package com.chinacreator.videoalliance.order.dao; import com.chinacreator.common.dao.ExecutorDao; import com.chinacreator.videoalliance.common.util.DataSource; import com.chinacreator.videoalliance.order.bean.*; import com.frameworkset.common.poolman.PreparedDBUtil; import com.frameworkset.common.poolman.SQLExecutor; import org.apache.commons.lang.math.NumberUtils; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; @Component public class OrderDao extends ExecutorDao { public void order(OrderInfo orderInfo) throws SQLException { getExecutor().insertBean("net3g", "order", orderInfo); } public void countOrder(OrderInfo orderInfo) throws SQLException { getExecutor().insertBean("net3g", "countOrder", orderInfo); } public void orderTiyan(OrderInfo orderInfo) throws SQLException { getExecutor().insertBean("net3g", "ordertiyan", orderInfo); } public void cancelOrder(OrderInfo orderInfo) throws SQLException { getExecutor().updateBean("net3g", "cancelOrder", orderInfo); } public OrderInfo findByUser(String userid, String cpid, String spid) throws SQLException { return (OrderInfo)getExecutor().queryObjectWithDBName(OrderInfo.class, "net3g", "findByUserAndSpid", new Object[] { userid, cpid, spid }); } public List findByUser(String userid, String cpid) throws SQLException { return getExecutor().queryListWithDBName(OrderInfo.class, "net3g", "findByUserAndCpid", new Object[] { userid, cpid }); } public List findByUser(String userid) throws SQLException { return getExecutor().queryListWithDBName(OrderInfo.class, "net3g", "findByUser", new Object[] { userid }); } public boolean hasOrder(String userid, String cpid, String spid) throws SQLException { String sql = "select count(id) from TD_ORDER_RELATIONS where userid=? and cpid=? and spid=? and status=0 and (endtime is null or endtime > sysdate)"; return NumberUtils.toInt(SQLExecutor.queryFieldWithDBName("net3g", sql, new Object[] { userid, cpid, spid }), 0) > 0; } public boolean hasCancelOrder(String userid, String cpid, String spid) throws SQLException { String sql = "select count(id) from TD_ORDER_RELATIONS where userid=? and cpid=? and spid=? and status=1 and (endtime is null or endtime > sysdate)"; return NumberUtils.toInt(SQLExecutor.queryFieldWithDBName("net3g", sql, new Object[] { userid, cpid, spid }), 0) > 0; } public boolean hasValid(String userid, String cpid, String spid) throws SQLException { String sql = "select count(id) from TD_ORDER_RELATIONS where userid=? and cpid=? and spid=? and (endtime is null or endtime > sysdate)"; return NumberUtils.toInt(SQLExecutor.queryFieldWithDBName("net3g", sql, new Object[] { userid, cpid, spid }), 0) > 0; } public boolean hasTiyanValid(String userid, String cpid, String spid) throws SQLException { String sql = "select count(id) from TD_ORDER_RELATIONS where userid=? and cpid=? and spid=? and (endtime is null or endtime > sysdate) and orderstatus in (7,9) and spid not in (select spid from tb_sp_info where errorhandle = '0')"; return NumberUtils.toInt(SQLExecutor.queryFieldWithDBName("net3g", sql, new Object[] { userid, cpid, spid }), 0) > 0; } public String getValue(String key) throws SQLException { return getExecutor().queryFieldWithDBName("net3g", "findpassword", new Object[] { key }); } public Boolean isOpen(String spid,String cpid,String province) throws Exception { String sql = "select count(1) from tb_changshi_province_control where spid= ? and cpid = ? and province = ? and status='2'"; return Integer.parseInt(SQLExecutor.queryFieldWithDBName(DataSource.NET3G, sql,spid,cpid,province))>=1 ? true:false; } public void insertToken(String token) throws SQLException { String sql="insert into td_token_date(token) VALUES(?)"; SQLExecutor.insertWithDBName("net3g",sql,token); } public Boolean isToken(String spid,String cpid,String channel) throws Exception { String sql = " select count(1) from tb_istoken_conf where cpid in (?,'*') and spid in (?,'*') and channel in (?,'*') and status='0'"; return Integer.parseInt(SQLExecutor.queryFieldWithDBName(DataSource.NET3G, sql, cpid, spid,channel)) > 0; } public Map channelProvince(OrderInfo orderInfo) throws Exception { String sql = "SELECT * FROM TB_PROVINCE_CHANNEL_CONF WHERE STATUS='0' AND PROVINCE = REPLACE(REPLACE(?, '省', ''), '市', '') and channel=? and spid=?"; return SQLExecutor.queryObjectWithDBName(HashMap.class,DataSource.NET3G, sql,new Object[] {orderInfo.getProvince(),orderInfo.getChannel(),orderInfo.getSpid()}); } public boolean isMangtvCancel(String userid, String spid, String startTime, String endTime) throws SQLException { String sql = " select count(1) from TD_ORDER_RELATIONS where userid=? and spid=? and ordertime>=to_date(?,'yyyyMMddHH24miss') and ORDERTIME<=to_date(?,'yyyyMMddHH24miss') and sysdate 0; } public boolean isMangtvOrder(String userid, String spid) throws SQLException { String sql = " select count(1) from TD_ORDER_RELATIONS where userid=? and spid=? "; return Integer.parseInt(SQLExecutor.queryFieldWithDBName(DataSource.NET3G, sql, userid, spid)) > 0; } public boolean queryCancelConf(String spid) throws SQLException { String sql="select count(1) from TB_PRODUCT_CANCEL_CONF where spid= ? and status='0' "; return Integer.parseInt(SQLExecutor.queryFieldWithDBName(DataSource.NET3G, sql, spid))>0; } public Integer getCancelMonth(String spid) throws SQLException { String sql="select month from TB_PRODUCT_CANCEL_CONF where spid=? and status='0'"; return Integer.parseInt(SQLExecutor.queryFieldWithDBName(DataSource.NET3G, sql, spid)); } public boolean isCancel(String userid, String spid, Integer num) throws SQLException { String sql = " select count(1) from TD_ORDER_RELATIONS where userid= ? and spid= ? and sysdate>to_date(TO_CHAR(ADD_MONTHS(ordertime,?),'yyyyMM'),'yyyyMM')"; return Integer.parseInt(SQLExecutor.queryFieldWithDBName(DataSource.NET3G, sql, userid, spid,num)) > 0; } public boolean isSendsms(String spid) throws SQLException { String sql="select count(1) from tb_sp_info t where t.spid= ? and t.DIRECTYPE='1' and t.spid not in ('1027','1028','1022','1023') and not EXISTS (select * from TB_PRODUCT_CANCEL_CONF b where b.spid=? and b.status='0' )"; return Integer.parseInt(SQLExecutor.queryFieldWithDBName(DataSource.NET3G, sql, spid,spid)) > 0; } public void addCoupon(OrderInfo orderInfo) throws SQLException { getExecutor().insertBean("net3g", "addcoupon", orderInfo); } public String getOrderid(String userid,String spid) throws SQLException { return getExecutor().queryFieldWithDBName("net3g", "getorderid", new Object[] { userid,spid }); } public Map getActiveTime(String spid, String channel) throws Exception { String sql = "SELECT to_char(starttime,'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') starttime,to_char(endtime,'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') endtime from tb_acproduct_config where spid = ? and channel = ?"; return SQLExecutor.queryObjectWithDBName(HashMap.class, DataSource.NET3G, sql,new Object[] { spid, channel}); } public Boolean hasCoupon(String spid,String userid) throws Exception { String sql = " select count(1) from td_coupon_rec where userid =? and spid = ? and couponmonth = to_char(sysdate,'yyyymm')"; return Integer.parseInt(SQLExecutor.queryFieldWithDBName(DataSource.NET3G, sql, userid, spid)) > 0; } public boolean hasSendCouponSms(String userid, String spid) throws SQLException { String sql = "select count(1) from tl_order_log a" + " where spid = ? and userid =? and status = '0' and errorcode = '0' "+ " and inserttime >= (select starttime from tb_acproduct_config where spid = ? " + " and coupontype = '0' and isunique = '2' and status = '0') " + " and inserttime <= (select endtime from tb_acproduct_config where spid = ? " + "and coupontype = '0' and isunique = '2' and status = '0')"; int count = Integer.parseInt(SQLExecutor.queryFieldWithDBName(DataSource.NET3G, sql, spid,userid,spid,spid)); if(count==1) return true; return false; } public List querySendSmsProduct() throws SQLException { String sql = "select spid from tb_sendsms_product where status = '0'"; return SQLExecutor.queryListWithDBName(String.class, DataSource.NET3G, sql); } //获得券码活动配置 public HashMap getCouponConfig(String spid ){ PreparedDBUtil pdb = new PreparedDBUtil(); String sql = "SELECT ID, CPID,SPID,TO_CHAR(STARTTIME,'YYYYMMDDHH24MISS') STARTTIME, " + "TO_CHAR(ENDTIME,'YYYYMMDDHH24MISS') ENDTIME,ACTIVITYCODE,COUPONTYPE,REMARK,CHANNEL,EXTEND1 " + " from TB_ACPRODUCT_CONFIG where sysdate between STARTTIME and ENDTIME and status = '0' and activitycode = 'telecomActivity' and spid = ? "; try { pdb.preparedSelect(DataSource.NET3G, sql); pdb.setString(1,spid); //return pdb.executePreparedForList(HashMap.class)==null?null:pdb.executePreparedForList(HashMap.class).get(0); List list = pdb.executePreparedForList(HashMap.class); if (list != null && list.size() > 0) { HashMap map = list.get(0); return map; } } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } public String getHmdInfo(String callerhead){ PreparedDBUtil pdb = new PreparedDBUtil(); String sql="select PROVINCE from TB_CALLER_AREACODE where status = '0' and callerhead = ?"; try { pdb.preparedSelect(DataSource.NET3G, sql); pdb.setString(1, callerhead); return (String) pdb.executePreparedForObject(String.class); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } /** * 获取字典表里可以退订的合约包spid * @param name * @return * @throws SQLException */ public String getDictionryValue(String name) throws SQLException { return getExecutor().queryFieldWithDBName("net3g", "getDictionryValue", new Object[]{name}); } /** * 获取合约包绑定的违约包spid * @param spid * @return * @throws SQLException */ public String getWYJSpid(String spid) throws SQLException { return getExecutor().queryFieldWithDBName("net3g", "getWYJSpid", new Object[]{spid}); } public void addWYJLog(WyjLogBean bean) throws SQLException { getExecutor().insertBean("net3g", "addWYJLog", bean); } public String getSpname(String spid) throws SQLException { return this.getExecutor().queryFieldWithDBName("net3g", "getSpname", new Object[]{spid}); } public void inserArrearageData(ReflowBean reflowBean) throws SQLException { getExecutor().insertBean("net3g", "inserArrearageData", reflowBean); } }