package com.chinacreator.videoalliance.order.dao; import com.chinacreator.common.dao.ExecutorDao; import com.chinacreator.common.exception.BusinessException; import com.chinacreator.videoalliance.common.util.DataSource; import com.chinacreator.videoalliance.order.bean.BackBusiOrderRec; import com.chinacreator.videoalliance.order.bean.OrderInfo; import com.chinacreator.videoalliance.order.bean.OrderLog; import com.frameworkset.common.poolman.SQLExecutor; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; import; import; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; /** * 优酷后向产品 * @author xu.zhou * @date 20190516 */ @Component public class BackBusiOrderDao extends ExecutorDao { private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger("orderError"); public List findByUser(String userid) throws SQLException { return getExecutor().queryListWithDBName(OrderInfo.class, "net3g", "findByUser", new Object[] { userid }); } public void order(OrderInfo orderInfo) throws Exception { getExecutor().insertBean("net3g", "order", orderInfo); } public HashMap getCpSp(String cpid, String spid) throws SQLException{ return (HashMap)getExecutor().queryObjectWithDBName(HashMap.class, "net3g", "getCpSp", new Object[] { cpid, spid }); } public HashMap findByUserAndSpid(String userid, String cpid, String spid) throws SQLException { return (HashMap)getExecutor().queryObjectWithDBName(HashMap.class, "net3g", "findByUserAndSpid", new Object[] { userid, cpid, spid }); } public List findByUserAndCpid(String userid, String cpid) throws SQLException { return getExecutor().queryListWithDBName(OrderInfo.class, "net3g", "findByUserAndCpid", new Object[] { userid, cpid }); } public List findOrderRecByUserid(String userid) throws SQLException { return getExecutor().queryListWithDBName(BackBusiOrderRec.class, "net3g", "findOrderRecByUserid", new Object[] { userid }); } /** * 根据订单ID查询订单信息 * @param orderid * @return * @throws SQLException */ public List findOrderRecByOrderid(String orderid) throws SQLException { return getExecutor().queryListWithDBName(BackBusiOrderRec.class, "net3g", "findOrderRecByOrderid", new Object[] { orderid }); } /** * 保存订购日志 * @param orderLog * @throws SQLException * @throws BusinessException */ public void addOrderLog(OrderLog orderLog) throws SQLException { this.getExecutor().insertBean(DataSource.NET3G, "addOrderLog", orderLog); } /** * 添加订购记录 * @param orderInfo * @throws BusinessException */ public void addOrderRec(BackBusiOrderRec bean) throws Exception { try{ this.getExecutor().insertBean(DataSource.NET3G, "addOrderRec", bean); }catch(Exception e){ ByteArrayOutputStream buf=new ByteArrayOutputStream(); e.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(buf,true)); String expMessage=buf.toString(); if(expMessage.indexOf("ORA-00001")!=-1){ // //System.out.println("=============+++++++++++++++====违反唯一约束"); throw new BusinessException("9001", "重复订单,不处理"); }else{ throw e; } } } /** * 更新订购信息表 * @param BackBusiOrderRec * @return * @throws SQLException */ public void updOrderRecByVipRetry(BackBusiOrderRec orderBean) { try { String sql = " UPDATE TD_BACKBUSI_ORDER_REC SET VIPSTATUS = ?, RETRYTIME = SYSDATE, RETRYCHANNEL = ?, RETRYCOUNT = ?, RESULTCODE = ?, RESULTINFO = ? WHERE ID = ? "; Object obj = SQLExecutor.updateWithDBName(DataSource.NET3G, sql, orderBean.getVipstatus(), orderBean.getRetrychannel(), orderBean.getRetrycount(),orderBean.getResultcode(),orderBean.getResultinfo(),orderBean.getId()); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); logger.error("orderId: "+orderBean.getId()+", 更新订购信息表出现异常,"+e.getMessage()); } } /** * 获取当前时间 * @return * @throws SQLException */ public String getCurrentTime() throws SQLException { String sql = "select to_char(sysdate, 'yyyymmddhh24miss') from dual"; return SQLExecutor.queryFieldWithDBName(DataSource.NET3G, sql); } /** * 获取从当前天起31天的有效期 * @return * @throws SQLException */ public String curr31Day() throws SQLException{ return getExecutor().queryFieldWithDBName(DataSource.NET3G, "curr31Day", new Object[] {}); } /** * 获取从指定时间加31天有效期 * @param endtime * @return * @throws SQLException */ public String endtime31Day(String endtime) throws SQLException{ return getExecutor().queryFieldWithDBName(DataSource.NET3G, "endtime31Day", new Object[] {endtime}); } /** * 获取从当前天起加多少天的有效期 * @param