let util = require('../../../utils/util.js'); var that Page({ /** * 页面的初始数据 */ data: { uss: [] }, onGotUserInfo(e) { this.bindphone(e.detail.userInfo) }, bindphone(ui) { wx.request({ url: util.baseurl + 'cuser/wxapi/binduserinfo', data: { phone: '', avatarUrl: ui.avatarUrl, nickName: ui.nickName }, dataType: 'json', success: function(d) { wx.hideLoading(); if (d.statusCode === 200) { that.setData({ user: d.data.userInfo }) that.joinbook() } else { wx.showToast({ title: '请求失败', icon: 'none', duration: 2000 }) } }, method: 'POST', header: { 'content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'token': this.data.token } }) }, findUser(id) { util.query('userinfo/wxapi/findbyid', { id: id }, function(res) { if (res.code === 10000) { that.setData({ u: res.data }) } else { } }) }, join() { if (!this.data.user) { util.showToast('还未登录,请先登录') setTimeout() } else { this.joinbook() } }, joinbook() { util.query('accountbook/wxapi/join', { accountBookId: this.data.nowbook.id, userIds: [{ userId: this.data.user.id }] }, function(res) { if (res.code === 10000) { util.showToast('加入成功') that.getDefaultBook() } else { util.showToast('加入失败') } }, 'post') }, checkjoin() { var myid = this.data.user.id this.data.nowbook.userInfos.forEach(function(res) { if (res.id === myid) { that.setData({ isjoin: true }) return } }) }, wxlogin() { wx.login({ success: function(res) { if (res.code) { util.query( "/cuser/wxapi/getopenid", { code: res.code }, function(da) { if (da.code === 10000) { wx.setStorageSync("token", da.token) that.setData({ token: da.token }) // wx.setStorageSync("userinfo", da.userinfo) that.getDefaultBook() that.findUser(that.data.uid) if (da.registed) { that.setData({ user: da.userinfo, registed: true }) } else { that.setData({ registed: false }) } } else { wx.showToast({ title: '登录失败', icon: 'none', duration: 2000 }) } }, "get", 1 ) } else { wx.showToast({ title: '登录失败', icon: 'none', duration: 2000 }) console.log('获取用户登录态失败!' + res.errMsg) } } }) }, /** * 生命周期函数--监听页面加载 */ onLoad: function(options) { that = this this.setData({ id: options.id, uid: options.uid }) that.wxlogin() }, getDefaultBook() { util.query('accountbook/wxapi/findbyid', { id: this.data.id }, function(res) { if (res.code === 10000) { var uss = [] var us = res.data.userInfos for (var i = 0; i < parseInt(us.length / 5) + 1; i++) { uss[i] = [] for (var j = 5 * i; j < (i + 1) * 5; j++) { if (us[j]) { uss[i].push({ name: us[j].wechatName, logo: us[j].wechatIcon }) } else { uss[i].push({ no: 1 }) } } } that.setData({ nowbook: res.data, uss: uss }) that.checkjoin() } }) }, /** * 生命周期函数--监听页面初次渲染完成 */ onReady: function() { }, /** * 生命周期函数--监听页面显示 */ onShow: function() { }, /** * 生命周期函数--监听页面隐藏 */ onHide: function() { }, /** * 生命周期函数--监听页面卸载 */ onUnload: function() { }, /** * 页面相关事件处理函数--监听用户下拉动作 */ onPullDownRefresh: function() { }, /** * 页面上拉触底事件的处理函数 */ onReachBottom: function() { }, /** * 用户点击右上角分享 */ onShareAppMessage: function() { } })