BUSITYPE, '4',ORDERTIME,INSERTTIME),'yyyyMMddHH24miss') optime,");
- sb.append(" resultcode,");
- sb.append(" DECODE(busitype,'0','\u8ba2\u8d2d','1','\u9000\u8ba2','2','\u6536\u5230\u9884\u8ba2\u8d2d\u6d88\u606f','3','\u9000\u8ba2','4','\u9884\u8ba2\u8d2d')||DECODE(resultcode,'0','\u6210\u529f','\u5931\u8d25') resultinfo");
- sb.append(" FROM TD_PRE_ORDERID_REC ");
- sb.append(" WHERE cpid = '" + cpid + "' AND spid = '" + spid + "' AND busitype IN('0','1','2','3','4') ");
- if (starttime != null && !"".equals(starttime.trim())) {
- sb.append(" AND inserttime>=to_date('" + starttime + "','yyyyMMdd')");
- }
- sb.append(" AND inserttime <to_date('" + endtime + "','yyyyMMdd')");
- sb.append(" ORDER BY inserttime");
- final PreparedDBUtil pdb = new PreparedDBUtil();
- try {
- TencentBillDao.logger.info((Object)sb.toString());
- return (List<TencentBillOrder>)pdb.executeSelectForList("net3g", sb.toString(), (long)((pageno - 1) * pagesize), pagesize, (Class)TencentBillOrder.class);
- }
- catch (Exception e) {
- TencentBillDao.logger.error((Object)"\u67e5\u8be2\u6570\u636e\u5931\u8d25", (Throwable)e);
- return null;
- }
- }
- public int counts(final String cpid, final String spid, final String starttime, final String endtime) {
- final StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("");
- sb.append(" SELECT count(1) counts FROM TD_PRE_ORDERID_REC ");
- sb.append(" WHERE cpid = '" + cpid + "' AND spid = '" + spid + "' AND busitype IN('0','1','2','3','4') ");
- if (starttime != null && !"".equals(starttime.trim())) {
- sb.append(" AND inserttime>=to_date('" + starttime + "','yyyyMMdd')");
- }
- sb.append(" AND inserttime <to_date('" + endtime + "','yyyyMMdd')");
- final PreparedDBUtil pdb = new PreparedDBUtil();
- try {
- TencentBillDao.logger.info((Object)sb.toString());
- final TencentBillOrder bean = (TencentBillOrder)pdb.executeSelectForObject("net3g", sb.toString(), (Class)TencentBillOrder.class);
- return bean.getCounts();
- }
- catch (Exception e) {
- TencentBillDao.logger.error((Object)"\u67e5\u8be2\u6570\u636e\u5931\u8d25", (Throwable)e);
- return 0;
- }
- }
- public void saveBillLog(final TencentBillLog bean) {
- try {
- final String sql = "insert into TD_TENCENT_PRE_ORDER_BILL(id,billdate,billtype,cpid,spid,datacounts,filecounts,files,status,resultcode,errorinfo,inserttime,filepath,history,retry)values(#[id],#[billdate],#[billtype],#[cpid],#[spid],#[datacounts],#[filecounts],#[files],#[status],#[resultcode],#[errorinfo],sysdate,#[filepath],'1','1')";
- SQLExecutor.insertBean("net3g", sql, (Object)bean);
- }
- catch (Exception e) {
- TencentBillDao.logger.error((Object)"\u67e5\u8be2\u6570\u636e\u5931\u8d25", (Throwable)e);
- }
- }
- public TencentBillLog existBillLog(final String billdate, final String billtype, final String cpid, final String spid) {
- try {
- final String sql = "select * from TD_TENCENT_PRE_ORDER_BILL where cpid ='" + cpid + "' and spid = '" + spid + "' and billdate ='" + billdate + "' and billtype = '" + billtype + "' and history='1'";
- return (TencentBillLog)SQLExecutor.queryObjectWithDBName((Class)TencentBillLog.class, "net3g", sql, new Object[0]);
- }
- catch (Exception e) {
- TencentBillDao.logger.error((Object)"\u67e5\u8be2\u6570\u636e\u5931\u8d25", (Throwable)e);
- return null;
- }
- }
- public List<TencentBillChannel> existChannels() {
- try {
- final String sql = "select * from TB_TENCENT_PRE_ORDER_BILL where status='0' ";
- return (List<TencentBillChannel>)SQLExecutor.queryListBeanWithDBName((Class)TencentBillChannel.class, "net3g", sql, (Object)null);
- }
- catch (Exception e) {
- TencentBillDao.logger.error((Object)"\u67e5\u8be2\u6570\u636e\u5931\u8d25", (Throwable)e);
- return null;
- }
- }
- public TencentBillChannel existChannel(final String cpid, final String spid) {
- try {
- final String sql = "select * from TB_TENCENT_PRE_ORDER_BILL where status='0' and cpid ='" + cpid + "' and spid = '" + spid + "'";
- return (TencentBillChannel)SQLExecutor.queryObjectWithDBName((Class)TencentBillChannel.class, "net3g", sql, new Object[0]);
- }
- catch (Exception e) {
- TencentBillDao.logger.error((Object)"\u67e5\u8be2\u6570\u636e\u5931\u8d25", (Throwable)e);
- return null;
- }
- }
- public List<TencentBillLog> existBillLogAgain3() {
- try {
- final String sql = "select * from TD_TENCENT_PRE_ORDER_BILL where retry='3' and history='1'";
- return (List<TencentBillLog>)SQLExecutor.queryListBeanWithDBName((Class)TencentBillLog.class, "net3g", sql, (Object)null);
- }
- catch (Exception e) {
- TencentBillDao.logger.error((Object)"\u67e5\u8be2\u6570\u636e\u5931\u8d25", (Throwable)e);
- return null;
- }
- }
- public List<TencentBillLog> existBillLogAgain4() {
- try {
- final String sql = "select * from TD_TENCENT_PRE_ORDER_BILL where retry='4' and history='1' ";
- return (List<TencentBillLog>)SQLExecutor.queryListBeanWithDBName((Class)TencentBillLog.class, "net3g", sql, (Object)null);
- }
- catch (Exception e) {
- TencentBillDao.logger.error((Object)"\u67e5\u8be2\u6570\u636e\u5931\u8d25", (Throwable)e);
- return null;
- }
- }
- public void updatetBillLog(final String id) {
- final String sql = "update TD_TENCENT_PRE_ORDER_BILL set history='0',retry='0' where id='" + id + "' ";
- try {
- SQLExecutor.updateWithDBName("net3g", sql, new Object[0]);
- }
- catch (SQLException e) {
- TencentBillDao.logger.error((Object)"\u66f4\u6539\u6570\u636e\u5931\u8d25", (Throwable)e);
- }
- }
- public void updatetBillLogFtp(final String id, final String status, final String code, final String info) {
- final String sql = "update TD_TENCENT_PRE_ORDER_BILL set history='1',retry='0',status='" + status + "',code='" + code + "',info='" + info + "',ftptime=sysdate where id='" + id + "' ";
- try {
- SQLExecutor.updateWithDBName("net3g", sql, new Object[0]);
- }
- catch (SQLException e) {
- TencentBillDao.logger.error((Object)"\u66f4\u6539\u6570\u636e\u5931\u8d25", (Throwable)e);
- }
- }
- }