days 加多少天 * @return * @throws SQLException */ public String currParamDay(String days) throws SQLException{ return getExecutor().queryFieldWithDBName(DataSource.NET3G, "currParamDay", new Object[] {days}); } /** * 获取从指定时间加多少天有效期 * @param days 加多少天 * @param endtime 起始日期 * @return * @throws SQLException */ public String endtimeParamDay(String days,String endtime) throws SQLException{ return getExecutor().queryFieldWithDBName(DataSource.NET3G, "endtimeParamDay", new Object[] {days,endtime}); } /** * 获取当月最后一秒的时间 * @param * @return * @throws SQLException */ public String endtimeTheMonthLastDay()throws SQLException{ return getExecutor().queryFieldWithDBName(DataSource.NET3G, "endtimeTheMonthLastDay", new Object[] {}); } /** * 获取当月最后一秒的时间 * @param * @return * @throws SQLException */ public String endtimeNextMonthLastDay(String endtime)throws SQLException{ return getExecutor().queryFieldWithDBName(DataSource.NET3G, "endtimeNextMonthLastDay", new Object[] {endtime}); } /** * 生成ID * @return * @throws SQLException */ public String generateID() throws SQLException { String sql = "SELECT TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'yyyyMMddhh24miss')||SEQ_COMMON6.NEXTVAL FROM DUAL"; return SQLExecutor.queryFieldWithDBName(DataSource.NET3G, sql); } /** * 获取活动配置表数据 * @param cpid * @param spid * @param province * @return * @throws SQLException */ public Map getActivityInfo(String cpid, String spid, String province) throws SQLException{ String sql = "select cpid,spid,to_char(begintime,'yyyymmddhh24miss') begintime,to_char(endtime,'yyyymmddhh24miss') endtime,to_char(endtime,'yyyymmddhh24miss') cancelendtime ,activetype,province from TB_ACTIVITY_CONFIG where cpid = ? and spid = ? and province in ('0',?) and status =0 "; return SQLExecutor.queryObjectWithDBName(HashMap.class, DataSource.NET3G, sql,new Object[] { cpid, spid, province}); } /** * 根据ORDERID查询会员赠送状态 * @param orderid * @return * @throws SQLException */ public String getVipstatus(String orderid) throws SQLException{ String sql = "SELECT VIPSTATUS FROM TD_BACKBUSI_ORDER_REC WHERE ORDERID = ? "; return SQLExecutor.queryFieldWithDBName(DataSource.NET3G, sql, new Object[] {orderid}); } /** * 获取后向产品配置信息 * @param cpid * @param spid * @return * @throws SQLException */ public List getBackBusiConf(String cpid, String spid) throws SQLException { return getExecutor().queryListWithDBName(HashMap.class, "net3g", "getBackBusiConf", new Object[] { cpid, spid }); } /** * * @param vipStatus * @param resultCode * @param resultInfo * @param id * @return * @throws SQLException */ public boolean updBusiStatus(String vipStatus, String resultCode, String resultInfo, String id) throws SQLException { //赠送会员状态,0成功,1未赠送,2赠送中,3失败,4不赠送 String sql = " UPDATE TD_BACKBUSI_ORDER_REC SET VIPSTATUS = ? , RESULTCODE = ?, RESULTINFO = ? WHERE ID = ? "; Object obj = SQLExecutor.updateWithDBName(DataSource.NET3G, sql, vipStatus, resultCode, resultInfo, id); return ((Integer)obj)>0 ? true : false; } /** * 更新订购记录表 * @param vipstatus 赠送会员状态 * @param resultCode 处理结果 * @param resultInfo * @param orderId 订单ID * @param busitype 业务类型 * @throws SQLException */ // public void updOrderRec(String vipstatus, String resultCode, String resultInfo, String orderId, String busitype) throws SQLException { // String sql = " UPDATE TD_BACKBUSI_ORDER_REC SET VIPSTATUS = ?, RESULTCODE = ?, RESULTINFO = ? WHERE ID = ? "; // Object[] obj = new Object[]{vipstatus, resultCode, resultInfo, orderId}; // if("2".equals(busitype)){ // sql = " UPDATE TD_BACKBUSI_ORDER_REC SET RESULTCODE = ?, RESULTINFO = ? WHERE ID = ? "; // obj = new Object[]{resultCode, resultInfo, orderId}; // } // //Object obj = SQLExecutor.updateWithDBName(DataSource.NET3G, sql, vipstatus, resultCode, resultInfo, orderId); // SQLExecutor.updateWithDBName(DataSource.NET3G, sql, obj); // } /** * 获取两个时间相差分钟数 * @param rectime * @return * @throws SQLException */ public boolean getMinNum(String rectime, int minute) throws SQLException { String sql = "select FLOOR((SYSDATE - TO_DATE(?,'yyyymmddhh24miss'))*24*60) AS FZNUM FROM DUAL"; int num = SQLExecutor.queryObjectWithDBName(Integer.class, DataSource.NET3G,sql, rectime); if(num < minute){ return false; }else{ return true; } } /** * 获取从指定时间减31天后的日期 * @param endtime * @return * @throws SQLException */ public String endtimeMinus31Day(String