123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220 |
- <template>
- <view class="caseDetail">
- <uni-menubar title="编辑" />
- <tm-sheet :padding="[0,20]" :margin="[0,20]">
- <tm-form @submit="submit" ref="formData" @request="success" method="post">
- <tm-input name="name" required title="案例标题" v-model="form.name"></tm-input>
- <picker @change="bindPickerChange" :value="form.cate_id" range-key="name" :range="cateList">
- <tm-input required title="选择分类" placeholder="请选择分类" disabled
- :value="form.cate_id ? cateList.find(v=>v.id == form.cate_id)['name'] : '请选择分类'"></tm-input>
- </picker>
- <view class="py-12 px-24 mx-12 round-3 border-b-1 grey text">
- <text class="text-size-n text-weight-b ">上传封面图片</text>
- <text class="text-grey text-size-xs px-10">(最多可以上传1张)</text>
- </view>
- <view class="py-32 mx-12">
- <tm-upload ref="upload" :code="200" :max="1" :tips="false" :grid="4"
- url="https://cardoa.platomix.net/api/upload" url-key="data" :auto-upload="true" :header="header"
- :filelist.sync="form.path"></tm-upload>
- </view>
- <view class="py-12 px-24 mx-12 round-3 border-b-1 grey text flex flex-between">
- <text class="text-size-n text-weight-b">图片列表(点击图片可编辑)</text>
- <tm-button theme="bg-gradient-blue-accent" size="m" @click="addImage">添加图片</tm-button>
- </view>
- <view style="height: 20rpx;"></view>
- <view v-if="list.length" class="py-12 mx-12 round-3 border-b-1 grey text" style="font-size: 24rpx;"
- theme="bg-gradient-blue-accent" block @click="disabledGrid=!disabledGrid">
- {{disabledGrid ? '长按图片拖动排序' : '关闭排序'}}
- </view>
- <tm-dragGrid v-if="list.length" :disabled="disabledGrid" @change="changeList" :list="list">
- <template v-slot:default="{item}">
- <view @click="editImage(item)" @longpress="disabledGrid=!disabledGrid">
- <tm-images :width="150" :height="100" :previmage="false" :src="item.path"></tm-images>
- <view @click.stop="delitem(item)" style="position: absolute;right: 5px;top: -20rpx;">
- <tm-icons color="red" :size="20" name="icon-minus-circle-fill"></tm-icons>
- </view>
- </view>
- </template>
- </tm-dragGrid>
- <view class="flex flex-between" style="width: 80%;margin: 0 auto;">
- <tm-button theme="red" @click="del">删除</tm-button>
- <tm-button theme="blue" navtie-type="form">保存</tm-button>
- </view>
- </tm-form>
- <tm-dialog v-if="editShow" v-model="editShow" title="编辑图片" confirmText="保存" @confirm="saveImage">
- <tm-input title="图片名称" v-model="editForm.name"></tm-input>
- <view class="py-12 px-24 mx-12 round-3 border-b-1 grey text">
- <text class="text-size-n text-weight-b ">上传封面图片</text>
- <text class="text-grey text-size-xs px-10">(最多可以上传1张)</text>
- </view>
- <view class="py-32 mx-12">
- <tm-upload ref="upload" :code="200" :max="1" :grid="1" url="https://cardoa.platomix.net/api/upload"
- url-key="data" :auto-upload="true" :header="header" :filelist.sync="editForm.path"></tm-upload>
- </view>
- </tm-dialog>
- </tm-sheet>
- </view>
- </template>
- <script>
- export default {
- data() {
- return {
- form: {
- path: []
- },
- list: [],
- cateList: [],
- disabledGrid: true,
- editShow: false,
- editForm: {
- path: [],
- name: ''
- },
- header: {
- 'Authorization': uni.getStorageSync('token'),
- 'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data'
- }
- }
- },
- onLoad(option) {
- this.$tm.request.post('album/cate').then(res => {
- this.cateList = res.data
- })
- if (option.album_id) {
- this.album_id = option.album_id
- this.init()
- this.piclist()
- }
- },
- methods: {
- piclist() {
- this.$tm.request.post('album/piclist', {
- album_id: this.album_id
- }).then(res => {
- this.list = res.data
- })
- },
- init() {
- this.$tm.request.post('album/detail', {
- album_id: this.album_id
- }).then(res => {
- this.form = res.data
- this.form.path = [this.form.path]
- })
- },
- del(e) {
- let that = this
- console.log(this.form);
- uni.showModal({
- title: '提示',
- content: '是否永久删除',
- success(res) {
- if (res.confirm) {
- that.$tm.request.post('album/update', {
- id: that.form.id,
- isdel: true,
- }).then(res => {
- uni.navigateBack()
- })
- } else if (res.cancel) {}
- }
- });
- },
- bindPickerChange(o) {
- this.form.cate_id = this.cateList[o.detail.value].id
- },
- changeList(e) {
- this.list = e.map(v => {
- v.data.sort = v.sort
- return v.data
- })
- },
- submit(e) {
- this.form.path = this.form.path[0]
- this.$tm.request.post('album/update', this.form).then(res => {
- uni.navigateBack()
- })
- this.$tm.request.post('album/batchsort', {
- list: this.list,
- album_id: this.album_id
- }).then(res => {
- uni.navigateBack()
- })
- console.log(this.list);
- },
- delitem(e) {
- let that = this
- uni.showModal({
- title: '提示',
- content: '是否永久删除',
- success(res) {
- if (res.confirm) {
- that.$tm.request.post('album/picupdate', {
- isdel: true,
- id: e.id,
- album_id: that.form.id,
- path: e.path
- }).then(resdata => {
- that.list.splice(that.list.findIndex(v => v.id == e.id), 1)
- })
- } else if (res.cancel) {}
- }
- });
- },
- editImage(e) {
- this.editShow = true
- this.editForm = e
- this.editForm.path = [e.path]
- },
- saveImage() {
- this.$tm.request.post('album/picupdate', {
- id: this.editForm.id,
- name: this.editForm.name,
- album_id: this.form.id,
- path: this.editForm.path[0]
- }).then(resdata => {
- this.piclist()
- })
- },
- addImage() {
- let that = this
- uni.chooseImage({
- count: 9, //默认9
- sizeType: ['compressed'], //可以指定是原图还是压缩图,默认二者都有
- success: function(res) {
- const tempFilePaths = res.tempFilePaths;
- tempFilePaths.forEach(item => {
- uni.showToast({
- title: '上传中',
- icon: "none"
- });
- uni.uploadFile({
- url: 'https://cardoa.platomix.net/api/upload', //仅为示例,非真实的接口地址
- filePath: item,
- name: 'file',
- header: that.header,
- success: (uploadFileRes) => {
- let img = JSON.parse(uploadFileRes.data)
- that.$tm.request.post('album/picupdate', {
- album_id: that.form.id,
- path: img.data
- }).then(resdata => {
- uni.hideToast();
- that.list.push(resdata.data)
- })
- }
- });
- })
- }
- });
- }
- }
- }
- </script>
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- </style>