endtime) throws SQLException{ return getExecutor().queryFieldWithDBName(DataSource.NET3G, "endtimeMinus31Day", new Object[] {endtime}); } /** * 根据手机号码、CPID、SPID查找有效的订购关系 * @param bean * @return * @throws SQLException */ public Map findYoutuOrderRal(BackBusiOrderRec bean) throws SQLException{ return getExecutor().queryObjectBeanWithDBName(HashMap.class, DataSource.NET3G, "findYoutuOrderRal", bean); } /** * 退订 * @param orderInfo * @throws Exception */ public void cancel(OrderInfo orderInfo) throws Exception { getExecutor().insertBean("net3g", "cancel", orderInfo); } /** * 获取开始时间 * @param endtime * @param netdays //免流天数 * @return * @throws SQLException */ public String getStartTime(String endtime, String netdays)throws SQLException{ String sql = " SELECT TO_CHAR(TO_DATE(?,'YYYYMMDDHH24MISS')-?+2/(24*60*60),'YYYYMMDDHH24MISS') FROM DUAL "; return SQLExecutor.queryFieldWithDBName(DataSource.NET3G, sql, new Object[] {endtime,netdays}); } /** * 获取快手产品开始时间 * @return * @throws SQLException */ public String getKsStartTime()throws SQLException{ String sql = " SELECT TO_CHAR(TRUNC(SYSDATE), 'YYYYMMDDHH24MISS') FROM DUAL "; return SQLExecutor.queryFieldWithDBName(DataSource.NET3G, sql, new Object[] {}); } /** * 更新领取会员最后时间 * @param userid * @param endtime * @return * @throws SQLException */ public boolean updVipEndtime(String userid, String endtime)throws SQLException{ String sql = "UPDATE TD_BACKBUSI_ORDER_REC SET VIPENDTIME = TO_DATE(?,'yyyymmddhh24miss') WHERE CHANNEL = 'TX20_twback' AND BUSITYPE = '3' AND USERID = ? AND VIPSTATUS NOT IN ('0','8') AND VIPENDTIME IS NOT NULL AND VIPENDTIME >= SYSDATE"; Object obj = SQLExecutor.updateWithDBName(DataSource.NET3G, sql, endtime,userid); return ((Integer)obj)>0 ? true : false; } /** * 更新上海2元权益报文表 * @param orderno * @param logid * @throws SQLException */ public void updShInPaInfo(BackBusiOrderRec bean){ try{ this.getExecutor().updateWithDBName(DataSource.NET3G, "updShInPaInfo", new Object[] {bean.getId(),bean.getLogid()}); }catch(Exception e){} } /** * 是否向省里推送订购关系 * @param cpid * @param spid */ public boolean orderPush(String cpid, String spid) throws SQLException { String sql="select ORDERPUSH from TB_BACKBUSI_CONF t where CPID=? AND SPID=?"; String orderPush = SQLExecutor.queryObjectWithDBName(String.class, DataSource.NET3G, sql, cpid, spid); return "0".equals(orderPush); } /** * 获取产品id * @param spid */ public String getProduct( String spid) throws SQLException { String sql="select product_id from tb_sp_aop_config where sp_id=? "; String orderPush = SQLExecutor.queryObjectWithDBName(String.class, DataSource.NET3G, sql, spid); return orderPush; } public static void main(String[] args) { try { BackBusiOrderDao dao = new BackBusiOrderDao(); // System.out.println(dao.findByUserAndSpid("18673197465", "youtu", "1167")); //System.out.println(dao.findOrderRecByUserid("18673197465")); OrderInfo orderInfo = new OrderInfo(); orderInfo.setUserid("18673197465"); orderInfo.setProvince("湖南"); orderInfo.setArea("长沙"); orderInfo.setOrderid("123456789"); orderInfo.setType(0); //dao.addOrderRec(orderInfo); //System.out.println(dao.endtime31Day("20190620235959")); //System.out.println(dao.findByUserAndSpid("18673197465", "youtu", "1167")); //System.out.println(dao.getCpSp("youtu", "140")); //System.out.println(dao.getActivityInfo("youtu", "1167", "湖南")); //System.out.println(dao.generateID()); //String vipstatus = dao.getVipstatus("028b4f73-14bc-4450-afaa-81a323ef9d24"); //System.out.println(vipstatus); //System.out.println(dao.getBackBusiConf("test_01", "youtu", "1168")); //dao.updOrderRec("3", "9002", "失败", "123456", "2"); //CPDao cd = new CPDao(); //System.out.println(cd.findById("youtu")); //String sql = "SELECT * FROM TB_CP_ACCOUNT_CONFIG a, tb_sp_info b where a.cpid=b.cpid and b.cpid= 'youtu' and b.spid= '141' "; //System.out.println(dao.getExecutor().queryObjectWithDBName(HashMap.class, "net3g", "sql", new Object[] { "youtu", "140" })); //System.out.println(SQLExecutor.queryListBeanWithDBName(List.class, "net3g", sql, null)); //System.out.println(SQLExecutor.queryObjectWithDBName(HashMap.class, DataSource.NET3G, sql,new Object[] {})); //System.out.println(dao.endtimeParamDay("1","20190801235959")); System.out.println(dao.getStartTime("20191126235959","3")); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } }