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} .img-full img { width: 100%; } .v-top { vertical-align: top !important; align-self: flex-start; } .v-middle { vertical-align: middle !important; align-self: center; } .v-bottom { vertical-align: bottom !important; align-self: flex-end; } .v-baseline { vertical-align: baseline; } .scrollable { overflow-x: hidden; overflow-y: auto; -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch; } .scrollable.hover, .scrollable.hover > .cell-inner { overflow-y: hidden !important; } .scrollable.hover:hover, .scrollable.hover:focus, .scrollable.hover:active { overflow: visible; overflow-y: auto; } .scrollable.hover:hover > .cell-inner, .scrollable.hover:focus > .cell-inner, .scrollable.hover:active > .cell-inner { overflow-y: auto !important; } .smart .scrollable, .smart .scrollable > .cell-inner { overflow-y: auto !important; } .scroll-x, .scroll-y { overflow: hidden; -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch; } .scroll-y { overflow-y: auto; } .scroll-x { overflow-x: auto; } .hover-action { display: none; } .hover-rotate { transition: all var(--animation-duration) ease-in-out var(--animation-duration); } .hover-anchor:hover > .hover-action, .hover-anchor:focus > .hover-action, .hover-anchor:active > .hover-action { display: inherit; } .hover-anchor:hover > .hover-rotate, .hover-anchor:focus > .hover-rotate, .hover-anchor:active > .hover-rotate { transform: rotate(90deg); } .backdrop { position: absolute; top: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0; z-index: 1050; } .backdrop.fade { opacity: 0; } .backdrop.in { opacity: 0.8; } .col-xs-2-4, .col-sm-2-4, .col-md-2-4, .col-lg-2-4, .col-xs-1-5, .col-sm-1-5, .col-md-1-5, .col-lg-1-5 { position: relative; min-height: 1px; padding-right: 15px; padding-left: 15px; } .col-xs-2-4 { width: 20%; float: left; } .col-xs-1-5 { width: 12.5%; float: left; } .invisible { position: absolute !important; clip: rect(1px 1px 1px 1px); clip: rect(1px, 1px, 1px, 1px); } .invisible2 { visibility: hidden; } .hbox { display: table; table-layout: fixed; border-spacing: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; } .hbox > .col { display: table-cell; vertical-align: top; height: 100%; float: none; } .vbox { display: table; border-spacing: 0; position: relative; width: 100%; height: 100%; min-height: 240px; } .vbox .row-row { display: table-row; height: 100%; } .vbox .row-row .cell { position: relative; height: 100%; width: 100%; } .ie .vbox .row-row .cell { display: table-cell; overflow: auto; } .ie .vbox .row-row .cell .cell-inner { overflow: visible !important; } .vbox .row-row .cell .cell-inner { position: absolute; top: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0; right: 0; -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch; overflow: auto; } .word-break { white-space: normal; word-break: break-all; word-wrap: break-word; } .white-space-pre { white-space: pre; } .label { display: inline; padding: 0.2em 0.6em 0.3em; font-size: 75%; font-weight: 700; line-height: 1; color: var(--label-color); text-align: center; white-space: nowrap; vertical-align: baseline; border-radius: 0.25em; } .label:empty { display: none; } .btn .label { position: relative; top: -1px; } a.label:hover, a.label:focus { color: var(--label-link--hover-color); text-decoration: none; cursor: pointer; } .label-default { background: var(--label--default-bg); } .label-primary { background: var(--label--primary-bg); } .label-success { background: var(--label--success-bg); } .label-info { background: var(--label--info-bg); } .label-warning { background: var(--label--warning-bg); } .label-danger { background: var(--label--danger-bg); } @keyframes apearSensor { from { opacity: 0; } } @media (min-width: 768px) { .col-sm-2-4 { width: 20%; float: left; } .col-sm-1-5 { width: 12.5%; float: left; } } @media (min-width: 992px) { .col-md-2-4 { width: 20%; float: left; } .col-md-1-5 { width: 12.5%; float: left; } } @media (min-width: 1200px) { .col-lg-2-4 { width: 20%; float: left; } .col-lg-1-5 { width: 12.5%; float: left; } } @media (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 991px) { .hidden-sm.show { display: inherit !important; } .no-m-sm { margin: 0 !important; } .no-padder-sm { padding: 0 !important; } } .visible-xs { display: none; } /*phone*/ @media (max-width: 767px) { .visible-xs { display: block !important; } .hidden-xs { display: none !important; } .w-auto-xs { width: auto; } .shift { display: none !important; } .shift.in { display: block !important; } .row-2 [class*=col] { width: 50%; float: left; } .row-2 .col-0 { clear: none; } .row-2 li:nth-child(odd) { clear: left; margin-left: 0; } .text-center-xs { text-align: center; } .text-left-xs { text-align: left; } .text-right-xs { text-align: right; } .no-border-xs { border-width: 0; } .pull-none-xs { float: none !important; } .pull-right-xs { float: right !important; } .pull-left-xs { float: left !important; } .dropdown-menu.pull-none-xs { left: 0; } .hidden-xs.show { display: inherit !important; } .wrapper-lg, .wrapper-md { padding: 15px; } .padder-lg, .padder-md { padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px; } .no-m-xs { margin: 0 !important; } .no-padder-xs { padding: 0 !important; } } /*!markdown --- title: 背景色 --- | Class | Properties | Demo | | ----------- | ------------------------ | -------- | | bg-none | background: none !important | | | bg-transparent | background: transparent |
| | bg-current | background: currentColor |
| | bg-black | background: #000 |
| | bg-white | background: #fff |
| | bg-primary | background: #007bff |
| | bg-secondary | background: #6c757d |
| | bg-success | background: #28a745 |
| | bg-info | background: #007bff |
| | bg-warning | background: #28a745 |
| | bg-danger | background: #dc3545 |
| | bg-light | background: #f8f9fa |
| | bg-dark | background: #343a40 |
| | bg-gray-transparent | background: transparent |
| | bg-gray-current | background: currentColor |
| | bg-gray-50 | background: #f9fafb |
| | bg-gray-100 | background: #f3f4f6 |
| | bg-gray-200 | background: #e5e7eb |
| | bg-gray-300 | background: #d1d5db |
| | bg-gray-400 | background: #9ca3af |
| | bg-gray-500 | background: #6b7280 |
| | bg-gray-600 | background: #4b5563 |
| | bg-gray-700 | background: #374151 |
| | bg-gray-800 | background: #1f2937 |
| | bg-gray-900 | background: #111827 |
| | bg-red-transparent | background: transparent |
| | bg-red-current | background: currentColor |
| | bg-red-50 | background: #fef2f2 |
| | bg-red-100 | background: #fee2e2 |
| | bg-red-200 | background: #fecaca |
| | bg-red-300 | background: #fca5a5 |
| | bg-red-400 | background: #f87171 |
| | bg-red-500 | background: #ef4444 |
| | bg-red-600 | background: #dc2626 |
| | bg-red-700 | background: #b91c1c |
| | bg-red-800 | background: #991b1b |
| | bg-red-900 | background: #7f1d1d |
| | bg-yellow-transparent | background: transparent |
| | bg-yellow-current | background: currentColor |
| | bg-yellow-50 | background: #fffbeb |
| | bg-yellow-100 | background: #fef3c7 |
| | bg-yellow-200 | background: #fde68a |
| | bg-yellow-300 | background: #fcd34d |
| | bg-yellow-400 | background: #fbbf24 |
| | bg-yellow-500 | background: #f59e0b |
| | bg-yellow-600 | background: #d97706 |
| | bg-yellow-700 | background: #b45309 |
| | bg-yellow-800 | background: #92400e |
| | bg-yellow-900 | background: #78350f |
| | bg-green-transparent | background: transparent |
| | bg-green-current | background: currentColor |
| | bg-green-50 | background: #ecfdf5 |
| | bg-green-100 | background: #d1fae5 |
| | bg-green-200 | background: #a7f3d0 |
| | bg-green-300 | background: #6ee7b7 |
| | bg-green-400 | background: #34d399 |
| | bg-green-500 | background: #10b981 |
| | bg-green-600 | background: #059669 |
| | bg-green-700 | background: #047857 |
| | bg-green-800 | background: #065f46 |
| | bg-green-900 | background: #064e3b |
| | bg-blue-transparent | background: transparent |
| | bg-blue-current | background: currentColor |
| | bg-blue-50 | background: #eff6ff |
| | bg-blue-100 | background: #dbeafe |
| | bg-blue-200 | background: #bfdbfe |
| | bg-blue-300 | background: #93c5fd |
| | bg-blue-400 | background: #60a5fa |
| | bg-blue-500 | background: #3b82f6 |
| | bg-blue-600 | background: #2563eb |
| | bg-blue-700 | background: #1d4ed8 |
| | bg-blue-800 | background: #1e40af |
| | bg-blue-900 | background: #1e3a8a |
| | bg-cyan-transparent | background: transparent |
| | bg-cyan-current | background: currentColor |
| | bg-cyan-50 | background: #ecfeff |
| | bg-cyan-100 | background: #cffafe |
| | bg-cyan-200 | background: #a5f3fc |
| | bg-cyan-300 | background: #67e8f9 |
| | bg-cyan-400 | background: #22d3ee |
| | bg-cyan-500 | background: #06b6d4 |
| | bg-cyan-600 | background: #0891b2 |
| | bg-cyan-700 | background: #0e7490 |
| | bg-cyan-800 | background: #155e75 |
| | bg-cyan-900 | background: #164e63 |
| | bg-indigo-transparent | background: transparent |
| | bg-indigo-current | background: currentColor |
| | bg-indigo-50 | background: #eef2ff |
| | bg-indigo-100 | background: #e0e7ff |
| | bg-indigo-200 | background: #c7d2fe |
| | bg-indigo-300 | background: #a5b4fc |
| | bg-indigo-400 | background: #818cf8 |
| | bg-indigo-500 | background: #6366f1 |
| | bg-indigo-600 | background: #4f46e5 |
| | bg-indigo-700 | background: #4338ca |
| | bg-indigo-800 | background: #3730a3 |
| | bg-indigo-900 | background: #312e81 |
| | bg-purple-transparent | background: transparent |
| | bg-purple-current | background: currentColor |
| | bg-purple-50 | background: #f5f3ff |
| | bg-purple-100 | background: #ede9fe |
| | bg-purple-200 | background: #ddd6fe |
| | bg-purple-300 | background: #c4b5fd |
| | bg-purple-400 | background: #a78bfa |
| | bg-purple-500 | background: #8b5cf6 |
| | bg-purple-600 | background: #7c3aed |
| | bg-purple-700 | background: #6d28d9 |
| | bg-purple-800 | background: #5b21b6 |
| | bg-purple-900 | background: #4c1d95 |
| | bg-pink-transparent | background: transparent |
| | bg-pink-current | background: currentColor |
| | bg-pink-50 | background: #fdf2f8 |
| | bg-pink-100 | background: #fce7f3 |
| | bg-pink-200 | background: #fbcfe8 |
| | bg-pink-300 | background: #f9a8d4 |
| | bg-pink-400 | background: #f472b6 |
| | bg-pink-500 | background: #ec4899 |
| | bg-pink-600 | background: #db2777 |
| | bg-pink-700 | background: #be185d |
| | bg-pink-800 | background: #9d174d |
| | bg-pink-900 | background: #831843 |
| 还有 hover、active、focus、disabled 扩展,比如 `hover:bg-black` 参考: [tailwindcss](https://tailwindcss.com/docs/background-color) */ .bg-transparent { background: transparent; } .bg-none { background: none !important; } .bg-transparent { background: transparent; } .bg-current { background: currentColor; } .bg-black { background-color: #000; } .bg-white { background-color: #fff; } .bg-primary { background-color: #007bff; } .bg-secondary { background-color: #6c757d; } .bg-success { background-color: #28a745; } .bg-info { background-color: #007bff; } .bg-warning { background-color: #fad733; } .bg-danger { background-color: #dc3545; } .bg-light { background-color: #f8f9fa; } .bg-dark { background-color: #343a40; } .bg-gray-transparent { background: transparent; } .bg-gray-current { background: currentColor; } .bg-gray-50 { background-color: #f9fafb; } .bg-gray-100 { background-color: #f3f4f6; } .bg-gray-200 { background-color: #e5e7eb; } .bg-gray-300 { background-color: #d1d5db; } .bg-gray-400 { background-color: #9ca3af; } .bg-gray-500 { background-color: #6b7280; } .bg-gray-600 { background-color: #4b5563; } .bg-gray-700 { background-color: #374151; } .bg-gray-800 { background-color: #1f2937; } .bg-gray-900 { background-color: #111827; } .bg-red-transparent { background: transparent; } .bg-red-current { background: currentColor; } .bg-red-50 { background-color: #fef2f2; } .bg-red-100 { background-color: #fee2e2; } .bg-red-200 { background-color: #fecaca; } .bg-red-300 { background-color: #fca5a5; } .bg-red-400 { background-color: #f87171; } .bg-red-500 { background-color: #ef4444; } .bg-red-600 { background-color: #dc2626; } .bg-red-700 { background-color: #b91c1c; } .bg-red-800 { background-color: #991b1b; } .bg-red-900 { background-color: #7f1d1d; } .bg-yellow-transparent { background: transparent; } .bg-yellow-current { background: currentColor; } .bg-yellow-50 { background-color: #fffbeb; } .bg-yellow-100 { background-color: #fef3c7; } .bg-yellow-200 { background-color: #fde68a; } .bg-yellow-300 { background-color: #fcd34d; } .bg-yellow-400 { background-color: #fbbf24; } .bg-yellow-500 { background-color: #f59e0b; } .bg-yellow-600 { background-color: #d97706; } .bg-yellow-700 { background-color: #b45309; } .bg-yellow-800 { background-color: #92400e; } .bg-yellow-900 { background-color: #78350f; } .bg-green-transparent { background: transparent; } .bg-green-current { background: currentColor; } .bg-green-50 { background-color: #ecfdf5; } .bg-green-100 { background-color: #d1fae5; } .bg-green-200 { background-color: #a7f3d0; } .bg-green-300 { background-color: #6ee7b7; } .bg-green-400 { background-color: #34d399; } .bg-green-500 { background-color: #10b981; } .bg-green-600 { background-color: #059669; } .bg-green-700 { background-color: #047857; } .bg-green-800 { background-color: #065f46; } .bg-green-900 { background-color: #064e3b; } .bg-blue-transparent { background: transparent; } .bg-blue-current { background: currentColor; } .bg-blue-50 { background-color: #eff6ff; } .bg-blue-100 { background-color: #dbeafe; } .bg-blue-200 { background-color: #bfdbfe; } .bg-blue-300 { background-color: #93c5fd; } .bg-blue-400 { background-color: #60a5fa; } .bg-blue-500 { background-color: #3b82f6; } .bg-blue-600 { background-color: #2563eb; } .bg-blue-700 { background-color: #1d4ed8; } .bg-blue-800 { background-color: #1e40af; } .bg-blue-900 { background-color: #1e3a8a; } .bg-cyan-transparent { background: transparent; } .bg-cyan-current { background: currentColor; } .bg-cyan-50 { background-color: #ecfeff; } .bg-cyan-100 { background-color: #cffafe; } .bg-cyan-200 { background-color: #a5f3fc; } .bg-cyan-300 { background-color: #67e8f9; } .bg-cyan-400 { background-color: #22d3ee; } .bg-cyan-500 { background-color: #06b6d4; } .bg-cyan-600 { background-color: #0891b2; } .bg-cyan-700 { background-color: #0e7490; } .bg-cyan-800 { background-color: #155e75; } .bg-cyan-900 { background-color: #164e63; } .bg-indigo-transparent { background: transparent; } .bg-indigo-current { background: currentColor; } .bg-indigo-50 { background-color: #eef2ff; } .bg-indigo-100 { background-color: #e0e7ff; } .bg-indigo-200 { background-color: #c7d2fe; } .bg-indigo-300 { background-color: #a5b4fc; } .bg-indigo-400 { background-color: #818cf8; } .bg-indigo-500 { background-color: #6366f1; } .bg-indigo-600 { background-color: #4f46e5; } .bg-indigo-700 { background-color: #4338ca; } .bg-indigo-800 { background-color: #3730a3; } .bg-indigo-900 { background-color: #312e81; } .bg-purple-transparent { background: transparent; } .bg-purple-current { background: currentColor; } .bg-purple-50 { background-color: #f5f3ff; } .bg-purple-100 { background-color: #ede9fe; } .bg-purple-200 { background-color: #ddd6fe; } .bg-purple-300 { background-color: #c4b5fd; } .bg-purple-400 { background-color: #a78bfa; } .bg-purple-500 { background-color: #8b5cf6; } .bg-purple-600 { background-color: #7c3aed; } .bg-purple-700 { background-color: #6d28d9; } .bg-purple-800 { background-color: #5b21b6; } .bg-purple-900 { background-color: #4c1d95; } .bg-pink-transparent { background: transparent; } .bg-pink-current { background: currentColor; } .bg-pink-50 { background-color: #fdf2f8; } .bg-pink-100 { background-color: #fce7f3; } .bg-pink-200 { background-color: #fbcfe8; } .bg-pink-300 { background-color: #f9a8d4; } .bg-pink-400 { background-color: #f472b6; } .bg-pink-500 { background-color: #ec4899; } .bg-pink-600 { background-color: #db2777; } .bg-pink-700 { background-color: #be185d; } .bg-pink-800 { background-color: #9d174d; } .bg-pink-900 { background-color: #831843; } .hover\:bg-transparent:hover { background: transparent; } .hover\:bg-none:hover { background: none !important; } .hover\:bg-transparent:hover { background: transparent; } .hover\:bg-current:hover { background: currentColor; } .hover\:bg-black:hover { background-color: #000; } .hover\:bg-white:hover { background-color: #fff; } .hover\:bg-primary:hover { background-color: #007bff; } .hover\:bg-secondary:hover { background-color: #6c757d; } .hover\:bg-success:hover { background-color: #28a745; } .hover\:bg-info:hover { background-color: #007bff; 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} .border-red-500 { border-color: #ef4444; } .border-red-600 { border-color: #dc2626; } .border-red-700 { border-color: #b91c1c; } .border-red-800 { border-color: #991b1b; } .border-red-900 { border-color: #7f1d1d; } .border-yellow-50 { border-color: #fffbeb; } .border-yellow-100 { border-color: #fef3c7; } .border-yellow-200 { border-color: #fde68a; } .border-yellow-300 { border-color: #fcd34d; } .border-yellow-400 { border-color: #fbbf24; } .border-yellow-500 { border-color: #f59e0b; } .border-yellow-600 { border-color: #d97706; } .border-yellow-700 { border-color: #b45309; } .border-yellow-800 { border-color: #92400e; } .border-yellow-900 { border-color: #78350f; } .border-green-50 { border-color: #ecfdf5; } .border-green-100 { border-color: #d1fae5; } .border-green-200 { border-color: #a7f3d0; } .border-green-300 { border-color: #6ee7b7; } .border-green-400 { border-color: #34d399; } .border-green-500 { border-color: #10b981; } .border-green-600 { border-color: #059669; } .border-green-700 { border-color: #047857; 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} .border-indigo-100 { border-color: #e0e7ff; } .border-indigo-200 { border-color: #c7d2fe; } .border-indigo-300 { border-color: #a5b4fc; } .border-indigo-400 { border-color: #818cf8; } .border-indigo-500 { border-color: #6366f1; } .border-indigo-600 { border-color: #4f46e5; } .border-indigo-700 { border-color: #4338ca; } .border-indigo-800 { border-color: #3730a3; } .border-indigo-900 { border-color: #312e81; } .border-purple-50 { border-color: #f5f3ff; } .border-purple-100 { border-color: #ede9fe; } .border-purple-200 { border-color: #ddd6fe; } .border-purple-300 { border-color: #c4b5fd; } .border-purple-400 { border-color: #a78bfa; } .border-purple-500 { border-color: #8b5cf6; } .border-purple-600 { border-color: #7c3aed; } .border-purple-700 { border-color: #6d28d9; } .border-purple-800 { border-color: #5b21b6; } .border-purple-900 { border-color: #4c1d95; } .border-pink-50 { border-color: #fdf2f8; } .border-pink-100 { border-color: #fce7f3; } .border-pink-200 { border-color: #fbcfe8; 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} } /*!markdown --- title: 边框样式 --- | Class | Properties | | ----------- | ------------------------ | | border-solid | border-style: solid | | border-dashed | border-style: dashed | | border-dotted | border-style: dotted | | border-double | border-style: double | | border-none | border-style: none | */ .border-solid { border-style: solid; } .border-dashed { border-style: dashed; } .border-dotted { border-style: dotted; } .border-double { border-style: double; } .border-none { border-style: none; } @media (max-width: 768px) { .m\:border-solid { border-style: solid; } .m\:border-dashed { border-style: dashed; } .m\:border-dotted { border-style: dotted; } .m\:border-double { border-style: double; } .m\:border-none { border-style: none; } } @media (min-width: 769px) { .pc\:border-solid { border-style: solid; } .pc\:border-dashed { border-style: dashed; } .pc\:border-dotted { border-style: dotted; } .pc\:border-double { border-style: double; } .pc\:border-none { border-style: none; } } /*!markdown --- title: Box Sizing --- Box Sizing 相关样式,主要区别在于设置宽高的时候,是否包含了 padding 和 border 的大小。 | Class | Properties | | ----------- | ------------------------ | | box-border | box-sizing: border-box; | | box-content | box-sizing: content-box; | ## 用法 比如这个例子:左侧是 box-border 类型,整体高宽 128px。而右侧只是内容区域是 128px + 边框(2 * 4px) + padding (2 * 16px) 一共160px。 ```html
``` ## 响应式设计 不支持 [「响应式设计前缀」](../../../docs/style/responsive-design.md),有需求请提 [issue](https://github.com/baidu/amis/issues)。 ## 状态前缀 不支持[「状态前缀」](../../../docs/style/state.md),有需求请提 [issue](https://github.com/baidu/amis/issues)。 */ .box-border { box-sizing: border-box; } .box-content { box-sizing: content-box; } /*!markdown --- title: Clear --- 清除浮动相关样式。 | Class | Properties | | ----------- | ------------- | | clear-right | clear: right; | | clear-left | clear: left; | | clear-none | clear: none; | | clear-both | clear: both; | ## 用法 请前往以下链接查看属性含义。 https://www.w3school.com.cn/cssref/pr_class_clear.asp # 响应式设计 支持通过添加设备前缀 `m:` 或者 `pc:` 来分别针对「手机端」或者「pc端」设置样式,更多说明请前往[「响应式设计」](../../../docs/style/responsive-design.md)。 ## 状态前缀 不支持[「状态前缀」](../../../docs/style/state.md),有需求请提 [issue](https://github.com/baidu/amis/issues)。 */ .clear-right { clear: right; } .clear-left { clear: left; } .clear-none { clear: none; } .clear-both { clear: both; } @media (max-width: 768px) { .m\:clear-right { clear: right; } .m\:clear-left { clear: left; } .m\:clear-none { clear: none; } .m\:clear-both { clear: both; } } @media (min-width: 769px) { .pc\:clear-right { clear: right; } .pc\:clear-left { clear: left; } .pc\:clear-none { clear: none; } .pc\:clear-both { clear: both; } } /*!markdown --- title: Display --- 布局相关样式。 | Class | Properties | | ------------------ | ---------------------------- | | block | display: block; | | inline-block | display: inline-block; | | inline | display: inline; | | flex | display: flex; | | inline-flex | display: inline-flex; | | table | display: table; | | table-cell | display: table-cell; | | table-column | display: table-column; | | table-column-group | display: table-column-group; | | table-footer-group | display: table-footer-group; | | table-header-group | display: table-header-group; | | table-row-group | display: table-row-group; | | table-row | display: table-row; | | flow-root | display: flow-root; | | grid | display: grid; | | inline-grid | display: inline-grid; | | contents | display: contents; | | hidden | display: none; | ## 用法 css 相关的知识点就不介绍了,请参考: https://www.w3school.com.cn/cssref/pr_class_display.asp https://tailwindcss.com/docs/display # 响应式设计 支持通过添加设备前缀 `m:` 或者 `pc:` 来分别针对「手机端」或者「pc端」设置样式,更多说明请前往[「响应式设计」](../../../docs/style/responsive-design.md)。 ## 状态前缀 不支持[「状态前缀」](../../../docs/style/state.md),有需求请提 [issue](https://github.com/baidu/amis/issues)。 */ .block { display: block; } .inline-block { display: inline-block; } .inline { display: inline; } .flex { display: flex; } .inline-flex { display: inline-flex; } .table { display: table; } .table-caption { display: table-caption; } .table-cell { display: table-cell; } .table-column { display: table-column; } .table-column-group { display: table-column-group; } .table-footer-group { display: table-footer-group; } .table-header-group { display: table-header-group; } .table-row-group { display: table-row-group; } .table-row { display: table-row; } .flow-root { display: flow-root; } .grid { display: grid; } .inline-grid { display: inline-grid; } .contents { display: contents; } .hidden { display: none; } @media (max-width: 768px) { .m\:block { display: block; } .m\:inline-block { display: inline-block; } .m\:inline { display: inline; } .m\:flex { display: flex; } .m\:inline-flex { display: inline-flex; } .m\:table { display: table; } .m\:table-caption { display: table-caption; } .m\:table-cell { display: table-cell; } .m\:table-column { display: table-column; } .m\:table-column-group { display: table-column-group; } .m\:table-footer-group { display: table-footer-group; } .m\:table-header-group { display: table-header-group; } .m\:table-row-group { display: table-row-group; } .m\:table-row { display: table-row; } .m\:flow-root { display: flow-root; } .m\:grid { display: grid; } .m\:inline-grid { display: inline-grid; } .m\:contents { display: contents; } .m\:hidden { display: none; } } @media (min-width: 769px) { .pc\:block { display: block; } .pc\:inline-block { display: inline-block; } .pc\:inline { display: inline; } .pc\:flex { display: flex; } .pc\:inline-flex { display: inline-flex; } .pc\:table { display: table; } .pc\:table-caption { display: table-caption; } .pc\:table-cell { display: table-cell; } .pc\:table-column { display: table-column; } .pc\:table-column-group { display: table-column-group; } .pc\:table-footer-group { display: table-footer-group; } .pc\:table-header-group { display: table-header-group; } .pc\:table-row-group { display: table-row-group; } .pc\:table-row { display: table-row; } .pc\:flow-root { display: flow-root; } .pc\:grid { display: grid; } .pc\:inline-grid { display: inline-grid; } .pc\:contents { display: contents; } .pc\:hidden { display: none; } } /*!markdown --- title: Floats --- 浮动相关样式。 | Class | Properties | | ----------- | ------------- | | float-right | float: right; | | float-left | float: left; | | float-none | float: none; | ## 左浮 ```html

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam venenatis et lorem sit amet vehicula. Etiam vel nibh nec nisi euismod mollis ultrices condimentum velit. Proin velit libero, interdum ac rhoncus sit amet, pellentesque ac turpis. Quisque ac luctus turpis, vel efficitur ante. Cras convallis risus vel vehicula dapibus. Donec eget neque fringilla, faucibus mi quis, porttitor magna. Cras pellentesque leo est, et luctus neque rutrum eu. Aliquam consequat velit sed sem posuere, vitae sollicitudin mi consequat. Mauris eget ipsum sed dui rutrum fringilla. Donec varius vehicula magna sit amet auctor. Ut congue vehicula lectus in blandit. Vivamus suscipit eleifend turpis, nec sodales sem vulputate a. Curabitur pulvinar libero viverra, efficitur odio eu, finibus justo. Etiam eu vehicula felis.

``` ## 右浮 ```html

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam venenatis et lorem sit amet vehicula. Etiam vel nibh nec nisi euismod mollis ultrices condimentum velit. Proin velit libero, interdum ac rhoncus sit amet, pellentesque ac turpis. Quisque ac luctus turpis, vel efficitur ante. Cras convallis risus vel vehicula dapibus. Donec eget neque fringilla, faucibus mi quis, porttitor magna. Cras pellentesque leo est, et luctus neque rutrum eu. Aliquam consequat velit sed sem posuere, vitae sollicitudin mi consequat. Mauris eget ipsum sed dui rutrum fringilla. Donec varius vehicula magna sit amet auctor. Ut congue vehicula lectus in blandit. Vivamus suscipit eleifend turpis, nec sodales sem vulputate a. Curabitur pulvinar libero viverra, efficitur odio eu, finibus justo. Etiam eu vehicula felis.

``` ## 不浮动 ```html

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam venenatis et lorem sit amet vehicula. Etiam vel nibh nec nisi euismod mollis ultrices condimentum velit. Proin velit libero, interdum ac rhoncus sit amet, pellentesque ac turpis. Quisque ac luctus turpis, vel efficitur ante. Cras convallis risus vel vehicula dapibus. Donec eget neque fringilla, faucibus mi quis, porttitor magna. Cras pellentesque leo est, et luctus neque rutrum eu. Aliquam consequat velit sed sem posuere, vitae sollicitudin mi consequat. Mauris eget ipsum sed dui rutrum fringilla. Donec varius vehicula magna sit amet auctor. Ut congue vehicula lectus in blandit. Vivamus suscipit eleifend turpis, nec sodales sem vulputate a. Curabitur pulvinar libero viverra, efficitur odio eu, finibus justo. Etiam eu vehicula felis.

``` ## 响应式设计 支持通过添加设备前缀 `m:` 或者 `pc:` 来分别针对「手机端」或者「pc端」设置样式,更多说明请前往[「响应式设计」](../../../docs/style/responsive-design.md)。 ```html

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam venenatis et lorem sit amet vehicula. Etiam vel nibh nec nisi euismod mollis ultrices condimentum velit. Proin velit libero, interdum ac rhoncus sit amet, pellentesque ac turpis. Quisque ac luctus turpis, vel efficitur ante. Cras convallis risus vel vehicula dapibus. Donec eget neque fringilla, faucibus mi quis, porttitor magna. Cras pellentesque leo est, et luctus neque rutrum eu. Aliquam consequat velit sed sem posuere, vitae sollicitudin mi consequat. Mauris eget ipsum sed dui rutrum fringilla. Donec varius vehicula magna sit amet auctor. Ut congue vehicula lectus in blandit. Vivamus suscipit eleifend turpis, nec sodales sem vulputate a. Curabitur pulvinar libero viverra, efficitur odio eu, finibus justo. Etiam eu vehicula felis.

``` ## 状态前缀 不支持[「状态前缀」](../../../docs/style/state.md),有需求请提 [issue](https://github.com/baidu/amis/issues)。 */ .float-right { float: right; } .float-left { float: left; } .float-none { float: none; } @media (max-width: 768px) { .m\:float-right { float: right; } .m\:float-left { float: left; } .m\:float-none { float: none; } } @media (min-width: 769px) { .pc\:float-right { float: right; } .pc\:float-left { float: left; } .pc\:float-none { float: none; } } /*!markdown --- title: Overflow --- 内容超出相关样式。 | Class | Properties | | ----------- | ------------------------ | | overflow-auto | overflow: auto; | | overflow-hidden | overflow: hidden; | | overflow-visible | overflow: visible; | | overflow-scroll | overflow: scroll; | | overflow-x-auto | overflow-x: auto; | | overflow-y-auto | overflow-y: auto; | | overflow-x-hidden | overflow-x: hidden; | | overflow-y-hidden | overflow-y: hidden; | | overflow-x-visible | overflow-x: visible; | | overflow-y-visible | overflow-y: visible; | | overflow-x-scroll | overflow-x: scroll; | | overflow-y-scroll | overflow-y: scroll; | ## 用法 请前往一下文档查看属性含义。 https://www.w3school.com.cn/cssref/pr_pos_overflow.asp # 响应式设计 支持通过添加设备前缀 `m:` 或者 `pc:` 来分别针对「手机端」或者「pc端」设置样式,更多说明请前往[「响应式设计」](../../../docs/style/responsive-design.md)。 ## 状态前缀 不支持[「状态前缀」](../../../docs/style/state.md),有需求请提 [issue](https://github.com/baidu/amis/issues)。 */ .overflow-auto { overflow: auto; } .overflow-hidden { overflow: hidden; } .overflow-visible { overflow: visible; } .overflow-scroll { overflow: scroll; } .overflow-x-auto { overflow-x: auto; } .overflow-y-auto { overflow-y: auto; } .overflow-x-hidden { overflow-x: hidden; } .overflow-y-hidden { overflow-y: hidden; } .overflow-x-visible { overflow-x: visible; } .overflow-y-visible { overflow-y: visible; } .overflow-x-scroll { overflow-x: scroll; } .overflow-y-scroll { overflow-y: scroll; } @media (max-width: 768px) { .m\:overflow-auto { overflow: auto; } .m\:overflow-hidden { overflow: hidden; } .m\:overflow-visible { overflow: visible; } .m\:overflow-scroll { overflow: scroll; } .m\:overflow-x-auto { overflow-x: auto; } .m\:overflow-y-auto { overflow-y: auto; } .m\:overflow-x-hidden { overflow-x: hidden; } .m\:overflow-y-hidden { overflow-y: hidden; } .m\:overflow-x-visible { overflow-x: visible; } .m\:overflow-y-visible { overflow-y: visible; } .m\:overflow-x-scroll { overflow-x: scroll; } .m\:overflow-y-scroll { overflow-y: scroll; } } @media (min-width: 769px) { .pc\:overflow-auto { overflow: auto; } .pc\:overflow-hidden { overflow: hidden; } .pc\:overflow-visible { overflow: visible; } .pc\:overflow-scroll { overflow: scroll; } .pc\:overflow-x-auto { overflow-x: auto; } .pc\:overflow-y-auto { overflow-y: auto; } .pc\:overflow-x-hidden { overflow-x: hidden; } .pc\:overflow-y-hidden { overflow-y: hidden; } .pc\:overflow-x-visible { overflow-x: visible; } .pc\:overflow-y-visible { overflow-y: visible; } .pc\:overflow-x-scroll { overflow-x: scroll; } .pc\:overflow-y-scroll { overflow-y: scroll; } } /*!markdown --- title: Position --- 定位相关样式。 | Class | Properties | | ----------- | ------------------------ | | static | position: static; | | fixed | position: fixed; | | absolute | position: absolute; | | relative | position: relative; | | sticky | position: sticky; | ## 用法 请前往一下文档查看属性含义。 https://www.w3school.com.cn/cssref/pr_class_position.asp # 响应式设计 支持通过添加设备前缀 `m:` 或者 `pc:` 来分别针对「手机端」或者「pc端」设置样式,更多说明请前往[「响应式设计」](../../../docs/style/responsive-design.md)。 ## 状态前缀 不支持[「状态前缀」](../../../docs/style/state.md),有需求请提 [issue](https://github.com/baidu/amis/issues)。 */ .static { position: static; } .fixed { position: fixed; } .absolute { position: absolute; } .relative { position: relative; } .sticky { position: sticky; } @media (max-width: 768px) { .m\:static { position: static; } .m\:fixed { position: fixed; } .m\:absolute { position: absolute; } .m\:relative { position: relative; } .m\:sticky { position: sticky; } } @media (min-width: 769px) { .pc\:static { position: static; } .pc\:fixed { position: fixed; } .pc\:absolute { position: absolute; } .pc\:relative { position: relative; } .pc\:sticky { position: sticky; } } /*!markdown --- title: Top / Right / Bottom / Left --- 用来控制位置的样式集。 | Class | Properties | | ------------ | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | inset-0 | top: 0px;
right: 0px;
bottom: 0px;
left: 0px; | | -inset-0 | top: 0px;
right: 0px;
bottom: 0px;
left: 0px; | | inset-y-0 | top: 0px;
bottom: 0px; | | inset-x-0 | right: 0px;
left: 0px; | | -inset-y-0 | top: 0px;
bottom: 0px; | | -inset-x-0 | right: 0px;
left: 0px; | | top-0 | top: 0px; | | right-0 | right: 0px; | | bottom-0 | bottom: 0px; | | left-0 | left: 0px; | | -top-0 | top: 0px; | | -right-0 | right: 0px; | | -bottom-0 | bottom: 0px; | | -left-0 | left: 0px; | | inset-0.5 | top: 0.125rem;
right: 0.125rem;
bottom: 0.125rem;
left: 0.125rem; | | -inset-0.5 | top: -0.125rem;
right: -0.125rem;
bottom: -0.125rem;
left: -0.125rem; | | inset-y-0.5 | top: 0.125rem;
bottom: 0.125rem; | | inset-x-0.5 | right: 0.125rem;
left: 0.125rem; | | -inset-y-0.5 | top: -0.125rem;
bottom: -0.125rem; | | -inset-x-0.5 | right: -0.125rem;
left: -0.125rem; | | top-0.5 | top: 0.125rem; | | right-0.5 | right: 0.125rem; | | bottom-0.5 | bottom: 0.125rem; | | left-0.5 | left: 0.125rem; | | -top-0.5 | top: -0.125rem; | | -right-0.5 | right: -0.125rem; | | -bottom-0.5 | bottom: -0.125rem; | | -left-0.5 | left: -0.125rem; | 按以下尺寸表依次类推 | 尺寸 | 大小 | | ---- | -------------- | | 0 | 0 | | 0.5 | 0.125rem; | | 1 | 0.25rem | | 1.5 | 0.375rem | | 1.5 | 0.375rem | | 2 | 0.5rem | | 2.5 | 0.625rem | | 3 | 0.75rem | | 3.5 | 0.875rem | | 4 | 1rem | | 5 | 1.25rem | | 6 | 1.5rem | | 7 | 1.75rem | | 8 | 2rem | | 9 | 2.25rem | | 10 | 2.5rem | | 11 | 2.75rem | | 12 | 3rem | | 14 | 3.5rem | | 16 | 4rem | | 20 | 5rem | | 24 | 6rem | | 28 | 7rem | | 32 | 8rem | | 36 | 9rem | | 40 | 10rem | | 44 | 11rem | | 48 | 12rem | | 52 | 13rem | | 56 | 14rem | | 60 | 15rem | | 64 | 16rem | | 68 | 17rem | | 72 | 18rem | | 76 | 19rem | | 80 | 20rem | | 96 | 24rem | | auto | auto | | 1/2 | 50% | | 1/3 | 33.333333% | | 2/3 | 66.666667% | | 1/4 | 25%; | | 2/4 | 50%; | | 3/4 | 75%; | | full | 100%; | | px | 0.0625rem(1px) | ## 用法 结合 relative 和 absolute 定位 和位置样式 `{top|right|bottom|left|inset}-xxx`,可以很方便的实现各种组件布局。 ```html
``` ## 响应式设计 支持通过添加设备前缀 `m:` 或者 `pc:` 来分别针对「手机端」或者「pc端」设置样式,更多说明请前往[「响应式设计」](../../../docs/style/responsive-design.md)。 ## 状态前缀 不支持[「状态前缀」](../../../docs/style/state.md),有需求请提 [issue](https://github.com/baidu/amis/issues)。 */ .top-px { top: 0.0625rem; } .top-0 { top: 0; } .top-none { top: 0; } .top-0\.5 { top: 0.125rem; } .top-1 { top: 0.25rem; } .top-1\.5 { top: 0.375rem; } .top-2 { top: 0.5rem; } .top-2\.5 { top: 0.625rem; } .top-3 { top: 0.75rem; } .top-3\.5 { top: 0.875rem; } .top-4 { top: 1rem; } .top-5 { top: 1.25rem; } .top-6 { top: 1.5rem; } .top-7 { top: 1.75rem; } .top-8 { top: 2rem; } .top-9 { top: 2.25rem; } .top-10 { top: 2.5rem; } .top-11 { top: 2.75rem; } .top-12 { top: 3rem; } .top-14 { top: 3.5rem; } .top-16 { top: 4rem; } .top-18 { top: 4.5rem; } .top-20 { top: 5rem; } .top-24 { top: 6rem; } .top-28 { top: 7rem; } .top-32 { top: 8rem; } .top-36 { top: 9rem; } .top-40 { top: 10rem; } .top-44 { top: 11rem; } .top-48 { top: 12rem; } .top-52 { top: 13rem; } .top-56 { top: 14rem; } .top-60 { top: 15rem; } .top-64 { top: 16rem; } .top-72 { top: 18rem; } .top-80 { top: 20rem; } .top-96 { top: 24rem; } .top-auto { top: auto; } .top-1\/2 { top: 50%; } .top-1\/3 { top: 33.333333%; } .top-2\/3 { top: 66.666667%; } .top-1\/4 { top: 25%; } .top-2\/4 { top: 50%; } .top-3\/4 { top: 75%; } .top-full { top: 100%; } .-top-px { top: -0.0625rem; } .-top-0 { top: 0; } .-top-none { top: 0; } .-top-0\.5 { top: -0.125rem; } .-top-1 { top: -0.25rem; } .-top-1\.5 { top: -0.375rem; } .-top-2 { top: -0.5rem; } .-top-2\.5 { top: -0.625rem; } .-top-3 { top: -0.75rem; } .-top-3\.5 { top: -0.875rem; } .-top-4 { top: -1rem; } .-top-5 { top: -1.25rem; } .-top-6 { top: -1.5rem; } .-top-7 { top: -1.75rem; } .-top-8 { top: -2rem; } .-top-9 { top: -2.25rem; } .-top-10 { top: -2.5rem; } .-top-11 { top: -2.75rem; } .-top-12 { top: -3rem; } .-top-14 { top: -3.5rem; } .-top-16 { top: -4rem; } .-top-18 { top: -4.5rem; } .-top-20 { top: -5rem; } .-top-24 { top: -6rem; } .-top-28 { top: -7rem; } .-top-32 { top: -8rem; } .-top-36 { top: -9rem; } .-top-40 { top: -10rem; } .-top-44 { top: -11rem; } .-top-48 { top: -12rem; } .-top-52 { top: -13rem; } .-top-56 { top: -14rem; } .-top-60 { top: -15rem; } .-top-64 { top: -16rem; } .-top-72 { top: -18rem; } .-top-80 { top: -20rem; } .-top-96 { top: -24rem; } .-top-1\/2 { top: -50%; } .-top-1\/3 { top: -33.333333%; } .-top-2\/3 { top: -66.666667%; } .-top-1\/4 { top: -25%; } .-top-2\/4 { top: -50%; } .-top-3\/4 { top: -75%; } .-top-full { top: -100%; } .right-px { right: 0.0625rem; } .right-0 { right: 0; } .right-none { right: 0; } .right-0\.5 { right: 0.125rem; } .right-1 { right: 0.25rem; } .right-1\.5 { right: 0.375rem; } .right-2 { right: 0.5rem; } .right-2\.5 { right: 0.625rem; } .right-3 { right: 0.75rem; } .right-3\.5 { right: 0.875rem; } .right-4 { right: 1rem; } .right-5 { right: 1.25rem; } .right-6 { right: 1.5rem; } .right-7 { right: 1.75rem; } .right-8 { right: 2rem; } .right-9 { right: 2.25rem; } .right-10 { right: 2.5rem; } .right-11 { right: 2.75rem; } .right-12 { right: 3rem; } .right-14 { right: 3.5rem; } .right-16 { right: 4rem; } .right-18 { right: 4.5rem; } .right-20 { right: 5rem; } .right-24 { right: 6rem; } .right-28 { right: 7rem; } .right-32 { right: 8rem; } .right-36 { right: 9rem; } .right-40 { right: 10rem; } .right-44 { right: 11rem; } .right-48 { right: 12rem; } .right-52 { right: 13rem; } .right-56 { right: 14rem; } .right-60 { right: 15rem; } .right-64 { right: 16rem; } .right-72 { right: 18rem; } .right-80 { right: 20rem; } .right-96 { right: 24rem; } .right-auto { right: auto; } .right-1\/2 { right: 50%; } .right-1\/3 { right: 33.333333%; } .right-2\/3 { right: 66.666667%; } .right-1\/4 { right: 25%; } .right-2\/4 { right: 50%; } .right-3\/4 { right: 75%; } .right-full { right: 100%; } .-right-px { right: -0.0625rem; } .-right-0 { right: 0; } .-right-none { right: 0; } .-right-0\.5 { right: -0.125rem; } .-right-1 { right: -0.25rem; } .-right-1\.5 { right: -0.375rem; } .-right-2 { right: -0.5rem; } .-right-2\.5 { right: -0.625rem; } .-right-3 { right: -0.75rem; } .-right-3\.5 { right: -0.875rem; } .-right-4 { right: -1rem; } .-right-5 { right: -1.25rem; } .-right-6 { right: -1.5rem; } .-right-7 { right: -1.75rem; } .-right-8 { right: -2rem; } .-right-9 { right: -2.25rem; } .-right-10 { right: -2.5rem; } .-right-11 { right: -2.75rem; } .-right-12 { right: -3rem; } .-right-14 { right: -3.5rem; } .-right-16 { right: -4rem; } .-right-18 { right: -4.5rem; } .-right-20 { right: -5rem; } .-right-24 { right: -6rem; } .-right-28 { right: -7rem; } .-right-32 { right: -8rem; } .-right-36 { right: -9rem; } .-right-40 { right: -10rem; } .-right-44 { right: -11rem; } .-right-48 { right: -12rem; } .-right-52 { right: -13rem; } .-right-56 { right: -14rem; } .-right-60 { right: -15rem; } .-right-64 { right: -16rem; } .-right-72 { right: -18rem; } .-right-80 { right: -20rem; } .-right-96 { right: -24rem; } .-right-1\/2 { right: -50%; } .-right-1\/3 { right: -33.333333%; } .-right-2\/3 { right: -66.666667%; } .-right-1\/4 { right: -25%; } .-right-2\/4 { right: -50%; } .-right-3\/4 { right: -75%; } .-right-full { right: -100%; } .bottom-px { bottom: 0.0625rem; } .bottom-0 { bottom: 0; } .bottom-none { bottom: 0; } .bottom-0\.5 { bottom: 0.125rem; } .bottom-1 { bottom: 0.25rem; } .bottom-1\.5 { bottom: 0.375rem; } .bottom-2 { bottom: 0.5rem; } .bottom-2\.5 { bottom: 0.625rem; } .bottom-3 { bottom: 0.75rem; } .bottom-3\.5 { bottom: 0.875rem; } .bottom-4 { bottom: 1rem; } .bottom-5 { bottom: 1.25rem; } .bottom-6 { bottom: 1.5rem; } .bottom-7 { bottom: 1.75rem; } .bottom-8 { bottom: 2rem; } .bottom-9 { bottom: 2.25rem; } .bottom-10 { bottom: 2.5rem; } .bottom-11 { bottom: 2.75rem; } .bottom-12 { bottom: 3rem; } .bottom-14 { bottom: 3.5rem; } .bottom-16 { bottom: 4rem; } .bottom-18 { bottom: 4.5rem; } .bottom-20 { bottom: 5rem; } .bottom-24 { bottom: 6rem; } .bottom-28 { bottom: 7rem; } .bottom-32 { bottom: 8rem; } .bottom-36 { bottom: 9rem; } .bottom-40 { bottom: 10rem; } .bottom-44 { bottom: 11rem; } .bottom-48 { bottom: 12rem; } .bottom-52 { bottom: 13rem; } .bottom-56 { bottom: 14rem; } .bottom-60 { bottom: 15rem; } .bottom-64 { bottom: 16rem; } .bottom-72 { bottom: 18rem; } .bottom-80 { bottom: 20rem; } .bottom-96 { bottom: 24rem; } .bottom-auto { bottom: auto; } .bottom-1\/2 { bottom: 50%; } .bottom-1\/3 { bottom: 33.333333%; } .bottom-2\/3 { bottom: 66.666667%; } .bottom-1\/4 { bottom: 25%; } .bottom-2\/4 { bottom: 50%; } .bottom-3\/4 { bottom: 75%; } .bottom-full { bottom: 100%; } .-bottom-px { bottom: -0.0625rem; } .-bottom-0 { bottom: 0; } .-bottom-none { bottom: 0; } .-bottom-0\.5 { bottom: -0.125rem; } .-bottom-1 { bottom: -0.25rem; } .-bottom-1\.5 { bottom: -0.375rem; } .-bottom-2 { bottom: -0.5rem; } .-bottom-2\.5 { bottom: -0.625rem; } .-bottom-3 { bottom: -0.75rem; } .-bottom-3\.5 { bottom: -0.875rem; } .-bottom-4 { bottom: -1rem; } .-bottom-5 { bottom: -1.25rem; } .-bottom-6 { bottom: -1.5rem; } .-bottom-7 { bottom: -1.75rem; } .-bottom-8 { bottom: -2rem; } .-bottom-9 { bottom: -2.25rem; } .-bottom-10 { bottom: -2.5rem; } .-bottom-11 { bottom: -2.75rem; } .-bottom-12 { bottom: -3rem; } .-bottom-14 { bottom: -3.5rem; } .-bottom-16 { bottom: -4rem; } .-bottom-18 { bottom: -4.5rem; } .-bottom-20 { bottom: -5rem; } .-bottom-24 { bottom: -6rem; } .-bottom-28 { bottom: -7rem; } .-bottom-32 { bottom: -8rem; } .-bottom-36 { bottom: -9rem; } .-bottom-40 { bottom: -10rem; } .-bottom-44 { bottom: -11rem; } .-bottom-48 { bottom: -12rem; } .-bottom-52 { bottom: -13rem; } .-bottom-56 { bottom: -14rem; } .-bottom-60 { bottom: -15rem; } .-bottom-64 { bottom: -16rem; } .-bottom-72 { bottom: -18rem; } .-bottom-80 { bottom: -20rem; } .-bottom-96 { bottom: -24rem; } .-bottom-1\/2 { bottom: -50%; } .-bottom-1\/3 { bottom: -33.333333%; } .-bottom-2\/3 { bottom: -66.666667%; } .-bottom-1\/4 { bottom: -25%; } .-bottom-2\/4 { bottom: -50%; } .-bottom-3\/4 { bottom: -75%; } .-bottom-full { bottom: -100%; } .left-px { left: 0.0625rem; } .left-0 { left: 0; } .left-none { left: 0; } .left-0\.5 { left: 0.125rem; } .left-1 { left: 0.25rem; } .left-1\.5 { left: 0.375rem; } .left-2 { left: 0.5rem; } .left-2\.5 { left: 0.625rem; } .left-3 { left: 0.75rem; } .left-3\.5 { left: 0.875rem; } .left-4 { left: 1rem; } .left-5 { left: 1.25rem; } .left-6 { left: 1.5rem; } .left-7 { left: 1.75rem; } .left-8 { left: 2rem; } .left-9 { left: 2.25rem; } .left-10 { left: 2.5rem; } .left-11 { left: 2.75rem; } .left-12 { left: 3rem; } .left-14 { left: 3.5rem; } .left-16 { left: 4rem; } .left-18 { left: 4.5rem; } .left-20 { left: 5rem; } .left-24 { left: 6rem; } .left-28 { left: 7rem; } .left-32 { left: 8rem; } .left-36 { left: 9rem; } .left-40 { left: 10rem; } .left-44 { left: 11rem; } .left-48 { left: 12rem; } .left-52 { left: 13rem; } .left-56 { left: 14rem; } .left-60 { left: 15rem; } .left-64 { left: 16rem; } .left-72 { left: 18rem; } .left-80 { left: 20rem; } .left-96 { left: 24rem; } .left-auto { left: auto; } .left-1\/2 { left: 50%; } .left-1\/3 { left: 33.333333%; } .left-2\/3 { left: 66.666667%; } .left-1\/4 { left: 25%; } .left-2\/4 { left: 50%; } .left-3\/4 { left: 75%; } .left-full { left: 100%; } .-left-px { left: -0.0625rem; } .-left-0 { left: 0; } .-left-none { left: 0; } .-left-0\.5 { left: -0.125rem; } .-left-1 { left: -0.25rem; } .-left-1\.5 { left: -0.375rem; } .-left-2 { left: -0.5rem; } .-left-2\.5 { left: -0.625rem; } .-left-3 { left: -0.75rem; } .-left-3\.5 { left: -0.875rem; } .-left-4 { left: -1rem; } .-left-5 { left: -1.25rem; } .-left-6 { left: -1.5rem; } .-left-7 { left: -1.75rem; } .-left-8 { left: -2rem; } .-left-9 { left: -2.25rem; } .-left-10 { left: -2.5rem; } .-left-11 { left: -2.75rem; } .-left-12 { left: -3rem; } .-left-14 { left: -3.5rem; } .-left-16 { left: -4rem; } .-left-18 { left: -4.5rem; } .-left-20 { left: -5rem; } .-left-24 { left: -6rem; } .-left-28 { left: -7rem; } .-left-32 { left: -8rem; } .-left-36 { left: -9rem; } .-left-40 { left: -10rem; } .-left-44 { left: -11rem; } .-left-48 { left: -12rem; } .-left-52 { left: -13rem; } .-left-56 { left: -14rem; } .-left-60 { left: -15rem; } .-left-64 { left: -16rem; } .-left-72 { left: -18rem; } .-left-80 { left: -20rem; } .-left-96 { left: -24rem; } .-left-1\/2 { left: -50%; } .-left-1\/3 { left: -33.333333%; } .-left-2\/3 { left: -66.666667%; } .-left-1\/4 { left: -25%; } .-left-2\/4 { left: -50%; } .-left-3\/4 { left: -75%; } .-left-full { left: -100%; } .inset-px { top: 0.0625rem; right: 0.0625rem; bottom: 0.0625rem; left: 0.0625rem; } .inset-0 { top: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0; } .inset-none { top: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0; } .inset-0\.5 { top: 0.125rem; right: 0.125rem; bottom: 0.125rem; left: 0.125rem; } .inset-1 { top: 0.25rem; right: 0.25rem; bottom: 0.25rem; left: 0.25rem; } .inset-1\.5 { top: 0.375rem; right: 0.375rem; bottom: 0.375rem; left: 0.375rem; } .inset-2 { top: 0.5rem; right: 0.5rem; bottom: 0.5rem; left: 0.5rem; } .inset-2\.5 { top: 0.625rem; right: 0.625rem; bottom: 0.625rem; left: 0.625rem; } .inset-3 { top: 0.75rem; right: 0.75rem; bottom: 0.75rem; left: 0.75rem; } .inset-3\.5 { top: 0.875rem; right: 0.875rem; bottom: 0.875rem; left: 0.875rem; } .inset-4 { top: 1rem; right: 1rem; bottom: 1rem; left: 1rem; } .inset-5 { top: 1.25rem; right: 1.25rem; bottom: 1.25rem; left: 1.25rem; } .inset-6 { top: 1.5rem; right: 1.5rem; bottom: 1.5rem; left: 1.5rem; } .inset-7 { top: 1.75rem; right: 1.75rem; bottom: 1.75rem; left: 1.75rem; } .inset-8 { top: 2rem; right: 2rem; bottom: 2rem; left: 2rem; } .inset-9 { top: 2.25rem; right: 2.25rem; bottom: 2.25rem; left: 2.25rem; } .inset-10 { top: 2.5rem; right: 2.5rem; bottom: 2.5rem; left: 2.5rem; } .inset-11 { top: 2.75rem; right: 2.75rem; bottom: 2.75rem; left: 2.75rem; } .inset-12 { top: 3rem; right: 3rem; bottom: 3rem; left: 3rem; } .inset-14 { top: 3.5rem; right: 3.5rem; bottom: 3.5rem; left: 3.5rem; } .inset-16 { top: 4rem; right: 4rem; bottom: 4rem; left: 4rem; } .inset-18 { top: 4.5rem; right: 4.5rem; bottom: 4.5rem; left: 4.5rem; } .inset-20 { top: 5rem; right: 5rem; bottom: 5rem; left: 5rem; } .inset-24 { top: 6rem; right: 6rem; bottom: 6rem; left: 6rem; } .inset-28 { top: 7rem; right: 7rem; bottom: 7rem; left: 7rem; } .inset-32 { top: 8rem; right: 8rem; bottom: 8rem; left: 8rem; } .inset-36 { top: 9rem; right: 9rem; bottom: 9rem; left: 9rem; } .inset-40 { top: 10rem; right: 10rem; bottom: 10rem; left: 10rem; } .inset-44 { top: 11rem; right: 11rem; bottom: 11rem; left: 11rem; } .inset-48 { top: 12rem; right: 12rem; bottom: 12rem; left: 12rem; } .inset-52 { top: 13rem; right: 13rem; bottom: 13rem; left: 13rem; } .inset-56 { top: 14rem; right: 14rem; bottom: 14rem; left: 14rem; } .inset-60 { top: 15rem; right: 15rem; bottom: 15rem; left: 15rem; } .inset-64 { top: 16rem; right: 16rem; bottom: 16rem; left: 16rem; } .inset-72 { top: 18rem; right: 18rem; bottom: 18rem; left: 18rem; } .inset-80 { top: 20rem; right: 20rem; bottom: 20rem; left: 20rem; } .inset-96 { top: 24rem; right: 24rem; bottom: 24rem; left: 24rem; } .inset-auto { top: auto; right: auto; bottom: auto; left: auto; } .inset-1\/2 { top: 50%; right: 50%; bottom: 50%; left: 50%; } .inset-1\/3 { top: 33.333333%; right: 33.333333%; bottom: 33.333333%; left: 33.333333%; } .inset-2\/3 { top: 66.666667%; right: 66.666667%; bottom: 66.666667%; left: 66.666667%; } .inset-1\/4 { top: 25%; right: 25%; bottom: 25%; left: 25%; } .inset-2\/4 { top: 50%; right: 50%; bottom: 50%; left: 50%; } .inset-3\/4 { top: 75%; right: 75%; bottom: 75%; left: 75%; } .inset-full { top: 100%; right: 100%; bottom: 100%; left: 100%; } .-inset-px { top: -0.0625rem; right: -0.0625rem; bottom: -0.0625rem; left: -0.0625rem; } .-inset-0 { top: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0; } .-inset-none { top: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0; } .-inset-0\.5 { top: -0.125rem; right: -0.125rem; bottom: -0.125rem; left: -0.125rem; } .-inset-1 { top: -0.25rem; right: -0.25rem; bottom: -0.25rem; left: -0.25rem; } .-inset-1\.5 { top: -0.375rem; right: -0.375rem; bottom: -0.375rem; left: -0.375rem; } .-inset-2 { top: -0.5rem; right: -0.5rem; bottom: -0.5rem; left: -0.5rem; } .-inset-2\.5 { top: -0.625rem; right: -0.625rem; bottom: -0.625rem; left: -0.625rem; } .-inset-3 { top: -0.75rem; right: -0.75rem; bottom: -0.75rem; left: -0.75rem; } .-inset-3\.5 { top: -0.875rem; right: -0.875rem; bottom: -0.875rem; left: -0.875rem; } .-inset-4 { top: -1rem; right: -1rem; bottom: -1rem; left: -1rem; } .-inset-5 { top: -1.25rem; right: -1.25rem; bottom: -1.25rem; left: -1.25rem; } .-inset-6 { top: -1.5rem; right: -1.5rem; bottom: -1.5rem; left: -1.5rem; } .-inset-7 { top: -1.75rem; right: -1.75rem; bottom: -1.75rem; left: -1.75rem; } .-inset-8 { top: -2rem; right: -2rem; bottom: -2rem; left: -2rem; } .-inset-9 { top: -2.25rem; right: -2.25rem; bottom: -2.25rem; left: -2.25rem; } .-inset-10 { top: -2.5rem; right: -2.5rem; bottom: -2.5rem; left: -2.5rem; } .-inset-11 { top: -2.75rem; right: -2.75rem; bottom: -2.75rem; left: -2.75rem; } .-inset-12 { top: -3rem; right: -3rem; bottom: -3rem; left: -3rem; } .-inset-14 { top: -3.5rem; right: -3.5rem; bottom: -3.5rem; left: -3.5rem; } .-inset-16 { top: -4rem; right: -4rem; bottom: -4rem; left: -4rem; } .-inset-18 { top: -4.5rem; right: -4.5rem; bottom: -4.5rem; left: -4.5rem; } .-inset-20 { top: -5rem; right: -5rem; bottom: -5rem; left: -5rem; } .-inset-24 { top: -6rem; right: -6rem; bottom: -6rem; left: -6rem; } .-inset-28 { top: -7rem; right: -7rem; bottom: -7rem; left: -7rem; } .-inset-32 { top: -8rem; right: -8rem; bottom: -8rem; left: -8rem; } .-inset-36 { top: -9rem; right: -9rem; bottom: -9rem; left: -9rem; } .-inset-40 { top: -10rem; right: -10rem; bottom: -10rem; left: -10rem; } .-inset-44 { top: -11rem; right: -11rem; bottom: -11rem; left: -11rem; } .-inset-48 { top: -12rem; right: -12rem; bottom: -12rem; left: -12rem; } .-inset-52 { top: -13rem; right: -13rem; bottom: -13rem; left: -13rem; } .-inset-56 { top: -14rem; right: -14rem; bottom: -14rem; left: -14rem; } .-inset-60 { top: -15rem; right: -15rem; bottom: -15rem; left: -15rem; } .-inset-64 { top: -16rem; right: -16rem; bottom: -16rem; left: -16rem; } .-inset-72 { top: -18rem; right: -18rem; bottom: -18rem; left: -18rem; } .-inset-80 { top: -20rem; right: -20rem; bottom: -20rem; left: -20rem; } .-inset-96 { top: -24rem; right: -24rem; bottom: -24rem; left: -24rem; } .-inset-1\/2 { top: -50%; right: -50%; bottom: -50%; left: -50%; } .-inset-1\/3 { top: -33.333333%; right: -33.333333%; bottom: -33.333333%; left: -33.333333%; } .-inset-2\/3 { top: -66.666667%; right: -66.666667%; bottom: -66.666667%; left: -66.666667%; } .-inset-1\/4 { top: -25%; right: -25%; bottom: -25%; left: -25%; } .-inset-2\/4 { top: -50%; right: -50%; bottom: -50%; left: -50%; } .-inset-3\/4 { top: -75%; right: -75%; bottom: -75%; left: -75%; } .-inset-full { top: -100%; right: -100%; bottom: -100%; left: -100%; } .inset-x-px { right: 0.0625rem; left: 0.0625rem; } .inset-x-0 { right: 0; left: 0; } .inset-x-none { right: 0; left: 0; } .inset-x-0\.5 { right: 0.125rem; left: 0.125rem; } .inset-x-1 { right: 0.25rem; left: 0.25rem; } .inset-x-1\.5 { right: 0.375rem; left: 0.375rem; } .inset-x-2 { right: 0.5rem; left: 0.5rem; } .inset-x-2\.5 { right: 0.625rem; left: 0.625rem; } .inset-x-3 { right: 0.75rem; left: 0.75rem; } .inset-x-3\.5 { right: 0.875rem; left: 0.875rem; } .inset-x-4 { right: 1rem; left: 1rem; } .inset-x-5 { right: 1.25rem; left: 1.25rem; } .inset-x-6 { right: 1.5rem; left: 1.5rem; } .inset-x-7 { right: 1.75rem; left: 1.75rem; } .inset-x-8 { right: 2rem; left: 2rem; } .inset-x-9 { right: 2.25rem; left: 2.25rem; } .inset-x-10 { right: 2.5rem; left: 2.5rem; } .inset-x-11 { right: 2.75rem; left: 2.75rem; } .inset-x-12 { right: 3rem; left: 3rem; } .inset-x-14 { right: 3.5rem; left: 3.5rem; } .inset-x-16 { right: 4rem; left: 4rem; } .inset-x-18 { right: 4.5rem; left: 4.5rem; } .inset-x-20 { right: 5rem; left: 5rem; } .inset-x-24 { right: 6rem; left: 6rem; } .inset-x-28 { right: 7rem; left: 7rem; } .inset-x-32 { right: 8rem; left: 8rem; } .inset-x-36 { right: 9rem; left: 9rem; } .inset-x-40 { right: 10rem; left: 10rem; } .inset-x-44 { right: 11rem; left: 11rem; } .inset-x-48 { right: 12rem; left: 12rem; } .inset-x-52 { right: 13rem; left: 13rem; } .inset-x-56 { right: 14rem; left: 14rem; } .inset-x-60 { right: 15rem; left: 15rem; } .inset-x-64 { right: 16rem; left: 16rem; } .inset-x-72 { right: 18rem; left: 18rem; } .inset-x-80 { right: 20rem; left: 20rem; } .inset-x-96 { right: 24rem; left: 24rem; } .inset-x-auto { right: auto; left: auto; } .inset-x-1\/2 { right: 50%; left: 50%; } .inset-x-1\/3 { right: 33.333333%; left: 33.333333%; } .inset-x-2\/3 { right: 66.666667%; left: 66.666667%; } .inset-x-1\/4 { right: 25%; left: 25%; } .inset-x-2\/4 { right: 50%; left: 50%; } .inset-x-3\/4 { right: 75%; left: 75%; } .inset-x-full { right: 100%; left: 100%; } .-inset-x-px { right: -0.0625rem; left: -0.0625rem; } .-inset-x-0 { right: 0; left: 0; } .-inset-x-none { right: 0; left: 0; } .-inset-x-0\.5 { right: -0.125rem; left: -0.125rem; } .-inset-x-1 { right: -0.25rem; left: -0.25rem; } .-inset-x-1\.5 { right: -0.375rem; left: -0.375rem; } .-inset-x-2 { right: -0.5rem; left: -0.5rem; } .-inset-x-2\.5 { right: -0.625rem; left: -0.625rem; } .-inset-x-3 { right: -0.75rem; left: -0.75rem; } .-inset-x-3\.5 { right: -0.875rem; left: -0.875rem; } .-inset-x-4 { right: -1rem; left: -1rem; } .-inset-x-5 { right: -1.25rem; left: -1.25rem; } .-inset-x-6 { right: -1.5rem; left: -1.5rem; } .-inset-x-7 { right: -1.75rem; left: -1.75rem; } .-inset-x-8 { right: -2rem; left: -2rem; } .-inset-x-9 { right: -2.25rem; left: -2.25rem; } .-inset-x-10 { right: -2.5rem; left: -2.5rem; } .-inset-x-11 { right: -2.75rem; left: -2.75rem; } .-inset-x-12 { right: -3rem; left: -3rem; } .-inset-x-14 { right: -3.5rem; left: -3.5rem; } .-inset-x-16 { right: -4rem; left: -4rem; } .-inset-x-18 { right: -4.5rem; left: -4.5rem; } .-inset-x-20 { right: -5rem; left: -5rem; } .-inset-x-24 { right: -6rem; left: -6rem; } .-inset-x-28 { right: -7rem; left: -7rem; } .-inset-x-32 { right: -8rem; left: -8rem; } .-inset-x-36 { right: -9rem; left: -9rem; } .-inset-x-40 { right: -10rem; left: -10rem; } .-inset-x-44 { right: -11rem; left: -11rem; } .-inset-x-48 { right: -12rem; 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bottom: 13rem; } .inset-y-56 { top: 14rem; bottom: 14rem; } .inset-y-60 { top: 15rem; bottom: 15rem; } .inset-y-64 { top: 16rem; bottom: 16rem; } .inset-y-72 { top: 18rem; bottom: 18rem; } .inset-y-80 { top: 20rem; bottom: 20rem; } .inset-y-96 { top: 24rem; bottom: 24rem; } .inset-y-auto { top: auto; bottom: auto; } .inset-y-1\/2 { top: 50%; bottom: 50%; } .inset-y-1\/3 { top: 33.333333%; bottom: 33.333333%; } .inset-y-2\/3 { top: 66.666667%; bottom: 66.666667%; } .inset-y-1\/4 { top: 25%; bottom: 25%; } .inset-y-2\/4 { top: 50%; bottom: 50%; } .inset-y-3\/4 { top: 75%; bottom: 75%; } .inset-y-full { top: 100%; bottom: 100%; } .-inset-y-px { top: -0.0625rem; bottom: -0.0625rem; } .-inset-y-0 { top: 0; bottom: 0; } .-inset-y-none { top: 0; bottom: 0; } .-inset-y-0\.5 { top: -0.125rem; bottom: -0.125rem; } .-inset-y-1 { top: -0.25rem; bottom: -0.25rem; } .-inset-y-1\.5 { top: -0.375rem; bottom: -0.375rem; } .-inset-y-2 { top: -0.5rem; bottom: -0.5rem; } .-inset-y-2\.5 { top: -0.625rem; bottom: -0.625rem; 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bottom: -12rem; } .-inset-y-52 { top: -13rem; bottom: -13rem; } .-inset-y-56 { top: -14rem; bottom: -14rem; } .-inset-y-60 { top: -15rem; bottom: -15rem; } .-inset-y-64 { top: -16rem; bottom: -16rem; } .-inset-y-72 { top: -18rem; bottom: -18rem; } .-inset-y-80 { top: -20rem; bottom: -20rem; } .-inset-y-96 { top: -24rem; bottom: -24rem; } .-inset-y-1\/2 { top: -50%; bottom: -50%; } .-inset-y-1\/3 { top: -33.333333%; bottom: -33.333333%; } .-inset-y-2\/3 { top: -66.666667%; bottom: -66.666667%; } .-inset-y-1\/4 { top: -25%; bottom: -25%; } .-inset-y-2\/4 { top: -50%; bottom: -50%; } .-inset-y-3\/4 { top: -75%; bottom: -75%; } .-inset-y-full { top: -100%; bottom: -100%; } @media (max-width: 768px) { .m\:top-px { top: 0.0625rem; } .m\:top-0 { top: 0; } .m\:top-none { top: 0; } .m\:top-0\.5 { top: 0.125rem; } .m\:top-1 { top: 0.25rem; } .m\:top-1\.5 { top: 0.375rem; } .m\:top-2 { top: 0.5rem; } .m\:top-2\.5 { top: 0.625rem; } .m\:top-3 { top: 0.75rem; } .m\:top-3\.5 { top: 0.875rem; } .m\:top-4 { top: 1rem; 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} .m\:left-52 { left: 13rem; } .m\:left-56 { left: 14rem; } .m\:left-60 { left: 15rem; } .m\:left-64 { left: 16rem; } .m\:left-72 { left: 18rem; } .m\:left-80 { left: 20rem; } .m\:left-96 { left: 24rem; } .m\:left-auto { left: auto; } .m\:left-1\/2 { left: 50%; } .m\:left-1\/3 { left: 33.333333%; } .m\:left-2\/3 { left: 66.666667%; } .m\:left-1\/4 { left: 25%; } .m\:left-2\/4 { left: 50%; } .m\:left-3\/4 { left: 75%; } .m\:left-full { left: 100%; } .m\:-left-px { left: -0.0625rem; } .m\:-left-0 { left: 0; } .m\:-left-none { left: 0; } .m\:-left-0\.5 { left: -0.125rem; } .m\:-left-1 { left: -0.25rem; } .m\:-left-1\.5 { left: -0.375rem; } .m\:-left-2 { left: -0.5rem; } .m\:-left-2\.5 { left: -0.625rem; } .m\:-left-3 { left: -0.75rem; } .m\:-left-3\.5 { left: -0.875rem; } .m\:-left-4 { left: -1rem; } .m\:-left-5 { left: -1.25rem; } .m\:-left-6 { left: -1.5rem; } .m\:-left-7 { left: -1.75rem; } .m\:-left-8 { left: -2rem; } .m\:-left-9 { left: -2.25rem; } .m\:-left-10 { left: -2.5rem; } .m\:-left-11 { left: -2.75rem; } .m\:-left-12 { left: -3rem; } .m\:-left-14 { left: -3.5rem; } .m\:-left-16 { left: -4rem; } .m\:-left-18 { left: -4.5rem; } .m\:-left-20 { left: -5rem; } .m\:-left-24 { left: -6rem; } .m\:-left-28 { left: -7rem; } .m\:-left-32 { left: -8rem; } .m\:-left-36 { left: -9rem; } .m\:-left-40 { left: -10rem; } .m\:-left-44 { left: -11rem; } .m\:-left-48 { left: -12rem; } .m\:-left-52 { left: -13rem; } .m\:-left-56 { left: -14rem; } .m\:-left-60 { left: -15rem; } .m\:-left-64 { left: -16rem; } .m\:-left-72 { left: -18rem; } .m\:-left-80 { left: -20rem; } .m\:-left-96 { left: -24rem; } .m\:-left-1\/2 { left: -50%; } .m\:-left-1\/3 { left: -33.333333%; } .m\:-left-2\/3 { left: -66.666667%; } .m\:-left-1\/4 { left: -25%; } .m\:-left-2\/4 { left: -50%; } .m\:-left-3\/4 { left: -75%; } .m\:-left-full { left: -100%; } .m\:inset-px { top: 0.0625rem; right: 0.0625rem; bottom: 0.0625rem; left: 0.0625rem; } .m\:inset-0 { top: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0; } .m\:inset-none { top: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0; } .m\:inset-0\.5 { top: 0.125rem; right: 0.125rem; bottom: 0.125rem; left: 0.125rem; } .m\:inset-1 { top: 0.25rem; right: 0.25rem; bottom: 0.25rem; left: 0.25rem; } .m\:inset-1\.5 { top: 0.375rem; right: 0.375rem; bottom: 0.375rem; left: 0.375rem; } .m\:inset-2 { top: 0.5rem; right: 0.5rem; bottom: 0.5rem; left: 0.5rem; } .m\:inset-2\.5 { top: 0.625rem; right: 0.625rem; bottom: 0.625rem; left: 0.625rem; } .m\:inset-3 { top: 0.75rem; right: 0.75rem; bottom: 0.75rem; left: 0.75rem; } .m\:inset-3\.5 { top: 0.875rem; right: 0.875rem; bottom: 0.875rem; left: 0.875rem; } .m\:inset-4 { top: 1rem; right: 1rem; bottom: 1rem; left: 1rem; } .m\:inset-5 { top: 1.25rem; right: 1.25rem; bottom: 1.25rem; left: 1.25rem; } .m\:inset-6 { top: 1.5rem; right: 1.5rem; bottom: 1.5rem; left: 1.5rem; } .m\:inset-7 { top: 1.75rem; right: 1.75rem; bottom: 1.75rem; left: 1.75rem; } .m\:inset-8 { top: 2rem; right: 2rem; bottom: 2rem; left: 2rem; } .m\:inset-9 { top: 2.25rem; right: 2.25rem; bottom: 2.25rem; left: 2.25rem; } .m\:inset-10 { top: 2.5rem; right: 2.5rem; bottom: 2.5rem; left: 2.5rem; } .m\:inset-11 { top: 2.75rem; right: 2.75rem; bottom: 2.75rem; left: 2.75rem; } .m\:inset-12 { top: 3rem; right: 3rem; bottom: 3rem; left: 3rem; } .m\:inset-14 { top: 3.5rem; right: 3.5rem; bottom: 3.5rem; left: 3.5rem; } .m\:inset-16 { top: 4rem; right: 4rem; bottom: 4rem; left: 4rem; } .m\:inset-18 { top: 4.5rem; right: 4.5rem; bottom: 4.5rem; left: 4.5rem; } .m\:inset-20 { top: 5rem; right: 5rem; bottom: 5rem; left: 5rem; } .m\:inset-24 { top: 6rem; right: 6rem; bottom: 6rem; left: 6rem; } .m\:inset-28 { top: 7rem; right: 7rem; bottom: 7rem; left: 7rem; } .m\:inset-32 { top: 8rem; right: 8rem; bottom: 8rem; left: 8rem; } .m\:inset-36 { top: 9rem; right: 9rem; bottom: 9rem; left: 9rem; } .m\:inset-40 { top: 10rem; right: 10rem; bottom: 10rem; left: 10rem; } .m\:inset-44 { top: 11rem; right: 11rem; bottom: 11rem; left: 11rem; } .m\:inset-48 { top: 12rem; right: 12rem; bottom: 12rem; left: 12rem; } .m\:inset-52 { top: 13rem; right: 13rem; bottom: 13rem; left: 13rem; } .m\:inset-56 { top: 14rem; right: 14rem; bottom: 14rem; left: 14rem; } .m\:inset-60 { top: 15rem; right: 15rem; bottom: 15rem; left: 15rem; } .m\:inset-64 { top: 16rem; right: 16rem; bottom: 16rem; left: 16rem; } .m\:inset-72 { top: 18rem; right: 18rem; bottom: 18rem; left: 18rem; } .m\:inset-80 { top: 20rem; right: 20rem; bottom: 20rem; left: 20rem; } .m\:inset-96 { top: 24rem; right: 24rem; bottom: 24rem; left: 24rem; } .m\:inset-auto { top: auto; right: auto; bottom: auto; left: auto; } .m\:inset-1\/2 { top: 50%; right: 50%; bottom: 50%; left: 50%; } .m\:inset-1\/3 { top: 33.333333%; right: 33.333333%; bottom: 33.333333%; left: 33.333333%; } .m\:inset-2\/3 { top: 66.666667%; right: 66.666667%; bottom: 66.666667%; left: 66.666667%; } .m\:inset-1\/4 { top: 25%; right: 25%; bottom: 25%; left: 25%; } .m\:inset-2\/4 { top: 50%; right: 50%; bottom: 50%; left: 50%; } .m\:inset-3\/4 { top: 75%; right: 75%; bottom: 75%; left: 75%; } .m\:inset-full { top: 100%; right: 100%; bottom: 100%; left: 100%; } .m\:-inset-px { top: -0.0625rem; right: -0.0625rem; bottom: -0.0625rem; left: -0.0625rem; } .m\:-inset-0 { top: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0; } .m\:-inset-none { top: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0; } .m\:-inset-0\.5 { top: -0.125rem; right: -0.125rem; bottom: -0.125rem; left: -0.125rem; } .m\:-inset-1 { top: -0.25rem; right: -0.25rem; bottom: -0.25rem; left: -0.25rem; } .m\:-inset-1\.5 { top: -0.375rem; right: -0.375rem; bottom: -0.375rem; left: -0.375rem; } .m\:-inset-2 { top: -0.5rem; right: -0.5rem; bottom: -0.5rem; left: -0.5rem; } .m\:-inset-2\.5 { top: -0.625rem; right: -0.625rem; bottom: -0.625rem; left: -0.625rem; } .m\:-inset-3 { top: -0.75rem; right: -0.75rem; bottom: -0.75rem; left: -0.75rem; } .m\:-inset-3\.5 { top: -0.875rem; right: -0.875rem; bottom: -0.875rem; left: -0.875rem; } .m\:-inset-4 { top: -1rem; right: -1rem; bottom: -1rem; left: -1rem; } .m\:-inset-5 { top: -1.25rem; right: -1.25rem; bottom: -1.25rem; left: -1.25rem; } .m\:-inset-6 { top: -1.5rem; right: -1.5rem; bottom: -1.5rem; left: -1.5rem; } .m\:-inset-7 { top: -1.75rem; right: -1.75rem; bottom: -1.75rem; left: -1.75rem; } .m\:-inset-8 { top: -2rem; right: -2rem; bottom: -2rem; left: -2rem; } .m\:-inset-9 { top: -2.25rem; right: -2.25rem; bottom: -2.25rem; left: -2.25rem; } .m\:-inset-10 { top: -2.5rem; right: -2.5rem; bottom: -2.5rem; left: -2.5rem; } .m\:-inset-11 { top: -2.75rem; right: -2.75rem; bottom: -2.75rem; left: -2.75rem; } .m\:-inset-12 { top: -3rem; right: -3rem; bottom: -3rem; left: -3rem; } .m\:-inset-14 { top: -3.5rem; right: -3.5rem; bottom: -3.5rem; left: -3.5rem; } .m\:-inset-16 { top: -4rem; right: -4rem; bottom: -4rem; left: -4rem; } .m\:-inset-18 { top: -4.5rem; right: -4.5rem; bottom: -4.5rem; left: -4.5rem; } .m\:-inset-20 { top: -5rem; right: -5rem; bottom: -5rem; left: -5rem; } .m\:-inset-24 { top: -6rem; right: -6rem; bottom: -6rem; left: -6rem; } .m\:-inset-28 { top: -7rem; right: -7rem; bottom: -7rem; left: -7rem; } .m\:-inset-32 { top: -8rem; right: -8rem; bottom: -8rem; left: -8rem; } .m\:-inset-36 { top: -9rem; right: -9rem; bottom: -9rem; left: -9rem; } .m\:-inset-40 { top: -10rem; right: -10rem; bottom: -10rem; left: -10rem; } .m\:-inset-44 { top: -11rem; right: -11rem; bottom: -11rem; left: -11rem; } .m\:-inset-48 { top: -12rem; right: -12rem; bottom: -12rem; left: -12rem; } .m\:-inset-52 { top: -13rem; right: -13rem; bottom: -13rem; left: -13rem; } .m\:-inset-56 { top: -14rem; right: -14rem; bottom: -14rem; left: -14rem; } .m\:-inset-60 { top: -15rem; right: -15rem; bottom: -15rem; left: -15rem; } .m\:-inset-64 { top: -16rem; right: -16rem; bottom: -16rem; left: -16rem; } .m\:-inset-72 { top: -18rem; right: -18rem; bottom: -18rem; left: -18rem; } .m\:-inset-80 { top: -20rem; right: -20rem; bottom: -20rem; left: -20rem; } .m\:-inset-96 { top: -24rem; right: -24rem; bottom: -24rem; left: -24rem; } .m\:-inset-1\/2 { top: -50%; right: -50%; bottom: -50%; left: -50%; } .m\:-inset-1\/3 { top: -33.333333%; right: -33.333333%; bottom: -33.333333%; left: -33.333333%; } .m\:-inset-2\/3 { top: -66.666667%; right: -66.666667%; bottom: -66.666667%; left: -66.666667%; } .m\:-inset-1\/4 { top: -25%; right: -25%; bottom: -25%; left: -25%; } .m\:-inset-2\/4 { top: -50%; right: -50%; bottom: -50%; left: -50%; } .m\:-inset-3\/4 { top: -75%; right: -75%; bottom: -75%; left: -75%; } .m\:-inset-full { top: -100%; right: -100%; bottom: -100%; left: -100%; } .m\:inset-x-px { right: 0.0625rem; left: 0.0625rem; } .m\:inset-x-0 { right: 0; left: 0; } .m\:inset-x-none { right: 0; left: 0; } .m\:inset-x-0\.5 { right: 0.125rem; left: 0.125rem; } .m\:inset-x-1 { right: 0.25rem; left: 0.25rem; } .m\:inset-x-1\.5 { right: 0.375rem; left: 0.375rem; } .m\:inset-x-2 { right: 0.5rem; left: 0.5rem; } .m\:inset-x-2\.5 { right: 0.625rem; left: 0.625rem; } .m\:inset-x-3 { right: 0.75rem; left: 0.75rem; } .m\:inset-x-3\.5 { right: 0.875rem; left: 0.875rem; } .m\:inset-x-4 { right: 1rem; left: 1rem; } .m\:inset-x-5 { right: 1.25rem; left: 1.25rem; } .m\:inset-x-6 { right: 1.5rem; left: 1.5rem; } .m\:inset-x-7 { right: 1.75rem; left: 1.75rem; } .m\:inset-x-8 { right: 2rem; left: 2rem; } .m\:inset-x-9 { right: 2.25rem; left: 2.25rem; } .m\:inset-x-10 { right: 2.5rem; left: 2.5rem; } .m\:inset-x-11 { right: 2.75rem; left: 2.75rem; } .m\:inset-x-12 { right: 3rem; left: 3rem; } .m\:inset-x-14 { right: 3.5rem; left: 3.5rem; } .m\:inset-x-16 { right: 4rem; left: 4rem; } .m\:inset-x-18 { right: 4.5rem; left: 4.5rem; } .m\:inset-x-20 { right: 5rem; left: 5rem; } .m\:inset-x-24 { right: 6rem; left: 6rem; } .m\:inset-x-28 { right: 7rem; left: 7rem; } .m\:inset-x-32 { right: 8rem; left: 8rem; } .m\:inset-x-36 { right: 9rem; left: 9rem; } .m\:inset-x-40 { right: 10rem; left: 10rem; } .m\:inset-x-44 { right: 11rem; left: 11rem; } .m\:inset-x-48 { right: 12rem; left: 12rem; } .m\:inset-x-52 { right: 13rem; left: 13rem; } .m\:inset-x-56 { right: 14rem; left: 14rem; } .m\:inset-x-60 { right: 15rem; left: 15rem; } .m\:inset-x-64 { right: 16rem; left: 16rem; } .m\:inset-x-72 { right: 18rem; left: 18rem; } .m\:inset-x-80 { right: 20rem; left: 20rem; } .m\:inset-x-96 { right: 24rem; left: 24rem; } .m\:inset-x-auto { right: auto; left: auto; } .m\:inset-x-1\/2 { right: 50%; left: 50%; } .m\:inset-x-1\/3 { right: 33.333333%; left: 33.333333%; } .m\:inset-x-2\/3 { right: 66.666667%; left: 66.666667%; } .m\:inset-x-1\/4 { right: 25%; left: 25%; } .m\:inset-x-2\/4 { right: 50%; left: 50%; } .m\:inset-x-3\/4 { right: 75%; left: 75%; } .m\:inset-x-full { right: 100%; left: 100%; } .m\:-inset-x-px { right: -0.0625rem; left: -0.0625rem; } .m\:-inset-x-0 { right: 0; left: 0; } .m\:-inset-x-none { right: 0; left: 0; } .m\:-inset-x-0\.5 { right: -0.125rem; left: -0.125rem; } .m\:-inset-x-1 { right: -0.25rem; left: -0.25rem; } .m\:-inset-x-1\.5 { right: -0.375rem; left: -0.375rem; } .m\:-inset-x-2 { right: -0.5rem; left: -0.5rem; } .m\:-inset-x-2\.5 { right: -0.625rem; left: -0.625rem; } .m\:-inset-x-3 { right: -0.75rem; left: -0.75rem; } .m\:-inset-x-3\.5 { right: -0.875rem; left: -0.875rem; } .m\:-inset-x-4 { right: -1rem; left: -1rem; } .m\:-inset-x-5 { right: -1.25rem; left: -1.25rem; } .m\:-inset-x-6 { right: -1.5rem; left: -1.5rem; } .m\:-inset-x-7 { right: -1.75rem; left: -1.75rem; } .m\:-inset-x-8 { right: -2rem; left: -2rem; } .m\:-inset-x-9 { right: -2.25rem; left: -2.25rem; } .m\:-inset-x-10 { right: -2.5rem; left: -2.5rem; } .m\:-inset-x-11 { right: -2.75rem; left: -2.75rem; } .m\:-inset-x-12 { right: -3rem; left: -3rem; } .m\:-inset-x-14 { right: -3.5rem; left: -3.5rem; } .m\:-inset-x-16 { right: -4rem; left: -4rem; } .m\:-inset-x-18 { right: -4.5rem; left: -4.5rem; } .m\:-inset-x-20 { right: -5rem; left: -5rem; } .m\:-inset-x-24 { right: -6rem; left: -6rem; } .m\:-inset-x-28 { right: -7rem; left: -7rem; } .m\:-inset-x-32 { right: -8rem; left: -8rem; } .m\:-inset-x-36 { right: -9rem; left: -9rem; } .m\:-inset-x-40 { right: -10rem; left: -10rem; } .m\:-inset-x-44 { right: -11rem; left: -11rem; } .m\:-inset-x-48 { right: -12rem; left: -12rem; } .m\:-inset-x-52 { right: -13rem; left: -13rem; } .m\:-inset-x-56 { right: -14rem; left: -14rem; } .m\:-inset-x-60 { right: -15rem; left: -15rem; } .m\:-inset-x-64 { right: -16rem; left: -16rem; } .m\:-inset-x-72 { right: -18rem; left: -18rem; } .m\:-inset-x-80 { right: -20rem; left: -20rem; } .m\:-inset-x-96 { right: -24rem; left: -24rem; } .m\:-inset-x-1\/2 { right: -50%; left: -50%; } .m\:-inset-x-1\/3 { right: -33.333333%; left: -33.333333%; } .m\:-inset-x-2\/3 { right: -66.666667%; left: -66.666667%; } .m\:-inset-x-1\/4 { right: -25%; left: -25%; } .m\:-inset-x-2\/4 { right: -50%; left: -50%; } .m\:-inset-x-3\/4 { right: -75%; left: -75%; } .m\:-inset-x-full { right: -100%; left: -100%; } .m\:inset-y-px { top: 0.0625rem; bottom: 0.0625rem; } .m\:inset-y-0 { top: 0; bottom: 0; } .m\:inset-y-none { top: 0; bottom: 0; } .m\:inset-y-0\.5 { top: 0.125rem; bottom: 0.125rem; } .m\:inset-y-1 { top: 0.25rem; bottom: 0.25rem; } .m\:inset-y-1\.5 { top: 0.375rem; bottom: 0.375rem; } .m\:inset-y-2 { top: 0.5rem; bottom: 0.5rem; } .m\:inset-y-2\.5 { top: 0.625rem; bottom: 0.625rem; } .m\:inset-y-3 { top: 0.75rem; bottom: 0.75rem; } .m\:inset-y-3\.5 { top: 0.875rem; bottom: 0.875rem; } .m\:inset-y-4 { top: 1rem; bottom: 1rem; } .m\:inset-y-5 { top: 1.25rem; bottom: 1.25rem; } .m\:inset-y-6 { top: 1.5rem; bottom: 1.5rem; } .m\:inset-y-7 { top: 1.75rem; bottom: 1.75rem; } .m\:inset-y-8 { top: 2rem; bottom: 2rem; } .m\:inset-y-9 { top: 2.25rem; bottom: 2.25rem; } .m\:inset-y-10 { top: 2.5rem; bottom: 2.5rem; } .m\:inset-y-11 { top: 2.75rem; bottom: 2.75rem; } .m\:inset-y-12 { top: 3rem; bottom: 3rem; } .m\:inset-y-14 { top: 3.5rem; bottom: 3.5rem; } .m\:inset-y-16 { top: 4rem; bottom: 4rem; } .m\:inset-y-18 { top: 4.5rem; bottom: 4.5rem; } .m\:inset-y-20 { top: 5rem; bottom: 5rem; } .m\:inset-y-24 { top: 6rem; bottom: 6rem; } .m\:inset-y-28 { top: 7rem; bottom: 7rem; } .m\:inset-y-32 { top: 8rem; bottom: 8rem; } .m\:inset-y-36 { top: 9rem; bottom: 9rem; } .m\:inset-y-40 { top: 10rem; bottom: 10rem; } .m\:inset-y-44 { top: 11rem; bottom: 11rem; } .m\:inset-y-48 { top: 12rem; bottom: 12rem; } .m\:inset-y-52 { top: 13rem; bottom: 13rem; } .m\:inset-y-56 { top: 14rem; bottom: 14rem; } .m\:inset-y-60 { top: 15rem; bottom: 15rem; } .m\:inset-y-64 { top: 16rem; bottom: 16rem; } .m\:inset-y-72 { top: 18rem; bottom: 18rem; } .m\:inset-y-80 { top: 20rem; bottom: 20rem; } .m\:inset-y-96 { top: 24rem; bottom: 24rem; } .m\:inset-y-auto { top: auto; bottom: auto; } .m\:inset-y-1\/2 { top: 50%; bottom: 50%; } .m\:inset-y-1\/3 { top: 33.333333%; bottom: 33.333333%; } .m\:inset-y-2\/3 { top: 66.666667%; bottom: 66.666667%; } .m\:inset-y-1\/4 { top: 25%; bottom: 25%; } .m\:inset-y-2\/4 { top: 50%; bottom: 50%; } .m\:inset-y-3\/4 { top: 75%; bottom: 75%; } .m\:inset-y-full { top: 100%; bottom: 100%; } .m\:-inset-y-px { top: -0.0625rem; bottom: -0.0625rem; } .m\:-inset-y-0 { top: 0; bottom: 0; } .m\:-inset-y-none { top: 0; bottom: 0; } .m\:-inset-y-0\.5 { top: -0.125rem; 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bottom: -6rem; } .m\:-inset-y-28 { top: -7rem; bottom: -7rem; } .m\:-inset-y-32 { top: -8rem; bottom: -8rem; } .m\:-inset-y-36 { top: -9rem; bottom: -9rem; } .m\:-inset-y-40 { top: -10rem; bottom: -10rem; } .m\:-inset-y-44 { top: -11rem; bottom: -11rem; } .m\:-inset-y-48 { top: -12rem; bottom: -12rem; } .m\:-inset-y-52 { top: -13rem; bottom: -13rem; } .m\:-inset-y-56 { top: -14rem; bottom: -14rem; } .m\:-inset-y-60 { top: -15rem; bottom: -15rem; } .m\:-inset-y-64 { top: -16rem; bottom: -16rem; } .m\:-inset-y-72 { top: -18rem; bottom: -18rem; } .m\:-inset-y-80 { top: -20rem; bottom: -20rem; } .m\:-inset-y-96 { top: -24rem; bottom: -24rem; } .m\:-inset-y-1\/2 { top: -50%; bottom: -50%; } .m\:-inset-y-1\/3 { top: -33.333333%; bottom: -33.333333%; } .m\:-inset-y-2\/3 { top: -66.666667%; bottom: -66.666667%; } .m\:-inset-y-1\/4 { top: -25%; bottom: -25%; } .m\:-inset-y-2\/4 { top: -50%; bottom: -50%; } .m\:-inset-y-3\/4 { top: -75%; bottom: -75%; } .m\:-inset-y-full { top: -100%; bottom: -100%; 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| | invisible | visibility: hidden; | ## 用法 # 响应式设计 支持通过添加设备前缀 `m:` 或者 `pc:` 来分别针对「手机端」或者「pc端」设置样式,更多说明请前往[「响应式设计」](../../../docs/style/responsive-design.md)。 ## 状态前缀 不支持[「状态前缀」](../../../docs/style/state.md),有需求请提 [issue](https://github.com/baidu/amis/issues)。 */ .visible { visibility: visible; } .invisible { visibility: hidden; } @media (max-width: 768px) { .m\:visible { visibility: visible; } .m\:invisible { visibility: hidden; } } @media (min-width: 769px) { .pc\:visible { visibility: visible; } .pc\:invisible { visibility: hidden; } } /*!markdown --- title: Z-Index --- Utilities for controlling the stack order of an element. | Class | Properties | | ----------- | ------------------------ | | z-0 | z-index: 0 | | z-10 | z-index: 10 | | z-20 | z-index: 20 | | z-30 | z-index: 30 | | z-40 | z-index: 40 | | z-50 | z-index: 50 | | z-auto | z-index: auto | ## 用法 ```html
``` # 响应式设计 支持通过添加设备前缀 `m:` 或者 `pc:` 来分别针对「手机端」或者「pc端」设置样式,更多说明请前往[「响应式设计」](../../../docs/style/responsive-design.md)。 ## 状态前缀 不支持[「状态前缀」](../../../docs/style/state.md),有需求请提 [issue](https://github.com/baidu/amis/issues)。 */ .z-0 { z-index: 0; } .z-10 { z-index: 10; } .z-20 { z-index: 20; } .z-30 { z-index: 30; } .z-40 { z-index: 40; } .z-50 { z-index: 50; } .z-auto { z-index: auto; } @media (max-width: 768px) { .m\:z-0 { z-index: 0; } .m\:z-10 { z-index: 10; } .m\:z-20 { z-index: 20; } .m\:z-30 { z-index: 30; } .m\:z-40 { z-index: 40; } .m\:z-50 { z-index: 50; } .m\:z-auto { z-index: auto; } } @media (min-width: 769px) { .pc\:z-0 { z-index: 0; } .pc\:z-10 { z-index: 10; } .pc\:z-20 { z-index: 20; } .pc\:z-30 { z-index: 30; } .pc\:z-40 { z-index: 40; } .pc\:z-50 { z-index: 50; } .pc\:z-auto { z-index: auto; } } /*!markdown --- title: Flex Direction --- | Class | Properties | | ----------- | ------------------------ | | flex-row | flex-direction: row | | flex-row-reverse | 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------------------------ | | flex-wrap | flex-wrap: wrap | | flex-wrap-reverse | flex-wrap: wrap-reverse | | flex-nowrap | flex-wrap: nowrap | */ .flex-wrap { flex-wrap: wrap; } .flex-wrap-reverse { flex-wrap: wrap-reverse; } .flex-nowrap { flex-wrap: nowrap; } @media (max-width: 768px) { .m\:flex-wrap { flex-wrap: wrap; } .m\:flex-wrap-reverse { flex-wrap: wrap-reverse; } .m\:flex-nowrap { flex-wrap: nowrap; } } @media (min-width: 769px) { .pc\:flex-wrap { flex-wrap: wrap; } .pc\:flex-wrap-reverse { flex-wrap: wrap-reverse; } .pc\:flex-nowrap { flex-wrap: nowrap; } } /*!markdown --- title: Grid Auto Columns --- | Class | Properties | | ----------- | ------------------------ | | auto-cols-auto | grid-auto-columns: auto | | auto-cols-min | grid-auto-columns: min-content | | auto-cols-max | grid-auto-columns: max-content | | auto-cols-fr | grid-auto-columns: minmax(0, 1fr) | */ .auto-cols-auto { grid-auto-columns: auto; } .auto-cols-min { grid-auto-columns: min-content; } .auto-cols-max 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col-end-7 | grid-column-end: 7 | | col-end-8 | grid-column-end: 8 | | col-end-9 | grid-column-end: 9 | | col-end-10 | grid-column-end: 10 | | col-end-11 | grid-column-end: 11 | | col-end-12 | grid-column-end: 12 | | col-end-13 | grid-column-end: 13 | | col-end-auto | grid-column-end: auto | */ .col-auto { grid-column: auto; } .col-span-1 { grid-column: span 1/span 1; } .col-span-2 { grid-column: span 2/span 2; } .col-span-3 { grid-column: span 3/span 3; } .col-span-4 { grid-column: span 4/span 4; } .col-span-5 { grid-column: span 5/span 5; } .col-span-6 { grid-column: span 6/span 6; } .col-span-7 { grid-column: span 7/span 7; } .col-span-8 { grid-column: span 8/span 8; } .col-span-9 { grid-column: span 9/span 9; } .col-span-10 { grid-column: span 10/span 10; } .col-span-11 { grid-column: span 11/span 1; } .col-span-12 { grid-column: span 12/span 12; } .col-span-full { grid-column: 1/-1; } .col-start-1 { grid-column-start: 1; } .col-start-2 { grid-column-start: 2; } .col-start-3 { grid-column-start: 3; } .col-start-4 { grid-column-start: 4; } .col-start-5 { grid-column-start: 5; } .col-start-6 { grid-column-start: 6; } .col-start-7 { grid-column-start: 7; } .col-start-8 { grid-column-start: 8; } .col-start-9 { grid-column-start: 9; } .col-start-10 { grid-column-start: 10; } .col-start-11 { grid-column-start: 11; } .col-start-12 { grid-column-start: 12; } .col-start-13 { grid-column-start: 13; } .col-start-auto { grid-column-start: auto; } .col-end-1 { grid-column-end: 1; } .col-end-2 { grid-column-end: 2; } .col-end-3 { grid-column-end: 3; } .col-end-4 { grid-column-end: 4; } .col-end-5 { grid-column-end: 5; } .col-end-6 { grid-column-end: 6; } .col-end-7 { grid-column-end: 7; } .col-end-8 { grid-column-end: 8; } .col-end-9 { grid-column-end: 9; } .col-end-10 { grid-column-end: 10; } .col-end-11 { grid-column-end: 11; } .col-end-12 { grid-column-end: 12; } .col-end-13 { grid-column-end: 13; } .col-end-auto { grid-column-end: auto; } @media (max-width: 768px) { 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opacity: 0.5 | | opacity-60 | opacity: 0.6 | | opacity-70 | opacity: 0.7 | | opacity-75 | opacity: 0.75 | | opacity-80 | opacity: 0.8 | | opacity-90 | opacity: 0.9 | | opacity-95 | opacity: 0.95 | | opacity-100 | opacity: 1 | */ .opacity-0 { opacity: 0; } .opacity-5 { opacity: 0.05; } .opacity-10 { opacity: 0.1; } .opacity-20 { opacity: 0.2; } .opacity-25 { opacity: 0.25; } .opacity-30 { opacity: 0.3; } .opacity-40 { opacity: 0.4; } .opacity-50 { opacity: 0.5; } .opacity-60 { opacity: 0.6; } .opacity-70 { opacity: 0.7; } .opacity-75 { opacity: 0.75; } .opacity-80 { opacity: 0.8; } .opacity-90 { opacity: 0.9; } .opacity-95 { opacity: 0.95; } .opacity-100 { opacity: 1; } @media (max-width: 768px) { .m\:opacity-0 { opacity: 0; } .m\:opacity-5 { opacity: 0.05; } .m\:opacity-10 { opacity: 0.1; } .m\:opacity-20 { opacity: 0.2; } .m\:opacity-25 { opacity: 0.25; } .m\:opacity-30 { opacity: 0.3; } .m\:opacity-40 { opacity: 0.4; } .m\:opacity-50 { opacity: 0.5; } .m\:opacity-60 { opacity: 0.6; } 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margin-bottom: 0 | | my-none | margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0 | | my-0\.5 | margin-top: 0.125rem; margin-bottom: 0.125rem | | my-1 | margin-top: 0.25rem; margin-bottom: 0.25rem | | my-1\.5 | margin-top: 0.375rem; margin-bottom: 0.375rem | | my-2 | margin-top: 0.5rem; margin-bottom: 0.5rem | | my-2\.5 | margin-top: 0.625rem; margin-bottom: 0.625rem | | my-3 | margin-top: 0.75rem; margin-bottom: 0.75rem | | my-3\.5 | margin-top: 0.875rem; margin-bottom: 0.875rem | | my-4 | margin-top: 1rem; margin-bottom: 1rem | | my-5 | margin-top: 1.25rem; margin-bottom: 1.25rem | | my-6 | margin-top: 1.5rem; margin-bottom: 1.5rem | | my-7 | margin-top: 1.75rem; margin-bottom: 1.75rem | | my-8 | margin-top: 2rem; margin-bottom: 2rem | | my-9 | margin-top: 2.25rem; margin-bottom: 2.25rem | | my-10 | margin-top: 2.5rem; margin-bottom: 2.5rem | | my-11 | margin-top: 2.75rem; margin-bottom: 2.75rem | | my-12 | margin-top: 3rem; margin-bottom: 3rem | | my-14 | margin-top: 3.5rem; margin-bottom: 3.5rem | | my-16 | margin-top: 4rem; margin-bottom: 4rem | | my-18 | margin-top: 4.5rem; margin-bottom: 4.5rem | | my-20 | margin-top: 5rem; margin-bottom: 5rem | | my-24 | margin-top: 6rem; margin-bottom: 6rem | | my-28 | margin-top: 7rem; margin-bottom: 7rem | | my-32 | margin-top: 8rem; margin-bottom: 8rem | | my-36 | margin-top: 9rem; margin-bottom: 9rem | | my-40 | margin-top: 10rem; margin-bottom: 10rem | | my-44 | margin-top: 11rem; margin-bottom: 11rem | | my-48 | margin-top: 12rem; margin-bottom: 12rem | | my-52 | margin-top: 13rem; margin-bottom: 13rem | | my-56 | margin-top: 14rem; margin-bottom: 14rem | | my-60 | margin-top: 15rem; margin-bottom: 15rem | | my-64 | margin-top: 16rem; margin-bottom: 16rem | | my-72 | margin-top: 18rem; margin-bottom: 18rem | | my-80 | margin-top: 20rem; margin-bottom: 20rem | | my-96 | margin-top: 24rem; margin-bottom: 24rem | | my-auto | margin-top: auto; margin-bottom: auto | | -my-px | margin-top: -0.0625rem; margin-bottom: -0.0625rem | | -my-0 | margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0 | | -my-none | margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0 | | -my-0\.5 | margin-top: -0.125rem; margin-bottom: -0.125rem | | -my-1 | margin-top: -0.25rem; margin-bottom: -0.25rem | | -my-1\.5 | margin-top: -0.375rem; margin-bottom: -0.375rem | | -my-2 | margin-top: -0.5rem; margin-bottom: -0.5rem | | -my-2\.5 | margin-top: -0.625rem; margin-bottom: -0.625rem | | -my-3 | margin-top: -0.75rem; margin-bottom: -0.75rem | | -my-3\.5 | margin-top: -0.875rem; margin-bottom: -0.875rem | | -my-4 | margin-top: -1rem; margin-bottom: -1rem | | -my-5 | margin-top: -1.25rem; margin-bottom: -1.25rem | | -my-6 | margin-top: -1.5rem; margin-bottom: -1.5rem | | -my-7 | margin-top: -1.75rem; margin-bottom: -1.75rem | | -my-8 | margin-top: -2rem; margin-bottom: -2rem | | -my-9 | margin-top: -2.25rem; margin-bottom: -2.25rem | | -my-10 | margin-top: -2.5rem; margin-bottom: -2.5rem | | -my-11 | margin-top: -2.75rem; margin-bottom: -2.75rem | | -my-12 | margin-top: -3rem; margin-bottom: -3rem | | -my-14 | margin-top: -3.5rem; margin-bottom: -3.5rem | | -my-16 | margin-top: -4rem; margin-bottom: -4rem | | -my-18 | margin-top: -4.5rem; margin-bottom: -4.5rem | | -my-20 | margin-top: -5rem; margin-bottom: -5rem | | -my-24 | margin-top: -6rem; margin-bottom: -6rem | | -my-28 | margin-top: -7rem; margin-bottom: -7rem | | -my-32 | margin-top: -8rem; margin-bottom: -8rem | | -my-36 | margin-top: -9rem; margin-bottom: -9rem | | -my-40 | margin-top: -10rem; margin-bottom: -10rem | | -my-44 | margin-top: -11rem; margin-bottom: -11rem | | -my-48 | margin-top: -12rem; margin-bottom: -12rem | | -my-52 | margin-top: -13rem; margin-bottom: -13rem | | -my-56 | margin-top: -14rem; margin-bottom: -14rem | | -my-60 | margin-top: -15rem; margin-bottom: -15rem | | -my-64 | margin-top: -16rem; margin-bottom: -16rem | | -my-72 | margin-top: -18rem; margin-bottom: -18rem | | -my-80 | margin-top: -20rem; margin-bottom: -20rem | | -my-96 | margin-top: -24rem; margin-bottom: -24rem | | mt-px | margin-top: 0.0625rem | | mt-0 | margin-top: 0 | | mt-none | margin-top: 0 | | mt-0\.5 | margin-top: 0.125rem | | mt-1 | margin-top: 0.25rem | | mt-1\.5 | margin-top: 0.375rem | | mt-2 | margin-top: 0.5rem | | mt-2\.5 | margin-top: 0.625rem | | mt-3 | margin-top: 0.75rem | | mt-3\.5 | margin-top: 0.875rem | | mt-4 | margin-top: 1rem | | mt-5 | margin-top: 1.25rem | | mt-6 | margin-top: 1.5rem | | mt-7 | margin-top: 1.75rem | | mt-8 | margin-top: 2rem | | mt-9 | margin-top: 2.25rem | | mt-10 | margin-top: 2.5rem | | mt-11 | margin-top: 2.75rem | | mt-12 | margin-top: 3rem | | mt-14 | margin-top: 3.5rem | | mt-16 | margin-top: 4rem | | mt-18 | margin-top: 4.5rem | | mt-20 | margin-top: 5rem | | mt-24 | margin-top: 6rem | | mt-28 | margin-top: 7rem | | mt-32 | margin-top: 8rem | | mt-36 | margin-top: 9rem | | mt-40 | margin-top: 10rem | | mt-44 | margin-top: 11rem | | mt-48 | margin-top: 12rem | | mt-52 | margin-top: 13rem | | mt-56 | margin-top: 14rem | | mt-60 | margin-top: 15rem | | mt-64 | margin-top: 16rem | | mt-72 | margin-top: 18rem | | mt-80 | margin-top: 20rem | | mt-96 | margin-top: 24rem | | -mt-px | margin-top: -0.0625rem | | -mt-0 | margin-top: 0 | | -mt-none | margin-top: 0 | | -mt-0\.5 | margin-top: -0.125rem | | -mt-1 | margin-top: -0.25rem | | -mt-1\.5 | margin-top: -0.375rem | | -mt-2 | margin-top: -0.5rem | | -mt-2\.5 | margin-top: -0.625rem | | -mt-3 | margin-top: -0.75rem | | -mt-3\.5 | margin-top: -0.875rem | | -mt-4 | margin-top: -1rem | | -mt-5 | margin-top: -1.25rem | | -mt-6 | margin-top: -1.5rem | | -mt-7 | margin-top: -1.75rem | | -mt-8 | margin-top: -2rem | | -mt-9 | margin-top: -2.25rem | | -mt-10 | margin-top: -2.5rem | | -mt-11 | margin-top: -2.75rem | | -mt-12 | margin-top: -3rem | | -mt-14 | margin-top: -3.5rem | | -mt-16 | margin-top: -4rem | | -mt-18 | margin-top: -4.5rem | | -mt-20 | margin-top: -5rem | | -mt-24 | margin-top: -6rem | | -mt-28 | margin-top: -7rem | | -mt-32 | margin-top: -8rem | | -mt-36 | margin-top: -9rem | | -mt-40 | margin-top: -10rem | | -mt-44 | margin-top: -11rem | | -mt-48 | margin-top: -12rem | | -mt-52 | margin-top: -13rem | | -mt-56 | margin-top: -14rem | | -mt-60 | margin-top: -15rem | | -mt-64 | margin-top: -16rem | | -mt-72 | margin-top: -18rem | | -mt-80 | margin-top: -20rem | | -mt-96 | margin-top: -24rem | | mr-px | margin-right: 0.0625rem | | mr-0 | margin-right: 0 | | mr-none | margin-right: 0 | | mr-0\.5 | margin-right: 0.125rem | | mr-1 | margin-right: 0.25rem | | mr-1\.5 | margin-right: 0.375rem | | mr-2 | margin-right: 0.5rem | | mr-2\.5 | margin-right: 0.625rem | | mr-3 | margin-right: 0.75rem | | mr-3\.5 | margin-right: 0.875rem | | mr-4 | margin-right: 1rem | | mr-5 | margin-right: 1.25rem | | mr-6 | margin-right: 1.5rem | | mr-7 | margin-right: 1.75rem | | mr-8 | margin-right: 2rem | | mr-9 | margin-right: 2.25rem | | mr-10 | margin-right: 2.5rem | | mr-11 | margin-right: 2.75rem | | mr-12 | margin-right: 3rem | | mr-14 | margin-right: 3.5rem | | mr-16 | margin-right: 4rem | | mr-18 | margin-right: 4.5rem | | mr-20 | margin-right: 5rem | | mr-24 | margin-right: 6rem | | mr-28 | margin-right: 7rem | | mr-32 | margin-right: 8rem | | mr-36 | margin-right: 9rem | | mr-40 | margin-right: 10rem | | mr-44 | margin-right: 11rem | | mr-48 | margin-right: 12rem | | mr-52 | margin-right: 13rem | | mr-56 | margin-right: 14rem | | mr-60 | margin-right: 15rem | | mr-64 | margin-right: 16rem | | mr-72 | margin-right: 18rem | | mr-80 | margin-right: 20rem | | mr-96 | margin-right: 24rem | | -mr-px | margin-right: -0.0625rem | | -mr-0 | margin-right: 0 | | -mr-none | margin-right: 0 | | -mr-0\.5 | margin-right: -0.125rem | | -mr-1 | margin-right: -0.25rem | | -mr-1\.5 | margin-right: -0.375rem | | -mr-2 | margin-right: -0.5rem | | -mr-2\.5 | margin-right: -0.625rem | | -mr-3 | margin-right: -0.75rem | | -mr-3\.5 | margin-right: -0.875rem | | -mr-4 | margin-right: -1rem | | -mr-5 | margin-right: -1.25rem | | -mr-6 | margin-right: -1.5rem | | -mr-7 | margin-right: -1.75rem | | -mr-8 | margin-right: -2rem | | -mr-9 | margin-right: -2.25rem | | -mr-10 | margin-right: -2.5rem | | -mr-11 | margin-right: -2.75rem | | -mr-12 | margin-right: -3rem | | -mr-14 | margin-right: -3.5rem | | -mr-16 | margin-right: -4rem | | -mr-18 | margin-right: -4.5rem | | -mr-20 | margin-right: -5rem | | -mr-24 | margin-right: -6rem | | -mr-28 | margin-right: -7rem | | -mr-32 | margin-right: -8rem | | -mr-36 | margin-right: -9rem | | -mr-40 | margin-right: -10rem | | -mr-44 | margin-right: -11rem | | -mr-48 | margin-right: -12rem | | -mr-52 | margin-right: -13rem | | -mr-56 | margin-right: -14rem | | -mr-60 | margin-right: -15rem | | -mr-64 | margin-right: -16rem | | -mr-72 | margin-right: -18rem | | -mr-80 | margin-right: -20rem | | -mr-96 | margin-right: -24rem | | mb-px | margin-bottom: 0.0625rem | | mb-0 | margin-bottom: 0 | | mb-none | margin-bottom: 0 | | mb-0\.5 | margin-bottom: 0.125rem | | mb-1 | margin-bottom: 0.25rem | | mb-1\.5 | margin-bottom: 0.375rem | | mb-2 | margin-bottom: 0.5rem | | mb-2\.5 | margin-bottom: 0.625rem | | mb-3 | margin-bottom: 0.75rem | | mb-3\.5 | margin-bottom: 0.875rem | | mb-4 | margin-bottom: 1rem | | mb-5 | margin-bottom: 1.25rem | | mb-6 | margin-bottom: 1.5rem | | mb-7 | margin-bottom: 1.75rem | | mb-8 | margin-bottom: 2rem | | mb-9 | margin-bottom: 2.25rem | | mb-10 | margin-bottom: 2.5rem | | mb-11 | margin-bottom: 2.75rem | | mb-12 | margin-bottom: 3rem | | mb-14 | margin-bottom: 3.5rem | | mb-16 | margin-bottom: 4rem | | mb-18 | margin-bottom: 4.5rem | | mb-20 | margin-bottom: 5rem | | mb-24 | margin-bottom: 6rem | | mb-28 | margin-bottom: 7rem | | mb-32 | margin-bottom: 8rem | | mb-36 | margin-bottom: 9rem | | mb-40 | margin-bottom: 10rem | | mb-44 | margin-bottom: 11rem | | mb-48 | margin-bottom: 12rem | | mb-52 | margin-bottom: 13rem | | mb-56 | margin-bottom: 14rem | | mb-60 | margin-bottom: 15rem | | mb-64 | margin-bottom: 16rem | | mb-72 | margin-bottom: 18rem | | mb-80 | margin-bottom: 20rem | | mb-96 | margin-bottom: 24rem | | -mb-px | margin-bottom: -0.0625rem | | -mb-0 | margin-bottom: 0 | | -mb-none | margin-bottom: 0 | | -mb-0\.5 | margin-bottom: -0.125rem | | -mb-1 | margin-bottom: -0.25rem | | -mb-1\.5 | margin-bottom: -0.375rem | | -mb-2 | margin-bottom: -0.5rem | | -mb-2\.5 | margin-bottom: -0.625rem | | -mb-3 | margin-bottom: -0.75rem | | -mb-3\.5 | margin-bottom: -0.875rem | | -mb-4 | margin-bottom: -1rem | | -mb-5 | margin-bottom: -1.25rem | | -mb-6 | margin-bottom: -1.5rem | | -mb-7 | margin-bottom: -1.75rem | | -mb-8 | margin-bottom: -2rem | | -mb-9 | margin-bottom: -2.25rem | | -mb-10 | margin-bottom: -2.5rem | | -mb-11 | margin-bottom: -2.75rem | | -mb-12 | margin-bottom: -3rem | | -mb-14 | margin-bottom: -3.5rem | | -mb-16 | margin-bottom: -4rem | | -mb-18 | margin-bottom: -4.5rem | | -mb-20 | margin-bottom: -5rem | | -mb-24 | margin-bottom: -6rem | | -mb-28 | margin-bottom: -7rem | | -mb-32 | margin-bottom: -8rem | | -mb-36 | margin-bottom: -9rem | | -mb-40 | margin-bottom: -10rem | | -mb-44 | margin-bottom: -11rem | | -mb-48 | margin-bottom: -12rem | | -mb-52 | margin-bottom: -13rem | | -mb-56 | margin-bottom: -14rem | | -mb-60 | margin-bottom: -15rem | | -mb-64 | margin-bottom: -16rem | | -mb-72 | margin-bottom: -18rem | | -mb-80 | margin-bottom: -20rem | | -mb-96 | margin-bottom: -24rem | | ml-px | margin-left: 0.0625rem | | ml-0 | margin-left: 0 | | ml-none | margin-left: 0 | | ml-0\.5 | margin-left: 0.125rem | | ml-1 | margin-left: 0.25rem | | ml-1\.5 | margin-left: 0.375rem | | ml-2 | margin-left: 0.5rem | | ml-2\.5 | margin-left: 0.625rem | | ml-3 | margin-left: 0.75rem | | ml-3\.5 | margin-left: 0.875rem | | ml-4 | margin-left: 1rem | | ml-5 | margin-left: 1.25rem | | ml-6 | margin-left: 1.5rem | | ml-7 | margin-left: 1.75rem | | ml-8 | margin-left: 2rem | | ml-9 | margin-left: 2.25rem | | ml-10 | margin-left: 2.5rem | | ml-11 | margin-left: 2.75rem | | ml-12 | margin-left: 3rem | | ml-14 | margin-left: 3.5rem | | ml-16 | margin-left: 4rem | | ml-18 | margin-left: 4.5rem | | ml-20 | margin-left: 5rem | | ml-24 | margin-left: 6rem | | ml-28 | margin-left: 7rem | | ml-32 | margin-left: 8rem | | ml-36 | margin-left: 9rem | | ml-40 | margin-left: 10rem | | ml-44 | margin-left: 11rem | | ml-48 | margin-left: 12rem | | ml-52 | margin-left: 13rem | | ml-56 | margin-left: 14rem | | ml-60 | margin-left: 15rem | | ml-64 | margin-left: 16rem | | ml-72 | margin-left: 18rem | | ml-80 | margin-left: 20rem | | ml-96 | margin-left: 24rem | | -ml-px | margin-left: -0.0625rem | | -ml-0 | margin-left: 0 | | -ml-none | margin-left: 0 | | -ml-0\.5 | margin-left: -0.125rem | | -ml-1 | margin-left: -0.25rem | | -ml-1\.5 | margin-left: -0.375rem | | -ml-2 | margin-left: -0.5rem | | -ml-2\.5 | margin-left: -0.625rem | | -ml-3 | margin-left: -0.75rem | | -ml-3\.5 | margin-left: -0.875rem | | -ml-4 | margin-left: -1rem | | -ml-5 | margin-left: -1.25rem | | -ml-6 | margin-left: -1.5rem | | -ml-7 | margin-left: -1.75rem | | -ml-8 | margin-left: -2rem | | -ml-9 | margin-left: -2.25rem | | -ml-10 | margin-left: -2.5rem | | -ml-11 | margin-left: -2.75rem | | -ml-12 | margin-left: -3rem | | -ml-14 | margin-left: -3.5rem | | -ml-16 | margin-left: -4rem | | -ml-18 | margin-left: -4.5rem | | -ml-20 | margin-left: -5rem | | -ml-24 | margin-left: -6rem | | -ml-28 | margin-left: -7rem | | -ml-32 | margin-left: -8rem | | -ml-36 | margin-left: -9rem | | -ml-40 | margin-left: -10rem | | -ml-44 | margin-left: -11rem | | -ml-48 | margin-left: -12rem | | -ml-52 | margin-left: -13rem | | -ml-56 | margin-left: -14rem | | -ml-60 | margin-left: -15rem | | -ml-64 | margin-left: -16rem | | -ml-72 | margin-left: -18rem | | -ml-80 | margin-left: -20rem | | -ml-96 | margin-left: -24rem | */ .m-px { margin: 0.0625rem; } .m-0 { margin: 0; } .m-none { margin: 0; } .m-0\.5 { margin: 0.125rem; } .m-1 { margin: 0.25rem; } .m-1\.5 { margin: 0.375rem; } .m-2 { margin: 0.5rem; } .m-2\.5 { margin: 0.625rem; } .m-3 { margin: 0.75rem; } .m-3\.5 { margin: 0.875rem; } .m-4 { margin: 1rem; } .m-5 { margin: 1.25rem; } .m-6 { margin: 1.5rem; } .m-7 { margin: 1.75rem; } .m-8 { margin: 2rem; } .m-9 { margin: 2.25rem; } .m-10 { margin: 2.5rem; } .m-11 { margin: 2.75rem; } .m-12 { margin: 3rem; } .m-14 { margin: 3.5rem; } .m-16 { margin: 4rem; } .m-18 { margin: 4.5rem; } .m-20 { margin: 5rem; } .m-24 { margin: 6rem; } .m-28 { margin: 7rem; } .m-32 { margin: 8rem; } .m-36 { margin: 9rem; } .m-40 { margin: 10rem; } .m-44 { margin: 11rem; } .m-48 { margin: 12rem; } .m-52 { margin: 13rem; } .m-56 { margin: 14rem; } .m-60 { margin: 15rem; } .m-64 { margin: 16rem; } .m-72 { margin: 18rem; } .m-80 { margin: 20rem; } .m-96 { margin: 24rem; } .m-auto { margin: auto; } .-m-px { margin: -0.0625rem; } .-m-0 { margin: 0; } .-m-none { margin: 0; } .-m-0\.5 { margin: -0.125rem; } .-m-1 { margin: -0.25rem; } .-m-1\.5 { margin: -0.375rem; } .-m-2 { margin: -0.5rem; } .-m-2\.5 { margin: -0.625rem; } .-m-3 { margin: -0.75rem; } .-m-3\.5 { margin: -0.875rem; } .-m-4 { margin: -1rem; } .-m-5 { margin: -1.25rem; } .-m-6 { margin: -1.5rem; } .-m-7 { margin: -1.75rem; } .-m-8 { margin: -2rem; } .-m-9 { margin: -2.25rem; } .-m-10 { margin: -2.5rem; } .-m-11 { margin: -2.75rem; } .-m-12 { margin: -3rem; } .-m-14 { margin: -3.5rem; } .-m-16 { margin: -4rem; } .-m-18 { margin: -4.5rem; } .-m-20 { margin: -5rem; } .-m-24 { margin: -6rem; } .-m-28 { margin: -7rem; } .-m-32 { margin: -8rem; } .-m-36 { margin: -9rem; } .-m-40 { margin: -10rem; } .-m-44 { margin: -11rem; } .-m-48 { margin: -12rem; } .-m-52 { margin: -13rem; } .-m-56 { margin: -14rem; } .-m-60 { margin: -15rem; } .-m-64 { margin: -16rem; } .-m-72 { margin: -18rem; } .-m-80 { margin: -20rem; } .-m-96 { margin: -24rem; } .mx-px { margin-left: 0.0625rem; margin-right: 0.0625rem; } .mx-0 { margin-left: 0; margin-right: 0; } .mx-none { margin-left: 0; margin-right: 0; } .mx-0\.5 { margin-left: 0.125rem; margin-right: 0.125rem; } .mx-1 { margin-left: 0.25rem; margin-right: 0.25rem; } .mx-1\.5 { margin-left: 0.375rem; margin-right: 0.375rem; } .mx-2 { margin-left: 0.5rem; margin-right: 0.5rem; } .mx-2\.5 { margin-left: 0.625rem; margin-right: 0.625rem; } .mx-3 { margin-left: 0.75rem; margin-right: 0.75rem; } .mx-3\.5 { margin-left: 0.875rem; margin-right: 0.875rem; } .mx-4 { margin-left: 1rem; margin-right: 1rem; } .mx-5 { margin-left: 1.25rem; margin-right: 1.25rem; } .mx-6 { margin-left: 1.5rem; margin-right: 1.5rem; } .mx-7 { margin-left: 1.75rem; margin-right: 1.75rem; } .mx-8 { margin-left: 2rem; margin-right: 2rem; } .mx-9 { margin-left: 2.25rem; margin-right: 2.25rem; } .mx-10 { margin-left: 2.5rem; margin-right: 2.5rem; } .mx-11 { margin-left: 2.75rem; margin-right: 2.75rem; } .mx-12 { margin-left: 3rem; margin-right: 3rem; } .mx-14 { margin-left: 3.5rem; margin-right: 3.5rem; } .mx-16 { margin-left: 4rem; margin-right: 4rem; } .mx-18 { margin-left: 4.5rem; margin-right: 4.5rem; } .mx-20 { margin-left: 5rem; margin-right: 5rem; } .mx-24 { margin-left: 6rem; margin-right: 6rem; } .mx-28 { margin-left: 7rem; margin-right: 7rem; } .mx-32 { margin-left: 8rem; margin-right: 8rem; } .mx-36 { margin-left: 9rem; margin-right: 9rem; } .mx-40 { margin-left: 10rem; margin-right: 10rem; } .mx-44 { margin-left: 11rem; margin-right: 11rem; } .mx-48 { margin-left: 12rem; margin-right: 12rem; } .mx-52 { margin-left: 13rem; margin-right: 13rem; } .mx-56 { margin-left: 14rem; margin-right: 14rem; } .mx-60 { margin-left: 15rem; margin-right: 15rem; } .mx-64 { margin-left: 16rem; margin-right: 16rem; } .mx-72 { margin-left: 18rem; margin-right: 18rem; } .mx-80 { margin-left: 20rem; margin-right: 20rem; } .mx-96 { margin-left: 24rem; margin-right: 24rem; } .mx-auto { margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; } .mx-auto { margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; } .-mx-px { margin-left: -0.0625rem; margin-right: -0.0625rem; } .-mx-0 { margin-left: 0; margin-right: 0; } .-mx-none { margin-left: 0; margin-right: 0; } .-mx-0\.5 { margin-left: -0.125rem; margin-right: -0.125rem; } .-mx-1 { margin-left: -0.25rem; margin-right: -0.25rem; } .-mx-1\.5 { margin-left: -0.375rem; margin-right: -0.375rem; } .-mx-2 { margin-left: -0.5rem; margin-right: -0.5rem; } .-mx-2\.5 { margin-left: -0.625rem; margin-right: -0.625rem; } .-mx-3 { margin-left: -0.75rem; margin-right: -0.75rem; } .-mx-3\.5 { margin-left: -0.875rem; margin-right: -0.875rem; } .-mx-4 { margin-left: -1rem; margin-right: -1rem; } .-mx-5 { margin-left: -1.25rem; margin-right: -1.25rem; } .-mx-6 { margin-left: -1.5rem; margin-right: -1.5rem; } .-mx-7 { margin-left: -1.75rem; margin-right: -1.75rem; } .-mx-8 { margin-left: -2rem; margin-right: -2rem; } .-mx-9 { margin-left: -2.25rem; margin-right: -2.25rem; } .-mx-10 { margin-left: -2.5rem; margin-right: -2.5rem; } .-mx-11 { margin-left: -2.75rem; margin-right: -2.75rem; } .-mx-12 { margin-left: -3rem; margin-right: -3rem; } .-mx-14 { margin-left: -3.5rem; margin-right: -3.5rem; } .-mx-16 { margin-left: -4rem; margin-right: -4rem; } .-mx-18 { margin-left: -4.5rem; margin-right: -4.5rem; } .-mx-20 { margin-left: -5rem; margin-right: -5rem; } .-mx-24 { margin-left: -6rem; margin-right: -6rem; } .-mx-28 { margin-left: -7rem; margin-right: -7rem; } .-mx-32 { margin-left: -8rem; margin-right: -8rem; } .-mx-36 { margin-left: -9rem; margin-right: -9rem; } .-mx-40 { margin-left: -10rem; margin-right: -10rem; } .-mx-44 { margin-left: -11rem; margin-right: -11rem; } .-mx-48 { margin-left: -12rem; margin-right: -12rem; } .-mx-52 { margin-left: -13rem; margin-right: -13rem; } .-mx-56 { margin-left: -14rem; margin-right: -14rem; } .-mx-60 { margin-left: -15rem; margin-right: -15rem; } .-mx-64 { margin-left: -16rem; margin-right: -16rem; } .-mx-72 { margin-left: -18rem; margin-right: -18rem; } .-mx-80 { margin-left: -20rem; margin-right: -20rem; } .-mx-96 { margin-left: -24rem; margin-right: -24rem; } .my-px { margin-top: 0.0625rem; margin-bottom: 0.0625rem; } .my-0 { margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0; } .my-none { margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0; } .my-0\.5 { margin-top: 0.125rem; margin-bottom: 0.125rem; } .my-1 { margin-top: 0.25rem; margin-bottom: 0.25rem; } .my-1\.5 { margin-top: 0.375rem; margin-bottom: 0.375rem; } .my-2 { margin-top: 0.5rem; margin-bottom: 0.5rem; } .my-2\.5 { margin-top: 0.625rem; margin-bottom: 0.625rem; } .my-3 { margin-top: 0.75rem; margin-bottom: 0.75rem; } .my-3\.5 { margin-top: 0.875rem; margin-bottom: 0.875rem; } .my-4 { margin-top: 1rem; margin-bottom: 1rem; } .my-5 { margin-top: 1.25rem; margin-bottom: 1.25rem; } .my-6 { margin-top: 1.5rem; margin-bottom: 1.5rem; } .my-7 { margin-top: 1.75rem; margin-bottom: 1.75rem; } .my-8 { margin-top: 2rem; margin-bottom: 2rem; } .my-9 { margin-top: 2.25rem; margin-bottom: 2.25rem; } .my-10 { margin-top: 2.5rem; margin-bottom: 2.5rem; } .my-11 { margin-top: 2.75rem; margin-bottom: 2.75rem; } .my-12 { margin-top: 3rem; margin-bottom: 3rem; } .my-14 { margin-top: 3.5rem; margin-bottom: 3.5rem; } .my-16 { margin-top: 4rem; margin-bottom: 4rem; } .my-18 { margin-top: 4.5rem; margin-bottom: 4.5rem; } .my-20 { margin-top: 5rem; margin-bottom: 5rem; } .my-24 { margin-top: 6rem; margin-bottom: 6rem; } .my-28 { margin-top: 7rem; margin-bottom: 7rem; } .my-32 { margin-top: 8rem; margin-bottom: 8rem; } .my-36 { margin-top: 9rem; margin-bottom: 9rem; } .my-40 { margin-top: 10rem; margin-bottom: 10rem; } .my-44 { margin-top: 11rem; margin-bottom: 11rem; } .my-48 { margin-top: 12rem; margin-bottom: 12rem; } .my-52 { margin-top: 13rem; margin-bottom: 13rem; } .my-56 { margin-top: 14rem; margin-bottom: 14rem; } .my-60 { margin-top: 15rem; margin-bottom: 15rem; } .my-64 { margin-top: 16rem; margin-bottom: 16rem; } .my-72 { margin-top: 18rem; margin-bottom: 18rem; } .my-80 { margin-top: 20rem; margin-bottom: 20rem; } .my-96 { margin-top: 24rem; margin-bottom: 24rem; } .my-auto { margin-top: auto; margin-bottom: auto; } .my-auto { margin-top: auto; margin-bottom: auto; } .-my-px { margin-top: -0.0625rem; margin-bottom: -0.0625rem; } .-my-0 { margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0; } .-my-none { margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0; } .-my-0\.5 { margin-top: -0.125rem; margin-bottom: -0.125rem; } .-my-1 { margin-top: -0.25rem; margin-bottom: -0.25rem; } .-my-1\.5 { margin-top: -0.375rem; margin-bottom: -0.375rem; } .-my-2 { margin-top: -0.5rem; margin-bottom: -0.5rem; } .-my-2\.5 { margin-top: -0.625rem; margin-bottom: -0.625rem; } .-my-3 { margin-top: -0.75rem; margin-bottom: -0.75rem; } .-my-3\.5 { margin-top: -0.875rem; margin-bottom: -0.875rem; } .-my-4 { margin-top: -1rem; margin-bottom: -1rem; } .-my-5 { margin-top: -1.25rem; margin-bottom: -1.25rem; } .-my-6 { margin-top: -1.5rem; margin-bottom: -1.5rem; } .-my-7 { margin-top: -1.75rem; margin-bottom: -1.75rem; } .-my-8 { margin-top: -2rem; margin-bottom: -2rem; } .-my-9 { margin-top: -2.25rem; margin-bottom: -2.25rem; } .-my-10 { margin-top: -2.5rem; margin-bottom: -2.5rem; } .-my-11 { margin-top: -2.75rem; margin-bottom: -2.75rem; } .-my-12 { margin-top: -3rem; margin-bottom: -3rem; } .-my-14 { margin-top: -3.5rem; margin-bottom: -3.5rem; } .-my-16 { margin-top: -4rem; margin-bottom: -4rem; } .-my-18 { margin-top: -4.5rem; margin-bottom: -4.5rem; } .-my-20 { margin-top: -5rem; margin-bottom: -5rem; } .-my-24 { margin-top: -6rem; margin-bottom: -6rem; } .-my-28 { margin-top: -7rem; margin-bottom: -7rem; } .-my-32 { margin-top: -8rem; margin-bottom: -8rem; } .-my-36 { margin-top: -9rem; margin-bottom: -9rem; } .-my-40 { margin-top: -10rem; margin-bottom: -10rem; } .-my-44 { margin-top: -11rem; margin-bottom: -11rem; } .-my-48 { margin-top: -12rem; margin-bottom: -12rem; } .-my-52 { margin-top: -13rem; margin-bottom: -13rem; } .-my-56 { margin-top: -14rem; margin-bottom: -14rem; } .-my-60 { margin-top: -15rem; margin-bottom: -15rem; } .-my-64 { margin-top: -16rem; margin-bottom: -16rem; } .-my-72 { margin-top: -18rem; margin-bottom: -18rem; } .-my-80 { margin-top: -20rem; margin-bottom: -20rem; } .-my-96 { margin-top: -24rem; margin-bottom: -24rem; } .mt-px { margin-top: 0.0625rem; } .mt-0 { margin-top: 0; } .mt-none { margin-top: 0; } .mt-0\.5 { margin-top: 0.125rem; } .mt-1 { margin-top: 0.25rem; } .mt-1\.5 { margin-top: 0.375rem; } .mt-2 { margin-top: 0.5rem; } .mt-2\.5 { margin-top: 0.625rem; } .mt-3 { margin-top: 0.75rem; } .mt-3\.5 { margin-top: 0.875rem; } .mt-4 { margin-top: 1rem; } .mt-5 { margin-top: 1.25rem; } .mt-6 { margin-top: 1.5rem; } .mt-7 { margin-top: 1.75rem; } .mt-8 { margin-top: 2rem; } .mt-9 { margin-top: 2.25rem; } .mt-10 { margin-top: 2.5rem; } .mt-11 { margin-top: 2.75rem; } .mt-12 { margin-top: 3rem; } .mt-14 { margin-top: 3.5rem; } .mt-16 { margin-top: 4rem; } .mt-18 { margin-top: 4.5rem; } .mt-20 { margin-top: 5rem; } .mt-24 { margin-top: 6rem; } .mt-28 { margin-top: 7rem; } .mt-32 { margin-top: 8rem; } .mt-36 { margin-top: 9rem; } .mt-40 { margin-top: 10rem; } .mt-44 { margin-top: 11rem; } .mt-48 { margin-top: 12rem; } .mt-52 { margin-top: 13rem; } .mt-56 { margin-top: 14rem; } .mt-60 { margin-top: 15rem; } .mt-64 { margin-top: 16rem; } .mt-72 { margin-top: 18rem; } .mt-80 { margin-top: 20rem; } .mt-96 { margin-top: 24rem; } .mt-auto { margin-top: auto; } .-mt-px { margin-top: -0.0625rem; } .-mt-0 { margin-top: 0; } .-mt-none { margin-top: 0; } .-mt-0\.5 { margin-top: -0.125rem; } .-mt-1 { margin-top: -0.25rem; } .-mt-1\.5 { margin-top: -0.375rem; } .-mt-2 { margin-top: -0.5rem; } .-mt-2\.5 { margin-top: -0.625rem; } .-mt-3 { margin-top: -0.75rem; } .-mt-3\.5 { margin-top: -0.875rem; } .-mt-4 { margin-top: -1rem; } .-mt-5 { margin-top: -1.25rem; } .-mt-6 { margin-top: -1.5rem; } .-mt-7 { margin-top: -1.75rem; } .-mt-8 { margin-top: -2rem; } .-mt-9 { margin-top: -2.25rem; } .-mt-10 { margin-top: -2.5rem; } .-mt-11 { margin-top: -2.75rem; } .-mt-12 { margin-top: -3rem; } .-mt-14 { margin-top: -3.5rem; } .-mt-16 { margin-top: -4rem; } .-mt-18 { margin-top: -4.5rem; } .-mt-20 { margin-top: -5rem; } .-mt-24 { margin-top: -6rem; } .-mt-28 { margin-top: -7rem; } .-mt-32 { margin-top: -8rem; } .-mt-36 { margin-top: -9rem; } .-mt-40 { margin-top: -10rem; } .-mt-44 { margin-top: -11rem; } .-mt-48 { margin-top: -12rem; } .-mt-52 { margin-top: -13rem; } .-mt-56 { margin-top: -14rem; } .-mt-60 { margin-top: -15rem; } .-mt-64 { margin-top: -16rem; } .-mt-72 { margin-top: -18rem; } .-mt-80 { margin-top: -20rem; } .-mt-96 { margin-top: -24rem; } .mr-px { margin-right: 0.0625rem; } .mr-0 { margin-right: 0; } .mr-none { margin-right: 0; } .mr-0\.5 { margin-right: 0.125rem; } .mr-1 { margin-right: 0.25rem; } .mr-1\.5 { margin-right: 0.375rem; } .mr-2 { margin-right: 0.5rem; } .mr-2\.5 { margin-right: 0.625rem; } .mr-3 { margin-right: 0.75rem; } .mr-3\.5 { margin-right: 0.875rem; } .mr-4 { margin-right: 1rem; } .mr-5 { margin-right: 1.25rem; } .mr-6 { margin-right: 1.5rem; } .mr-7 { margin-right: 1.75rem; } .mr-8 { margin-right: 2rem; } .mr-9 { margin-right: 2.25rem; } .mr-10 { margin-right: 2.5rem; } .mr-11 { margin-right: 2.75rem; } .mr-12 { margin-right: 3rem; } .mr-14 { margin-right: 3.5rem; } .mr-16 { margin-right: 4rem; } .mr-18 { margin-right: 4.5rem; } .mr-20 { margin-right: 5rem; } .mr-24 { margin-right: 6rem; } .mr-28 { margin-right: 7rem; } .mr-32 { margin-right: 8rem; } .mr-36 { margin-right: 9rem; } .mr-40 { margin-right: 10rem; } .mr-44 { margin-right: 11rem; } .mr-48 { margin-right: 12rem; } .mr-52 { margin-right: 13rem; } .mr-56 { margin-right: 14rem; } .mr-60 { margin-right: 15rem; } .mr-64 { margin-right: 16rem; } .mr-72 { margin-right: 18rem; } .mr-80 { margin-right: 20rem; } .mr-96 { margin-right: 24rem; } .mr-auto { margin-right: auto; } .-mr-px { margin-right: -0.0625rem; } .-mr-0 { margin-right: 0; } .-mr-none { margin-right: 0; } .-mr-0\.5 { margin-right: -0.125rem; } .-mr-1 { margin-right: -0.25rem; } .-mr-1\.5 { margin-right: -0.375rem; } .-mr-2 { margin-right: -0.5rem; } .-mr-2\.5 { margin-right: -0.625rem; } .-mr-3 { margin-right: -0.75rem; } .-mr-3\.5 { margin-right: -0.875rem; } .-mr-4 { margin-right: -1rem; } .-mr-5 { margin-right: -1.25rem; } .-mr-6 { margin-right: -1.5rem; } .-mr-7 { margin-right: -1.75rem; } .-mr-8 { margin-right: -2rem; } .-mr-9 { margin-right: -2.25rem; } .-mr-10 { margin-right: -2.5rem; } .-mr-11 { margin-right: -2.75rem; } .-mr-12 { margin-right: -3rem; } .-mr-14 { margin-right: -3.5rem; } .-mr-16 { margin-right: -4rem; } .-mr-18 { margin-right: -4.5rem; } .-mr-20 { margin-right: -5rem; } .-mr-24 { margin-right: -6rem; } .-mr-28 { margin-right: -7rem; } .-mr-32 { margin-right: -8rem; } .-mr-36 { margin-right: -9rem; } .-mr-40 { margin-right: -10rem; } .-mr-44 { margin-right: -11rem; } .-mr-48 { margin-right: -12rem; } .-mr-52 { margin-right: -13rem; } .-mr-56 { margin-right: -14rem; } .-mr-60 { margin-right: -15rem; } .-mr-64 { margin-right: -16rem; } .-mr-72 { margin-right: -18rem; } .-mr-80 { margin-right: -20rem; } .-mr-96 { margin-right: -24rem; } .mb-px { margin-bottom: 0.0625rem; } .mb-0 { margin-bottom: 0; } .mb-none { margin-bottom: 0; } .mb-0\.5 { margin-bottom: 0.125rem; } .mb-1 { margin-bottom: 0.25rem; } .mb-1\.5 { margin-bottom: 0.375rem; } .mb-2 { margin-bottom: 0.5rem; } .mb-2\.5 { margin-bottom: 0.625rem; } .mb-3 { margin-bottom: 0.75rem; } .mb-3\.5 { margin-bottom: 0.875rem; } .mb-4 { margin-bottom: 1rem; } .mb-5 { margin-bottom: 1.25rem; } .mb-6 { margin-bottom: 1.5rem; } .mb-7 { margin-bottom: 1.75rem; } .mb-8 { margin-bottom: 2rem; } .mb-9 { margin-bottom: 2.25rem; } .mb-10 { margin-bottom: 2.5rem; } .mb-11 { margin-bottom: 2.75rem; } .mb-12 { margin-bottom: 3rem; } .mb-14 { margin-bottom: 3.5rem; } .mb-16 { margin-bottom: 4rem; } .mb-18 { margin-bottom: 4.5rem; } .mb-20 { margin-bottom: 5rem; } .mb-24 { margin-bottom: 6rem; } .mb-28 { margin-bottom: 7rem; } .mb-32 { margin-bottom: 8rem; } .mb-36 { margin-bottom: 9rem; } .mb-40 { margin-bottom: 10rem; } .mb-44 { margin-bottom: 11rem; } .mb-48 { margin-bottom: 12rem; } .mb-52 { margin-bottom: 13rem; } .mb-56 { margin-bottom: 14rem; } .mb-60 { margin-bottom: 15rem; } .mb-64 { margin-bottom: 16rem; } .mb-72 { margin-bottom: 18rem; } .mb-80 { margin-bottom: 20rem; } .mb-96 { margin-bottom: 24rem; } .mb-auto { margin-bottom: auto; } .-mb-px { margin-bottom: -0.0625rem; } .-mb-0 { margin-bottom: 0; } .-mb-none { margin-bottom: 0; } .-mb-0\.5 { margin-bottom: -0.125rem; } .-mb-1 { margin-bottom: -0.25rem; } .-mb-1\.5 { margin-bottom: -0.375rem; } .-mb-2 { margin-bottom: -0.5rem; } .-mb-2\.5 { margin-bottom: -0.625rem; } .-mb-3 { margin-bottom: -0.75rem; } .-mb-3\.5 { margin-bottom: -0.875rem; } .-mb-4 { margin-bottom: -1rem; } .-mb-5 { margin-bottom: -1.25rem; } .-mb-6 { margin-bottom: -1.5rem; } .-mb-7 { margin-bottom: -1.75rem; } .-mb-8 { margin-bottom: -2rem; } .-mb-9 { margin-bottom: -2.25rem; } .-mb-10 { margin-bottom: -2.5rem; } .-mb-11 { margin-bottom: -2.75rem; } .-mb-12 { margin-bottom: -3rem; } .-mb-14 { margin-bottom: -3.5rem; } .-mb-16 { margin-bottom: -4rem; } .-mb-18 { margin-bottom: -4.5rem; } .-mb-20 { margin-bottom: -5rem; } .-mb-24 { margin-bottom: -6rem; } .-mb-28 { margin-bottom: -7rem; } .-mb-32 { margin-bottom: -8rem; } .-mb-36 { margin-bottom: -9rem; } .-mb-40 { margin-bottom: -10rem; } .-mb-44 { margin-bottom: -11rem; } .-mb-48 { margin-bottom: -12rem; } .-mb-52 { margin-bottom: -13rem; } .-mb-56 { margin-bottom: -14rem; } .-mb-60 { margin-bottom: -15rem; } .-mb-64 { margin-bottom: -16rem; } .-mb-72 { margin-bottom: -18rem; } .-mb-80 { margin-bottom: -20rem; } .-mb-96 { margin-bottom: -24rem; } .ml-px { margin-left: 0.0625rem; } .ml-0 { margin-left: 0; } .ml-none { margin-left: 0; } .ml-0\.5 { margin-left: 0.125rem; } .ml-1 { margin-left: 0.25rem; } .ml-1\.5 { margin-left: 0.375rem; } .ml-2 { margin-left: 0.5rem; } .ml-2\.5 { margin-left: 0.625rem; } .ml-3 { margin-left: 0.75rem; } .ml-3\.5 { margin-left: 0.875rem; } .ml-4 { margin-left: 1rem; } .ml-5 { margin-left: 1.25rem; } .ml-6 { margin-left: 1.5rem; } .ml-7 { margin-left: 1.75rem; } .ml-8 { margin-left: 2rem; } .ml-9 { margin-left: 2.25rem; } .ml-10 { margin-left: 2.5rem; } .ml-11 { margin-left: 2.75rem; } .ml-12 { margin-left: 3rem; } .ml-14 { margin-left: 3.5rem; } .ml-16 { margin-left: 4rem; } .ml-18 { margin-left: 4.5rem; } .ml-20 { margin-left: 5rem; } .ml-24 { margin-left: 6rem; } .ml-28 { margin-left: 7rem; } .ml-32 { margin-left: 8rem; } .ml-36 { margin-left: 9rem; } .ml-40 { margin-left: 10rem; } .ml-44 { margin-left: 11rem; } .ml-48 { margin-left: 12rem; } .ml-52 { margin-left: 13rem; } .ml-56 { margin-left: 14rem; } .ml-60 { margin-left: 15rem; } .ml-64 { margin-left: 16rem; } .ml-72 { margin-left: 18rem; } .ml-80 { margin-left: 20rem; } .ml-96 { margin-left: 24rem; } .ml-auto { margin-left: auto; } .-ml-px { margin-left: -0.0625rem; } .-ml-0 { margin-left: 0; } .-ml-none { margin-left: 0; } .-ml-0\.5 { margin-left: -0.125rem; } .-ml-1 { margin-left: -0.25rem; } .-ml-1\.5 { margin-left: -0.375rem; } .-ml-2 { margin-left: -0.5rem; } .-ml-2\.5 { margin-left: -0.625rem; } .-ml-3 { margin-left: -0.75rem; } .-ml-3\.5 { margin-left: -0.875rem; } .-ml-4 { margin-left: -1rem; } .-ml-5 { margin-left: -1.25rem; } .-ml-6 { margin-left: -1.5rem; } .-ml-7 { margin-left: -1.75rem; } .-ml-8 { margin-left: -2rem; } .-ml-9 { margin-left: -2.25rem; } .-ml-10 { margin-left: -2.5rem; } .-ml-11 { margin-left: -2.75rem; } .-ml-12 { margin-left: -3rem; } .-ml-14 { margin-left: -3.5rem; } .-ml-16 { margin-left: -4rem; } .-ml-18 { margin-left: -4.5rem; } .-ml-20 { margin-left: -5rem; } .-ml-24 { margin-left: -6rem; } .-ml-28 { margin-left: -7rem; } .-ml-32 { margin-left: -8rem; } .-ml-36 { margin-left: -9rem; } .-ml-40 { margin-left: -10rem; } .-ml-44 { margin-left: -11rem; } .-ml-48 { margin-left: -12rem; } .-ml-52 { margin-left: -13rem; } .-ml-56 { margin-left: -14rem; } .-ml-60 { margin-left: -15rem; } .-ml-64 { margin-left: -16rem; } .-ml-72 { margin-left: -18rem; } .-ml-80 { margin-left: -20rem; } .-ml-96 { margin-left: -24rem; } @media (max-width: 768px) { .m\:m-px { margin: 0.0625rem; } .m\:m-0 { margin: 0; } 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0.625rem; } .m\:my-3 { margin-top: 0.75rem; margin-bottom: 0.75rem; } .m\:my-3\.5 { margin-top: 0.875rem; margin-bottom: 0.875rem; } .m\:my-4 { margin-top: 1rem; margin-bottom: 1rem; } .m\:my-5 { margin-top: 1.25rem; margin-bottom: 1.25rem; } .m\:my-6 { margin-top: 1.5rem; margin-bottom: 1.5rem; } .m\:my-7 { margin-top: 1.75rem; margin-bottom: 1.75rem; } .m\:my-8 { margin-top: 2rem; margin-bottom: 2rem; } .m\:my-9 { margin-top: 2.25rem; margin-bottom: 2.25rem; } .m\:my-10 { margin-top: 2.5rem; margin-bottom: 2.5rem; } .m\:my-11 { margin-top: 2.75rem; margin-bottom: 2.75rem; } .m\:my-12 { margin-top: 3rem; margin-bottom: 3rem; } .m\:my-14 { margin-top: 3.5rem; margin-bottom: 3.5rem; } .m\:my-16 { margin-top: 4rem; margin-bottom: 4rem; } .m\:my-18 { margin-top: 4.5rem; margin-bottom: 4.5rem; } .m\:my-20 { margin-top: 5rem; margin-bottom: 5rem; } .m\:my-24 { margin-top: 6rem; margin-bottom: 6rem; } .m\:my-28 { margin-top: 7rem; margin-bottom: 7rem; } .m\:my-32 { margin-top: 8rem; 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.m\:-my-18 { margin-top: -4.5rem; margin-bottom: -4.5rem; } .m\:-my-20 { margin-top: -5rem; margin-bottom: -5rem; } .m\:-my-24 { margin-top: -6rem; margin-bottom: -6rem; } .m\:-my-28 { margin-top: -7rem; margin-bottom: -7rem; } .m\:-my-32 { margin-top: -8rem; margin-bottom: -8rem; } .m\:-my-36 { margin-top: -9rem; margin-bottom: -9rem; } .m\:-my-40 { margin-top: -10rem; margin-bottom: -10rem; } .m\:-my-44 { margin-top: -11rem; margin-bottom: -11rem; } .m\:-my-48 { margin-top: -12rem; margin-bottom: -12rem; } .m\:-my-52 { margin-top: -13rem; margin-bottom: -13rem; } .m\:-my-56 { margin-top: -14rem; margin-bottom: -14rem; } .m\:-my-60 { margin-top: -15rem; margin-bottom: -15rem; } .m\:-my-64 { margin-top: -16rem; margin-bottom: -16rem; } .m\:-my-72 { margin-top: -18rem; margin-bottom: -18rem; } .m\:-my-80 { margin-top: -20rem; margin-bottom: -20rem; } .m\:-my-96 { margin-top: -24rem; margin-bottom: -24rem; } .m\:mt-px { margin-top: 0.0625rem; } .m\:mt-0 { margin-top: 0; } .m\:mt-none { 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margin-top: -5rem; } .m\:-mt-24 { margin-top: -6rem; } .m\:-mt-28 { margin-top: -7rem; } .m\:-mt-32 { margin-top: -8rem; } .m\:-mt-36 { margin-top: -9rem; } .m\:-mt-40 { margin-top: -10rem; } .m\:-mt-44 { margin-top: -11rem; } .m\:-mt-48 { margin-top: -12rem; } .m\:-mt-52 { margin-top: -13rem; } .m\:-mt-56 { margin-top: -14rem; } .m\:-mt-60 { margin-top: -15rem; } .m\:-mt-64 { margin-top: -16rem; } .m\:-mt-72 { margin-top: -18rem; } .m\:-mt-80 { margin-top: -20rem; } .m\:-mt-96 { margin-top: -24rem; } .m\:mr-px { margin-right: 0.0625rem; } .m\:mr-0 { margin-right: 0; } .m\:mr-none { margin-right: 0; } .m\:mr-0\.5 { margin-right: 0.125rem; } .m\:mr-1 { margin-right: 0.25rem; } .m\:mr-1\.5 { margin-right: 0.375rem; } .m\:mr-2 { margin-right: 0.5rem; } .m\:mr-2\.5 { margin-right: 0.625rem; } .m\:mr-3 { margin-right: 0.75rem; } .m\:mr-3\.5 { margin-right: 0.875rem; } .m\:mr-4 { margin-right: 1rem; } .m\:mr-5 { margin-right: 1.25rem; } .m\:mr-6 { margin-right: 1.5rem; } .m\:mr-7 { 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margin-bottom: 4rem; } .m\:mb-18 { margin-bottom: 4.5rem; } .m\:mb-20 { margin-bottom: 5rem; } .m\:mb-24 { margin-bottom: 6rem; } .m\:mb-28 { margin-bottom: 7rem; } .m\:mb-32 { margin-bottom: 8rem; } .m\:mb-36 { margin-bottom: 9rem; } .m\:mb-40 { margin-bottom: 10rem; } .m\:mb-44 { margin-bottom: 11rem; } .m\:mb-48 { margin-bottom: 12rem; } .m\:mb-52 { margin-bottom: 13rem; } .m\:mb-56 { margin-bottom: 14rem; } .m\:mb-60 { margin-bottom: 15rem; } .m\:mb-64 { margin-bottom: 16rem; } .m\:mb-72 { margin-bottom: 18rem; } .m\:mb-80 { margin-bottom: 20rem; } .m\:mb-96 { margin-bottom: 24rem; } .m\:mb-auto { margin-bottom: auto; } .m\:-mb-px { margin-bottom: -0.0625rem; } .m\:-mb-0 { margin-bottom: 0; } .m\:-mb-none { margin-bottom: 0; } .m\:-mb-0\.5 { margin-bottom: -0.125rem; } .m\:-mb-1 { margin-bottom: -0.25rem; } .m\:-mb-1\.5 { margin-bottom: -0.375rem; } .m\:-mb-2 { margin-bottom: -0.5rem; } .m\:-mb-2\.5 { margin-bottom: -0.625rem; } .m\:-mb-3 { margin-bottom: -0.75rem; } .m\:-mb-3\.5 { 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margin-bottom: -20rem; } .m\:-mb-96 { margin-bottom: -24rem; } .m\:ml-px { margin-left: 0.0625rem; } .m\:ml-0 { margin-left: 0; } .m\:ml-none { margin-left: 0; } .m\:ml-0\.5 { margin-left: 0.125rem; } .m\:ml-1 { margin-left: 0.25rem; } .m\:ml-1\.5 { margin-left: 0.375rem; } .m\:ml-2 { margin-left: 0.5rem; } .m\:ml-2\.5 { margin-left: 0.625rem; } .m\:ml-3 { margin-left: 0.75rem; } .m\:ml-3\.5 { margin-left: 0.875rem; } .m\:ml-4 { margin-left: 1rem; } .m\:ml-5 { margin-left: 1.25rem; } .m\:ml-6 { margin-left: 1.5rem; } .m\:ml-7 { margin-left: 1.75rem; } .m\:ml-8 { margin-left: 2rem; } .m\:ml-9 { margin-left: 2.25rem; } .m\:ml-10 { margin-left: 2.5rem; } .m\:ml-11 { margin-left: 2.75rem; } .m\:ml-12 { margin-left: 3rem; } .m\:ml-14 { margin-left: 3.5rem; } .m\:ml-16 { margin-left: 4rem; } .m\:ml-18 { margin-left: 4.5rem; } .m\:ml-20 { margin-left: 5rem; } .m\:ml-24 { margin-left: 6rem; } .m\:ml-28 { margin-left: 7rem; } .m\:ml-32 { margin-left: 8rem; } .m\:ml-36 { margin-left: 9rem; } .m\:ml-40 { margin-left: 10rem; } .m\:ml-44 { margin-left: 11rem; } .m\:ml-48 { margin-left: 12rem; } .m\:ml-52 { margin-left: 13rem; } .m\:ml-56 { margin-left: 14rem; } .m\:ml-60 { margin-left: 15rem; } .m\:ml-64 { margin-left: 16rem; } .m\:ml-72 { margin-left: 18rem; } .m\:ml-80 { margin-left: 20rem; } .m\:ml-96 { margin-left: 24rem; } .m\:ml-auto { margin-left: auto; } .m\:-ml-px { margin-left: -0.0625rem; } .m\:-ml-0 { margin-left: 0; } .m\:-ml-none { margin-left: 0; } .m\:-ml-0\.5 { margin-left: -0.125rem; } .m\:-ml-1 { margin-left: -0.25rem; } .m\:-ml-1\.5 { margin-left: -0.375rem; } .m\:-ml-2 { margin-left: -0.5rem; } .m\:-ml-2\.5 { margin-left: -0.625rem; } .m\:-ml-3 { margin-left: -0.75rem; } .m\:-ml-3\.5 { margin-left: -0.875rem; } .m\:-ml-4 { margin-left: -1rem; } .m\:-ml-5 { margin-left: -1.25rem; } .m\:-ml-6 { margin-left: -1.5rem; } .m\:-ml-7 { margin-left: -1.75rem; } .m\:-ml-8 { margin-left: -2rem; } .m\:-ml-9 { margin-left: -2.25rem; } .m\:-ml-10 { margin-left: -2.5rem; } .m\:-ml-11 { margin-left: -2.75rem; } .m\:-ml-12 { margin-left: -3rem; } .m\:-ml-14 { margin-left: -3.5rem; } .m\:-ml-16 { margin-left: -4rem; } .m\:-ml-18 { margin-left: -4.5rem; } .m\:-ml-20 { margin-left: -5rem; } .m\:-ml-24 { margin-left: -6rem; } .m\:-ml-28 { margin-left: -7rem; } .m\:-ml-32 { margin-left: -8rem; } .m\:-ml-36 { margin-left: -9rem; } .m\:-ml-40 { margin-left: -10rem; } .m\:-ml-44 { margin-left: -11rem; } .m\:-ml-48 { margin-left: -12rem; } .m\:-ml-52 { margin-left: -13rem; } .m\:-ml-56 { margin-left: -14rem; } .m\:-ml-60 { margin-left: -15rem; } .m\:-ml-64 { margin-left: -16rem; } .m\:-ml-72 { margin-left: -18rem; } .m\:-ml-80 { margin-left: -20rem; } .m\:-ml-96 { margin-left: -24rem; } } @media (min-width: 769px) { .pc\:m-px { margin: 0.0625rem; } .pc\:m-0 { margin: 0; } .pc\:m-none { margin: 0; } .pc\:m-0\.5 { margin: 0.125rem; } .pc\:m-1 { margin: 0.25rem; } .pc\:m-1\.5 { margin: 0.375rem; } .pc\:m-2 { margin: 0.5rem; } .pc\:m-2\.5 { margin: 0.625rem; } .pc\:m-3 { margin: 0.75rem; } .pc\:m-3\.5 { margin: 0.875rem; } .pc\:m-4 { margin: 1rem; } .pc\:m-5 { margin: 1.25rem; } .pc\:m-6 { margin: 1.5rem; } .pc\:m-7 { margin: 1.75rem; } .pc\:m-8 { margin: 2rem; } .pc\:m-9 { margin: 2.25rem; } .pc\:m-10 { margin: 2.5rem; } .pc\:m-11 { margin: 2.75rem; } .pc\:m-12 { margin: 3rem; } .pc\:m-14 { margin: 3.5rem; } .pc\:m-16 { margin: 4rem; } .pc\:m-18 { margin: 4.5rem; } .pc\:m-20 { margin: 5rem; } .pc\:m-24 { margin: 6rem; } .pc\:m-28 { margin: 7rem; } .pc\:m-32 { margin: 8rem; } .pc\:m-36 { margin: 9rem; } .pc\:m-40 { margin: 10rem; } .pc\:m-44 { margin: 11rem; } .pc\:m-48 { margin: 12rem; } .pc\:m-52 { margin: 13rem; } .pc\:m-56 { margin: 14rem; } .pc\:m-60 { margin: 15rem; } .pc\:m-64 { margin: 16rem; } .pc\:m-72 { margin: 18rem; } .pc\:m-80 { margin: 20rem; } .pc\:m-96 { margin: 24rem; } .pc\:m-auto { margin: auto; } .pc\:-m-px { margin: -0.0625rem; } .pc\:-m-0 { margin: 0; } .pc\:-m-none { margin: 0; } .pc\:-m-0\.5 { margin: -0.125rem; } 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-20rem; } .pc\:-m-96 { margin: -24rem; } .pc\:mx-px { margin-left: 0.0625rem; margin-right: 0.0625rem; } .pc\:mx-0 { margin-left: 0; margin-right: 0; } .pc\:mx-none { margin-left: 0; margin-right: 0; } .pc\:mx-0\.5 { margin-left: 0.125rem; margin-right: 0.125rem; } .pc\:mx-1 { margin-left: 0.25rem; margin-right: 0.25rem; } .pc\:mx-1\.5 { margin-left: 0.375rem; margin-right: 0.375rem; } .pc\:mx-2 { margin-left: 0.5rem; margin-right: 0.5rem; } .pc\:mx-2\.5 { margin-left: 0.625rem; margin-right: 0.625rem; } .pc\:mx-3 { margin-left: 0.75rem; margin-right: 0.75rem; } .pc\:mx-3\.5 { margin-left: 0.875rem; margin-right: 0.875rem; } .pc\:mx-4 { margin-left: 1rem; margin-right: 1rem; } .pc\:mx-5 { margin-left: 1.25rem; margin-right: 1.25rem; } .pc\:mx-6 { margin-left: 1.5rem; margin-right: 1.5rem; } .pc\:mx-7 { margin-left: 1.75rem; margin-right: 1.75rem; } .pc\:mx-8 { margin-left: 2rem; margin-right: 2rem; } .pc\:mx-9 { margin-left: 2.25rem; margin-right: 2.25rem; } .pc\:mx-10 { margin-left: 2.5rem; margin-right: 2.5rem; } .pc\:mx-11 { margin-left: 2.75rem; margin-right: 2.75rem; } .pc\:mx-12 { margin-left: 3rem; margin-right: 3rem; } .pc\:mx-14 { margin-left: 3.5rem; margin-right: 3.5rem; } .pc\:mx-16 { margin-left: 4rem; margin-right: 4rem; } .pc\:mx-18 { margin-left: 4.5rem; margin-right: 4.5rem; } .pc\:mx-20 { margin-left: 5rem; margin-right: 5rem; } .pc\:mx-24 { margin-left: 6rem; margin-right: 6rem; } .pc\:mx-28 { margin-left: 7rem; margin-right: 7rem; } .pc\:mx-32 { margin-left: 8rem; margin-right: 8rem; } .pc\:mx-36 { margin-left: 9rem; margin-right: 9rem; } .pc\:mx-40 { margin-left: 10rem; margin-right: 10rem; } .pc\:mx-44 { margin-left: 11rem; margin-right: 11rem; } .pc\:mx-48 { margin-left: 12rem; margin-right: 12rem; } .pc\:mx-52 { margin-left: 13rem; margin-right: 13rem; } .pc\:mx-56 { margin-left: 14rem; margin-right: 14rem; } .pc\:mx-60 { margin-left: 15rem; margin-right: 15rem; } .pc\:mx-64 { margin-left: 16rem; margin-right: 16rem; } .pc\:mx-72 { margin-left: 18rem; margin-right: 18rem; } .pc\:mx-80 { margin-left: 20rem; margin-right: 20rem; } .pc\:mx-96 { margin-left: 24rem; margin-right: 24rem; } .pc\:mx-auto { margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; } .pc\:mx-auto { margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; } .pc\:-mx-px { margin-left: -0.0625rem; margin-right: -0.0625rem; } .pc\:-mx-0 { margin-left: 0; margin-right: 0; } .pc\:-mx-none { margin-left: 0; margin-right: 0; } .pc\:-mx-0\.5 { margin-left: -0.125rem; margin-right: -0.125rem; } .pc\:-mx-1 { margin-left: -0.25rem; margin-right: -0.25rem; } .pc\:-mx-1\.5 { margin-left: -0.375rem; margin-right: -0.375rem; } .pc\:-mx-2 { margin-left: -0.5rem; margin-right: -0.5rem; } .pc\:-mx-2\.5 { margin-left: -0.625rem; margin-right: -0.625rem; } .pc\:-mx-3 { margin-left: -0.75rem; margin-right: -0.75rem; } .pc\:-mx-3\.5 { margin-left: -0.875rem; margin-right: -0.875rem; } .pc\:-mx-4 { margin-left: -1rem; margin-right: -1rem; } .pc\:-mx-5 { margin-left: -1.25rem; margin-right: -1.25rem; 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-11rem; } .pc\:-mx-48 { margin-left: -12rem; margin-right: -12rem; } .pc\:-mx-52 { margin-left: -13rem; margin-right: -13rem; } .pc\:-mx-56 { margin-left: -14rem; margin-right: -14rem; } .pc\:-mx-60 { margin-left: -15rem; margin-right: -15rem; } .pc\:-mx-64 { margin-left: -16rem; margin-right: -16rem; } .pc\:-mx-72 { margin-left: -18rem; margin-right: -18rem; } .pc\:-mx-80 { margin-left: -20rem; margin-right: -20rem; } .pc\:-mx-96 { margin-left: -24rem; margin-right: -24rem; } .pc\:my-px { margin-top: 0.0625rem; margin-bottom: 0.0625rem; } .pc\:my-0 { margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0; } .pc\:my-none { margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0; } .pc\:my-0\.5 { margin-top: 0.125rem; margin-bottom: 0.125rem; } .pc\:my-1 { margin-top: 0.25rem; margin-bottom: 0.25rem; } .pc\:my-1\.5 { margin-top: 0.375rem; margin-bottom: 0.375rem; } .pc\:my-2 { margin-top: 0.5rem; margin-bottom: 0.5rem; } .pc\:my-2\.5 { margin-top: 0.625rem; margin-bottom: 0.625rem; } .pc\:my-3 { margin-top: 0.75rem; margin-bottom: 0.75rem; } .pc\:my-3\.5 { margin-top: 0.875rem; margin-bottom: 0.875rem; } .pc\:my-4 { margin-top: 1rem; margin-bottom: 1rem; } .pc\:my-5 { margin-top: 1.25rem; margin-bottom: 1.25rem; } .pc\:my-6 { margin-top: 1.5rem; margin-bottom: 1.5rem; } .pc\:my-7 { margin-top: 1.75rem; margin-bottom: 1.75rem; } .pc\:my-8 { margin-top: 2rem; margin-bottom: 2rem; } .pc\:my-9 { margin-top: 2.25rem; margin-bottom: 2.25rem; } .pc\:my-10 { margin-top: 2.5rem; margin-bottom: 2.5rem; } .pc\:my-11 { margin-top: 2.75rem; margin-bottom: 2.75rem; } .pc\:my-12 { margin-top: 3rem; margin-bottom: 3rem; } .pc\:my-14 { margin-top: 3.5rem; margin-bottom: 3.5rem; } .pc\:my-16 { margin-top: 4rem; margin-bottom: 4rem; } .pc\:my-18 { margin-top: 4.5rem; margin-bottom: 4.5rem; } .pc\:my-20 { margin-top: 5rem; margin-bottom: 5rem; } .pc\:my-24 { margin-top: 6rem; margin-bottom: 6rem; } .pc\:my-28 { margin-top: 7rem; margin-bottom: 7rem; } .pc\:my-32 { margin-top: 8rem; margin-bottom: 8rem; } .pc\:my-36 { margin-top: 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margin-top: -4.5rem; margin-bottom: -4.5rem; } .pc\:-my-20 { margin-top: -5rem; margin-bottom: -5rem; } .pc\:-my-24 { margin-top: -6rem; margin-bottom: -6rem; } .pc\:-my-28 { margin-top: -7rem; margin-bottom: -7rem; } .pc\:-my-32 { margin-top: -8rem; margin-bottom: -8rem; } .pc\:-my-36 { margin-top: -9rem; margin-bottom: -9rem; } .pc\:-my-40 { margin-top: -10rem; margin-bottom: -10rem; } .pc\:-my-44 { margin-top: -11rem; margin-bottom: -11rem; } .pc\:-my-48 { margin-top: -12rem; margin-bottom: -12rem; } .pc\:-my-52 { margin-top: -13rem; margin-bottom: -13rem; } .pc\:-my-56 { margin-top: -14rem; margin-bottom: -14rem; } .pc\:-my-60 { margin-top: -15rem; margin-bottom: -15rem; } .pc\:-my-64 { margin-top: -16rem; margin-bottom: -16rem; } .pc\:-my-72 { margin-top: -18rem; margin-bottom: -18rem; } .pc\:-my-80 { margin-top: -20rem; margin-bottom: -20rem; } .pc\:-my-96 { margin-top: -24rem; margin-bottom: -24rem; } .pc\:mt-px { margin-top: 0.0625rem; } .pc\:mt-0 { margin-top: 0; } 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} .pc\:mt-56 { margin-top: 14rem; } .pc\:mt-60 { margin-top: 15rem; } .pc\:mt-64 { margin-top: 16rem; } .pc\:mt-72 { margin-top: 18rem; } .pc\:mt-80 { margin-top: 20rem; } .pc\:mt-96 { margin-top: 24rem; } .pc\:mt-auto { margin-top: auto; } .pc\:-mt-px { margin-top: -0.0625rem; } .pc\:-mt-0 { margin-top: 0; } .pc\:-mt-none { margin-top: 0; } .pc\:-mt-0\.5 { margin-top: -0.125rem; } .pc\:-mt-1 { margin-top: -0.25rem; } .pc\:-mt-1\.5 { margin-top: -0.375rem; } .pc\:-mt-2 { margin-top: -0.5rem; } .pc\:-mt-2\.5 { margin-top: -0.625rem; } .pc\:-mt-3 { margin-top: -0.75rem; } .pc\:-mt-3\.5 { margin-top: -0.875rem; } .pc\:-mt-4 { margin-top: -1rem; } .pc\:-mt-5 { margin-top: -1.25rem; } .pc\:-mt-6 { margin-top: -1.5rem; } .pc\:-mt-7 { margin-top: -1.75rem; } .pc\:-mt-8 { margin-top: -2rem; } .pc\:-mt-9 { margin-top: -2.25rem; } .pc\:-mt-10 { margin-top: -2.5rem; } .pc\:-mt-11 { margin-top: -2.75rem; } .pc\:-mt-12 { margin-top: -3rem; } .pc\:-mt-14 { margin-top: -3.5rem; } .pc\:-mt-16 { margin-top: -4rem; } .pc\:-mt-18 { margin-top: -4.5rem; } .pc\:-mt-20 { margin-top: -5rem; } .pc\:-mt-24 { margin-top: -6rem; } .pc\:-mt-28 { margin-top: -7rem; } .pc\:-mt-32 { margin-top: -8rem; } .pc\:-mt-36 { margin-top: -9rem; } .pc\:-mt-40 { margin-top: -10rem; } .pc\:-mt-44 { margin-top: -11rem; } .pc\:-mt-48 { margin-top: -12rem; } .pc\:-mt-52 { margin-top: -13rem; } .pc\:-mt-56 { margin-top: -14rem; } .pc\:-mt-60 { margin-top: -15rem; } .pc\:-mt-64 { margin-top: -16rem; } .pc\:-mt-72 { margin-top: -18rem; } .pc\:-mt-80 { margin-top: -20rem; } .pc\:-mt-96 { margin-top: -24rem; } .pc\:mr-px { margin-right: 0.0625rem; } .pc\:mr-0 { margin-right: 0; } .pc\:mr-none { margin-right: 0; } .pc\:mr-0\.5 { margin-right: 0.125rem; } .pc\:mr-1 { margin-right: 0.25rem; } .pc\:mr-1\.5 { margin-right: 0.375rem; } .pc\:mr-2 { margin-right: 0.5rem; } .pc\:mr-2\.5 { margin-right: 0.625rem; } .pc\:mr-3 { margin-right: 0.75rem; } .pc\:mr-3\.5 { margin-right: 0.875rem; } .pc\:mr-4 { margin-right: 1rem; } .pc\:mr-5 { margin-right: 1.25rem; } .pc\:mr-6 { margin-right: 1.5rem; } .pc\:mr-7 { margin-right: 1.75rem; } .pc\:mr-8 { margin-right: 2rem; } .pc\:mr-9 { margin-right: 2.25rem; } .pc\:mr-10 { margin-right: 2.5rem; } .pc\:mr-11 { margin-right: 2.75rem; } .pc\:mr-12 { margin-right: 3rem; } .pc\:mr-14 { margin-right: 3.5rem; } .pc\:mr-16 { margin-right: 4rem; } .pc\:mr-18 { margin-right: 4.5rem; } .pc\:mr-20 { margin-right: 5rem; } .pc\:mr-24 { margin-right: 6rem; } .pc\:mr-28 { margin-right: 7rem; } .pc\:mr-32 { margin-right: 8rem; } .pc\:mr-36 { margin-right: 9rem; } .pc\:mr-40 { margin-right: 10rem; } .pc\:mr-44 { margin-right: 11rem; } .pc\:mr-48 { margin-right: 12rem; } .pc\:mr-52 { margin-right: 13rem; } .pc\:mr-56 { margin-right: 14rem; } .pc\:mr-60 { margin-right: 15rem; } .pc\:mr-64 { margin-right: 16rem; } .pc\:mr-72 { margin-right: 18rem; } .pc\:mr-80 { margin-right: 20rem; } .pc\:mr-96 { margin-right: 24rem; } .pc\:mr-auto { margin-right: auto; } .pc\:-mr-px { margin-right: -0.0625rem; } .pc\:-mr-0 { margin-right: 0; } .pc\:-mr-none { margin-right: 0; } .pc\:-mr-0\.5 { margin-right: -0.125rem; } .pc\:-mr-1 { margin-right: -0.25rem; } .pc\:-mr-1\.5 { margin-right: -0.375rem; } .pc\:-mr-2 { margin-right: -0.5rem; } .pc\:-mr-2\.5 { margin-right: -0.625rem; } .pc\:-mr-3 { margin-right: -0.75rem; } .pc\:-mr-3\.5 { margin-right: -0.875rem; } .pc\:-mr-4 { margin-right: -1rem; } .pc\:-mr-5 { margin-right: -1.25rem; } .pc\:-mr-6 { margin-right: -1.5rem; } .pc\:-mr-7 { margin-right: -1.75rem; } .pc\:-mr-8 { margin-right: -2rem; } .pc\:-mr-9 { margin-right: -2.25rem; } .pc\:-mr-10 { margin-right: -2.5rem; } .pc\:-mr-11 { margin-right: -2.75rem; } .pc\:-mr-12 { margin-right: -3rem; } .pc\:-mr-14 { margin-right: -3.5rem; } .pc\:-mr-16 { margin-right: -4rem; } .pc\:-mr-18 { margin-right: -4.5rem; } .pc\:-mr-20 { margin-right: -5rem; } .pc\:-mr-24 { margin-right: -6rem; } .pc\:-mr-28 { margin-right: -7rem; } .pc\:-mr-32 { margin-right: -8rem; } .pc\:-mr-36 { margin-right: -9rem; } .pc\:-mr-40 { margin-right: -10rem; } .pc\:-mr-44 { margin-right: -11rem; } .pc\:-mr-48 { margin-right: -12rem; } .pc\:-mr-52 { margin-right: -13rem; } .pc\:-mr-56 { margin-right: -14rem; } .pc\:-mr-60 { margin-right: -15rem; } .pc\:-mr-64 { margin-right: -16rem; } .pc\:-mr-72 { margin-right: -18rem; } .pc\:-mr-80 { margin-right: -20rem; } .pc\:-mr-96 { margin-right: -24rem; } .pc\:mb-px { margin-bottom: 0.0625rem; } .pc\:mb-0 { margin-bottom: 0; } .pc\:mb-none { margin-bottom: 0; } .pc\:mb-0\.5 { margin-bottom: 0.125rem; } .pc\:mb-1 { margin-bottom: 0.25rem; } .pc\:mb-1\.5 { margin-bottom: 0.375rem; } .pc\:mb-2 { margin-bottom: 0.5rem; } .pc\:mb-2\.5 { margin-bottom: 0.625rem; } .pc\:mb-3 { margin-bottom: 0.75rem; } .pc\:mb-3\.5 { margin-bottom: 0.875rem; } .pc\:mb-4 { margin-bottom: 1rem; } .pc\:mb-5 { margin-bottom: 1.25rem; } .pc\:mb-6 { margin-bottom: 1.5rem; } .pc\:mb-7 { margin-bottom: 1.75rem; } .pc\:mb-8 { margin-bottom: 2rem; } .pc\:mb-9 { margin-bottom: 2.25rem; } .pc\:mb-10 { margin-bottom: 2.5rem; } .pc\:mb-11 { margin-bottom: 2.75rem; } .pc\:mb-12 { margin-bottom: 3rem; } .pc\:mb-14 { margin-bottom: 3.5rem; } .pc\:mb-16 { margin-bottom: 4rem; } .pc\:mb-18 { margin-bottom: 4.5rem; } .pc\:mb-20 { margin-bottom: 5rem; } .pc\:mb-24 { margin-bottom: 6rem; } .pc\:mb-28 { margin-bottom: 7rem; } .pc\:mb-32 { margin-bottom: 8rem; } .pc\:mb-36 { margin-bottom: 9rem; } .pc\:mb-40 { margin-bottom: 10rem; } .pc\:mb-44 { margin-bottom: 11rem; } .pc\:mb-48 { margin-bottom: 12rem; } .pc\:mb-52 { margin-bottom: 13rem; } .pc\:mb-56 { margin-bottom: 14rem; } .pc\:mb-60 { margin-bottom: 15rem; } .pc\:mb-64 { margin-bottom: 16rem; } .pc\:mb-72 { margin-bottom: 18rem; } .pc\:mb-80 { margin-bottom: 20rem; } .pc\:mb-96 { margin-bottom: 24rem; } .pc\:mb-auto { margin-bottom: auto; } .pc\:-mb-px { margin-bottom: -0.0625rem; } .pc\:-mb-0 { margin-bottom: 0; } .pc\:-mb-none { margin-bottom: 0; } .pc\:-mb-0\.5 { margin-bottom: -0.125rem; } .pc\:-mb-1 { margin-bottom: -0.25rem; } .pc\:-mb-1\.5 { margin-bottom: -0.375rem; } .pc\:-mb-2 { margin-bottom: -0.5rem; } .pc\:-mb-2\.5 { margin-bottom: -0.625rem; } .pc\:-mb-3 { margin-bottom: -0.75rem; } .pc\:-mb-3\.5 { margin-bottom: -0.875rem; } .pc\:-mb-4 { margin-bottom: -1rem; } .pc\:-mb-5 { margin-bottom: -1.25rem; } .pc\:-mb-6 { margin-bottom: -1.5rem; } .pc\:-mb-7 { margin-bottom: -1.75rem; } .pc\:-mb-8 { margin-bottom: -2rem; } .pc\:-mb-9 { margin-bottom: -2.25rem; } .pc\:-mb-10 { margin-bottom: -2.5rem; } .pc\:-mb-11 { margin-bottom: -2.75rem; } .pc\:-mb-12 { margin-bottom: -3rem; } .pc\:-mb-14 { margin-bottom: -3.5rem; } .pc\:-mb-16 { margin-bottom: -4rem; } .pc\:-mb-18 { margin-bottom: -4.5rem; } .pc\:-mb-20 { margin-bottom: -5rem; } .pc\:-mb-24 { margin-bottom: -6rem; } .pc\:-mb-28 { margin-bottom: -7rem; } .pc\:-mb-32 { margin-bottom: -8rem; } .pc\:-mb-36 { margin-bottom: -9rem; } .pc\:-mb-40 { margin-bottom: -10rem; } .pc\:-mb-44 { margin-bottom: -11rem; } .pc\:-mb-48 { margin-bottom: -12rem; } .pc\:-mb-52 { margin-bottom: -13rem; } .pc\:-mb-56 { margin-bottom: -14rem; } .pc\:-mb-60 { margin-bottom: -15rem; } .pc\:-mb-64 { margin-bottom: -16rem; } .pc\:-mb-72 { margin-bottom: -18rem; } .pc\:-mb-80 { margin-bottom: -20rem; } .pc\:-mb-96 { margin-bottom: -24rem; } .pc\:ml-px { margin-left: 0.0625rem; } .pc\:ml-0 { margin-left: 0; } .pc\:ml-none { margin-left: 0; } .pc\:ml-0\.5 { margin-left: 0.125rem; } .pc\:ml-1 { margin-left: 0.25rem; } .pc\:ml-1\.5 { margin-left: 0.375rem; } .pc\:ml-2 { margin-left: 0.5rem; } .pc\:ml-2\.5 { margin-left: 0.625rem; } .pc\:ml-3 { margin-left: 0.75rem; } .pc\:ml-3\.5 { margin-left: 0.875rem; } .pc\:ml-4 { margin-left: 1rem; } .pc\:ml-5 { margin-left: 1.25rem; } .pc\:ml-6 { margin-left: 1.5rem; } .pc\:ml-7 { margin-left: 1.75rem; } .pc\:ml-8 { margin-left: 2rem; } .pc\:ml-9 { margin-left: 2.25rem; } .pc\:ml-10 { margin-left: 2.5rem; } .pc\:ml-11 { margin-left: 2.75rem; } .pc\:ml-12 { margin-left: 3rem; } .pc\:ml-14 { margin-left: 3.5rem; } .pc\:ml-16 { margin-left: 4rem; } .pc\:ml-18 { margin-left: 4.5rem; } .pc\:ml-20 { margin-left: 5rem; } .pc\:ml-24 { margin-left: 6rem; } .pc\:ml-28 { margin-left: 7rem; } .pc\:ml-32 { margin-left: 8rem; } .pc\:ml-36 { margin-left: 9rem; } .pc\:ml-40 { margin-left: 10rem; } .pc\:ml-44 { margin-left: 11rem; } .pc\:ml-48 { margin-left: 12rem; } .pc\:ml-52 { margin-left: 13rem; } .pc\:ml-56 { margin-left: 14rem; } .pc\:ml-60 { margin-left: 15rem; } .pc\:ml-64 { margin-left: 16rem; } .pc\:ml-72 { margin-left: 18rem; } .pc\:ml-80 { margin-left: 20rem; } .pc\:ml-96 { margin-left: 24rem; } .pc\:ml-auto { margin-left: auto; } .pc\:-ml-px { margin-left: -0.0625rem; } .pc\:-ml-0 { margin-left: 0; } .pc\:-ml-none { margin-left: 0; } .pc\:-ml-0\.5 { margin-left: -0.125rem; } .pc\:-ml-1 { margin-left: -0.25rem; } .pc\:-ml-1\.5 { margin-left: -0.375rem; } .pc\:-ml-2 { margin-left: -0.5rem; } .pc\:-ml-2\.5 { margin-left: -0.625rem; } .pc\:-ml-3 { margin-left: -0.75rem; } .pc\:-ml-3\.5 { margin-left: -0.875rem; } .pc\:-ml-4 { margin-left: -1rem; } .pc\:-ml-5 { margin-left: -1.25rem; } .pc\:-ml-6 { margin-left: -1.5rem; } .pc\:-ml-7 { margin-left: -1.75rem; } .pc\:-ml-8 { margin-left: -2rem; } .pc\:-ml-9 { margin-left: -2.25rem; } .pc\:-ml-10 { margin-left: -2.5rem; } .pc\:-ml-11 { margin-left: -2.75rem; } .pc\:-ml-12 { margin-left: -3rem; } .pc\:-ml-14 { margin-left: -3.5rem; } .pc\:-ml-16 { margin-left: -4rem; } .pc\:-ml-18 { margin-left: -4.5rem; } .pc\:-ml-20 { margin-left: -5rem; } .pc\:-ml-24 { margin-left: -6rem; } .pc\:-ml-28 { margin-left: -7rem; } .pc\:-ml-32 { margin-left: -8rem; } .pc\:-ml-36 { margin-left: -9rem; } .pc\:-ml-40 { margin-left: -10rem; } .pc\:-ml-44 { margin-left: -11rem; } .pc\:-ml-48 { margin-left: -12rem; } .pc\:-ml-52 { margin-left: -13rem; } .pc\:-ml-56 { margin-left: -14rem; } .pc\:-ml-60 { margin-left: -15rem; } .pc\:-ml-64 { margin-left: -16rem; } .pc\:-ml-72 { margin-left: -18rem; } .pc\:-ml-80 { margin-left: -20rem; } .pc\:-ml-96 { margin-left: -24rem; } } /*!markdown --- title: Padding --- | Class | Properties | | ----------- | ------------------------ | | p-px | padding: 0.0625rem | | p-0 | padding: 0 | | p-none | padding: 0 | | p-0\.5 | padding: 0.125rem | | p-1 | padding: 0.25rem | | p-1\.5 | padding: 0.375rem | | p-2 | padding: 0.5rem | | p-2\.5 | padding: 0.625rem | | p-3 | padding: 0.75rem | | p-3\.5 | padding: 0.875rem | | p-4 | padding: 1rem | | p-5 | padding: 1.25rem | | p-6 | padding: 1.5rem | | p-7 | padding: 1.75rem | | p-8 | padding: 2rem | | p-9 | padding: 2.25rem | | p-10 | padding: 2.5rem | | p-11 | padding: 2.75rem | | p-12 | padding: 3rem | | p-14 | padding: 3.5rem | | p-16 | padding: 4rem | | p-18 | padding: 4.5rem | | p-20 | padding: 5rem | | p-24 | padding: 6rem | | p-28 | padding: 7rem | | p-32 | padding: 8rem | | p-36 | padding: 9rem | | p-40 | padding: 10rem | | p-44 | padding: 11rem | | p-48 | padding: 12rem | | p-52 | padding: 13rem | | p-56 | padding: 14rem | | p-60 | padding: 15rem | | p-64 | padding: 16rem | | p-72 | padding: 18rem | | p-80 | padding: 20rem | | p-96 | padding: 24rem | | px-px | padding-left: 0.0625rem; padding-right: 0.0625rem | | px-0 | padding-left: 0; padding-right: 0 | | px-none | padding-left: 0; padding-right: 0 | | px-0\.5 | padding-left: 0.125rem; padding-right: 0.125rem | | px-1 | padding-left: 0.25rem; padding-right: 0.25rem | | px-1\.5 | padding-left: 0.375rem; padding-right: 0.375rem | | px-2 | padding-left: 0.5rem; padding-right: 0.5rem | | px-2\.5 | padding-left: 0.625rem; padding-right: 0.625rem | | px-3 | padding-left: 0.75rem; padding-right: 0.75rem | | px-3\.5 | padding-left: 0.875rem; padding-right: 0.875rem | | px-4 | padding-left: 1rem; padding-right: 1rem | | px-5 | padding-left: 1.25rem; padding-right: 1.25rem | | px-6 | padding-left: 1.5rem; padding-right: 1.5rem | | px-7 | padding-left: 1.75rem; padding-right: 1.75rem | | px-8 | padding-left: 2rem; padding-right: 2rem | | px-9 | padding-left: 2.25rem; padding-right: 2.25rem | | px-10 | padding-left: 2.5rem; padding-right: 2.5rem | | px-11 | padding-left: 2.75rem; padding-right: 2.75rem | | px-12 | padding-left: 3rem; padding-right: 3rem | | px-14 | padding-left: 3.5rem; padding-right: 3.5rem | | px-16 | padding-left: 4rem; padding-right: 4rem | | px-18 | padding-left: 4.5rem; padding-right: 4.5rem | | px-20 | padding-left: 5rem; padding-right: 5rem | | px-24 | padding-left: 6rem; padding-right: 6rem | | px-28 | padding-left: 7rem; padding-right: 7rem | | px-32 | padding-left: 8rem; padding-right: 8rem | | px-36 | padding-left: 9rem; padding-right: 9rem | | px-40 | padding-left: 10rem; padding-right: 10rem | | px-44 | padding-left: 11rem; padding-right: 11rem | | px-48 | padding-left: 12rem; padding-right: 12rem | | px-52 | padding-left: 13rem; padding-right: 13rem | | px-56 | padding-left: 14rem; padding-right: 14rem | | px-60 | padding-left: 15rem; padding-right: 15rem | | px-64 | padding-left: 16rem; padding-right: 16rem | | px-72 | padding-left: 18rem; padding-right: 18rem | | px-80 | padding-left: 20rem; padding-right: 20rem | | px-96 | padding-left: 24rem; padding-right: 24rem | | py-px | padding-top: 0.0625rem; padding-bottom: 0.0625rem | | py-0 | padding-top: 0; padding-bottom: 0 | | py-none | padding-top: 0; padding-bottom: 0 | | py-0\.5 | padding-top: 0.125rem; padding-bottom: 0.125rem | | py-1 | padding-top: 0.25rem; padding-bottom: 0.25rem | | py-1\.5 | padding-top: 0.375rem; padding-bottom: 0.375rem | | py-2 | padding-top: 0.5rem; padding-bottom: 0.5rem | | py-2\.5 | padding-top: 0.625rem; padding-bottom: 0.625rem | | py-3 | padding-top: 0.75rem; padding-bottom: 0.75rem | | py-3\.5 | padding-top: 0.875rem; padding-bottom: 0.875rem | | py-4 | padding-top: 1rem; padding-bottom: 1rem | | py-5 | padding-top: 1.25rem; padding-bottom: 1.25rem | | py-6 | padding-top: 1.5rem; padding-bottom: 1.5rem | | py-7 | padding-top: 1.75rem; padding-bottom: 1.75rem | | py-8 | padding-top: 2rem; padding-bottom: 2rem | | py-9 | padding-top: 2.25rem; padding-bottom: 2.25rem | | py-10 | padding-top: 2.5rem; padding-bottom: 2.5rem | | py-11 | padding-top: 2.75rem; padding-bottom: 2.75rem | | py-12 | padding-top: 3rem; padding-bottom: 3rem | | py-14 | padding-top: 3.5rem; padding-bottom: 3.5rem | | py-16 | padding-top: 4rem; padding-bottom: 4rem | | py-18 | padding-top: 4.5rem; padding-bottom: 4.5rem | | py-20 | padding-top: 5rem; padding-bottom: 5rem | | py-24 | padding-top: 6rem; padding-bottom: 6rem | | py-28 | padding-top: 7rem; padding-bottom: 7rem | | py-32 | padding-top: 8rem; padding-bottom: 8rem | | py-36 | padding-top: 9rem; padding-bottom: 9rem | | py-40 | padding-top: 10rem; padding-bottom: 10rem | | py-44 | padding-top: 11rem; padding-bottom: 11rem | | py-48 | padding-top: 12rem; padding-bottom: 12rem | | py-52 | padding-top: 13rem; padding-bottom: 13rem | | py-56 | padding-top: 14rem; padding-bottom: 14rem | | py-60 | padding-top: 15rem; padding-bottom: 15rem | | py-64 | padding-top: 16rem; padding-bottom: 16rem | | py-72 | padding-top: 18rem; padding-bottom: 18rem | | py-80 | padding-top: 20rem; padding-bottom: 20rem | | py-96 | padding-top: 24rem; padding-bottom: 24rem | | pt-px | padding-top: 0.0625rem | | pt-0 | padding-top: 0 | | pt-none | padding-top: 0 | | pt-0\.5 | padding-top: 0.125rem | | pt-1 | padding-top: 0.25rem | | pt-1\.5 | padding-top: 0.375rem | | pt-2 | padding-top: 0.5rem | | pt-2\.5 | padding-top: 0.625rem | | pt-3 | padding-top: 0.75rem | | pt-3\.5 | padding-top: 0.875rem | | pt-4 | padding-top: 1rem | | pt-5 | padding-top: 1.25rem | | pt-6 | padding-top: 1.5rem | | pt-7 | padding-top: 1.75rem | | pt-8 | padding-top: 2rem | | pt-9 | padding-top: 2.25rem | | pt-10 | padding-top: 2.5rem | | pt-11 | padding-top: 2.75rem | | pt-12 | padding-top: 3rem | | pt-14 | padding-top: 3.5rem | | pt-16 | padding-top: 4rem | | pt-18 | padding-top: 4.5rem | | pt-20 | padding-top: 5rem | | pt-24 | padding-top: 6rem | | pt-28 | padding-top: 7rem | | pt-32 | padding-top: 8rem | | pt-36 | padding-top: 9rem | | pt-40 | padding-top: 10rem | | pt-44 | padding-top: 11rem | | pt-48 | padding-top: 12rem | | pt-52 | padding-top: 13rem | | pt-56 | padding-top: 14rem | | pt-60 | padding-top: 15rem | | pt-64 | padding-top: 16rem | | pt-72 | padding-top: 18rem | | pt-80 | padding-top: 20rem | | pt-96 | padding-top: 24rem | | pr-px | padding-right: 0.0625rem | | pr-0 | padding-right: 0 | | pr-none | padding-right: 0 | | pr-0\.5 | padding-right: 0.125rem | | pr-1 | padding-right: 0.25rem | | pr-1\.5 | padding-right: 0.375rem | | pr-2 | padding-right: 0.5rem | | pr-2\.5 | padding-right: 0.625rem | | pr-3 | padding-right: 0.75rem | | pr-3\.5 | padding-right: 0.875rem | | pr-4 | padding-right: 1rem | | pr-5 | padding-right: 1.25rem | | pr-6 | padding-right: 1.5rem | | pr-7 | padding-right: 1.75rem | | pr-8 | padding-right: 2rem | | pr-9 | padding-right: 2.25rem | | pr-10 | padding-right: 2.5rem | | pr-11 | padding-right: 2.75rem | | pr-12 | padding-right: 3rem | | pr-14 | padding-right: 3.5rem | | pr-16 | padding-right: 4rem | | pr-18 | padding-right: 4.5rem | | pr-20 | padding-right: 5rem | | pr-24 | padding-right: 6rem | | pr-28 | padding-right: 7rem | | pr-32 | padding-right: 8rem | | pr-36 | padding-right: 9rem | | pr-40 | padding-right: 10rem | | pr-44 | padding-right: 11rem | | pr-48 | padding-right: 12rem | | pr-52 | padding-right: 13rem | | pr-56 | padding-right: 14rem | | pr-60 | padding-right: 15rem | | pr-64 | padding-right: 16rem | | pr-72 | padding-right: 18rem | | pr-80 | padding-right: 20rem | | pr-96 | padding-right: 24rem | | pb-px | padding-bottom: 0.0625rem | | pb-0 | padding-bottom: 0 | | pb-none | padding-bottom: 0 | | pb-0\.5 | padding-bottom: 0.125rem | | pb-1 | padding-bottom: 0.25rem | | pb-1\.5 | padding-bottom: 0.375rem | | pb-2 | padding-bottom: 0.5rem | | pb-2\.5 | padding-bottom: 0.625rem | | pb-3 | padding-bottom: 0.75rem | | pb-3\.5 | padding-bottom: 0.875rem | | pb-4 | padding-bottom: 1rem | | pb-5 | padding-bottom: 1.25rem | | pb-6 | padding-bottom: 1.5rem | | pb-7 | padding-bottom: 1.75rem | | pb-8 | padding-bottom: 2rem | | pb-9 | padding-bottom: 2.25rem | | pb-10 | padding-bottom: 2.5rem | | pb-11 | padding-bottom: 2.75rem | | pb-12 | padding-bottom: 3rem | | pb-14 | padding-bottom: 3.5rem | | pb-16 | padding-bottom: 4rem | | pb-18 | padding-bottom: 4.5rem | | pb-20 | padding-bottom: 5rem | | pb-24 | padding-bottom: 6rem | | pb-28 | padding-bottom: 7rem | | pb-32 | padding-bottom: 8rem | | pb-36 | padding-bottom: 9rem | | pb-40 | padding-bottom: 10rem | | pb-44 | padding-bottom: 11rem | | pb-48 | padding-bottom: 12rem | | pb-52 | padding-bottom: 13rem | | pb-56 | padding-bottom: 14rem | | pb-60 | padding-bottom: 15rem | | pb-64 | padding-bottom: 16rem | | pb-72 | padding-bottom: 18rem | | pb-80 | padding-bottom: 20rem | | pb-96 | padding-bottom: 24rem | | pl-px | padding-left: 0.0625rem | | pl-0 | padding-left: 0 | | pl-none | padding-left: 0 | | pl-0\.5 | padding-left: 0.125rem | | pl-1 | padding-left: 0.25rem | | pl-1\.5 | padding-left: 0.375rem | | pl-2 | padding-left: 0.5rem | | pl-2\.5 | padding-left: 0.625rem | | pl-3 | padding-left: 0.75rem | | pl-3\.5 | padding-left: 0.875rem | | pl-4 | padding-left: 1rem | | pl-5 | padding-left: 1.25rem | | pl-6 | padding-left: 1.5rem | | pl-7 | padding-left: 1.75rem | | pl-8 | padding-left: 2rem | | pl-9 | padding-left: 2.25rem | | pl-10 | padding-left: 2.5rem | | pl-11 | padding-left: 2.75rem | | pl-12 | padding-left: 3rem | | pl-14 | padding-left: 3.5rem | | pl-16 | padding-left: 4rem | | pl-18 | padding-left: 4.5rem | | pl-20 | padding-left: 5rem | | pl-24 | padding-left: 6rem | | pl-28 | padding-left: 7rem | | pl-32 | padding-left: 8rem | | pl-36 | padding-left: 9rem | | pl-40 | padding-left: 10rem | | pl-44 | padding-left: 11rem | | pl-48 | padding-left: 12rem | | pl-52 | padding-left: 13rem | | pl-56 | padding-left: 14rem | | pl-60 | padding-left: 15rem | | pl-64 | padding-left: 16rem | | pl-72 | padding-left: 18rem | | pl-80 | padding-left: 20rem | | pl-96 | padding-left: 24rem | */ .p-px { padding: 0.0625rem; } .p-0 { padding: 0; } .p-none { padding: 0; } .p-0\.5 { padding: 0.125rem; } .p-1 { padding: 0.25rem; } .p-1\.5 { padding: 0.375rem; } .p-2 { padding: 0.5rem; } .p-2\.5 { padding: 0.625rem; } .p-3 { padding: 0.75rem; } .p-3\.5 { padding: 0.875rem; } .p-4 { padding: 1rem; } .p-5 { padding: 1.25rem; } .p-6 { padding: 1.5rem; } .p-7 { padding: 1.75rem; } .p-8 { padding: 2rem; } .p-9 { padding: 2.25rem; } .p-10 { padding: 2.5rem; } .p-11 { padding: 2.75rem; } .p-12 { padding: 3rem; } .p-14 { padding: 3.5rem; } .p-16 { padding: 4rem; } .p-18 { padding: 4.5rem; } .p-20 { padding: 5rem; } .p-24 { padding: 6rem; } .p-28 { padding: 7rem; } .p-32 { padding: 8rem; } .p-36 { padding: 9rem; } .p-40 { padding: 10rem; } .p-44 { padding: 11rem; } .p-48 { padding: 12rem; } .p-52 { padding: 13rem; } .p-56 { padding: 14rem; } .p-60 { padding: 15rem; } .p-64 { padding: 16rem; } .p-72 { padding: 18rem; } .p-80 { padding: 20rem; } .p-96 { padding: 24rem; } .px-px { padding-left: 0.0625rem; padding-right: 0.0625rem; } .px-0 { padding-left: 0; padding-right: 0; } .px-none { padding-left: 0; padding-right: 0; } .px-0\.5 { padding-left: 0.125rem; padding-right: 0.125rem; } .px-1 { padding-left: 0.25rem; padding-right: 0.25rem; } .px-1\.5 { padding-left: 0.375rem; padding-right: 0.375rem; } .px-2 { padding-left: 0.5rem; padding-right: 0.5rem; } .px-2\.5 { padding-left: 0.625rem; padding-right: 0.625rem; } .px-3 { padding-left: 0.75rem; padding-right: 0.75rem; } .px-3\.5 { padding-left: 0.875rem; padding-right: 0.875rem; } .px-4 { padding-left: 1rem; padding-right: 1rem; } .px-5 { padding-left: 1.25rem; padding-right: 1.25rem; } .px-6 { padding-left: 1.5rem; padding-right: 1.5rem; } .px-7 { padding-left: 1.75rem; padding-right: 1.75rem; } .px-8 { padding-left: 2rem; padding-right: 2rem; } .px-9 { padding-left: 2.25rem; padding-right: 2.25rem; } .px-10 { padding-left: 2.5rem; padding-right: 2.5rem; } .px-11 { padding-left: 2.75rem; padding-right: 2.75rem; } .px-12 { padding-left: 3rem; padding-right: 3rem; } .px-14 { padding-left: 3.5rem; padding-right: 3.5rem; } .px-16 { padding-left: 4rem; padding-right: 4rem; } .px-18 { padding-left: 4.5rem; padding-right: 4.5rem; } .px-20 { padding-left: 5rem; padding-right: 5rem; } .px-24 { padding-left: 6rem; padding-right: 6rem; } .px-28 { padding-left: 7rem; padding-right: 7rem; } .px-32 { padding-left: 8rem; padding-right: 8rem; } .px-36 { padding-left: 9rem; padding-right: 9rem; } .px-40 { padding-left: 10rem; padding-right: 10rem; } .px-44 { padding-left: 11rem; padding-right: 11rem; } .px-48 { padding-left: 12rem; padding-right: 12rem; } .px-52 { padding-left: 13rem; padding-right: 13rem; } .px-56 { padding-left: 14rem; padding-right: 14rem; } .px-60 { padding-left: 15rem; padding-right: 15rem; } .px-64 { padding-left: 16rem; padding-right: 16rem; } .px-72 { padding-left: 18rem; padding-right: 18rem; } .px-80 { padding-left: 20rem; padding-right: 20rem; } .px-96 { padding-left: 24rem; padding-right: 24rem; } .py-px { padding-top: 0.0625rem; padding-bottom: 0.0625rem; } .py-0 { padding-top: 0; padding-bottom: 0; } .py-none { padding-top: 0; padding-bottom: 0; } .py-0\.5 { padding-top: 0.125rem; padding-bottom: 0.125rem; } .py-1 { padding-top: 0.25rem; padding-bottom: 0.25rem; } .py-1\.5 { padding-top: 0.375rem; padding-bottom: 0.375rem; } .py-2 { padding-top: 0.5rem; padding-bottom: 0.5rem; } .py-2\.5 { padding-top: 0.625rem; padding-bottom: 0.625rem; } .py-3 { padding-top: 0.75rem; padding-bottom: 0.75rem; } .py-3\.5 { padding-top: 0.875rem; padding-bottom: 0.875rem; } .py-4 { padding-top: 1rem; padding-bottom: 1rem; } .py-5 { padding-top: 1.25rem; padding-bottom: 1.25rem; } .py-6 { padding-top: 1.5rem; padding-bottom: 1.5rem; } .py-7 { padding-top: 1.75rem; padding-bottom: 1.75rem; } .py-8 { padding-top: 2rem; padding-bottom: 2rem; } .py-9 { padding-top: 2.25rem; padding-bottom: 2.25rem; } .py-10 { padding-top: 2.5rem; padding-bottom: 2.5rem; } .py-11 { padding-top: 2.75rem; padding-bottom: 2.75rem; } .py-12 { padding-top: 3rem; padding-bottom: 3rem; } .py-14 { padding-top: 3.5rem; padding-bottom: 3.5rem; } .py-16 { padding-top: 4rem; padding-bottom: 4rem; } .py-18 { padding-top: 4.5rem; padding-bottom: 4.5rem; } .py-20 { padding-top: 5rem; padding-bottom: 5rem; } .py-24 { padding-top: 6rem; padding-bottom: 6rem; } .py-28 { padding-top: 7rem; padding-bottom: 7rem; } .py-32 { padding-top: 8rem; padding-bottom: 8rem; } .py-36 { padding-top: 9rem; padding-bottom: 9rem; } .py-40 { padding-top: 10rem; padding-bottom: 10rem; } .py-44 { padding-top: 11rem; padding-bottom: 11rem; } .py-48 { padding-top: 12rem; padding-bottom: 12rem; } .py-52 { padding-top: 13rem; padding-bottom: 13rem; } .py-56 { padding-top: 14rem; padding-bottom: 14rem; } .py-60 { padding-top: 15rem; padding-bottom: 15rem; } .py-64 { padding-top: 16rem; padding-bottom: 16rem; } .py-72 { padding-top: 18rem; padding-bottom: 18rem; } .py-80 { padding-top: 20rem; padding-bottom: 20rem; } .py-96 { padding-top: 24rem; padding-bottom: 24rem; } .pt-px { padding-top: 0.0625rem; } .pt-0 { padding-top: 0; } .pt-none { padding-top: 0; } .pt-0\.5 { padding-top: 0.125rem; } .pt-1 { padding-top: 0.25rem; } .pt-1\.5 { padding-top: 0.375rem; } .pt-2 { padding-top: 0.5rem; } .pt-2\.5 { padding-top: 0.625rem; } .pt-3 { padding-top: 0.75rem; } .pt-3\.5 { padding-top: 0.875rem; } .pt-4 { padding-top: 1rem; } .pt-5 { padding-top: 1.25rem; } .pt-6 { padding-top: 1.5rem; } .pt-7 { padding-top: 1.75rem; } .pt-8 { padding-top: 2rem; } .pt-9 { padding-top: 2.25rem; } .pt-10 { padding-top: 2.5rem; } .pt-11 { padding-top: 2.75rem; } .pt-12 { padding-top: 3rem; } .pt-14 { padding-top: 3.5rem; } .pt-16 { padding-top: 4rem; } .pt-18 { padding-top: 4.5rem; } .pt-20 { padding-top: 5rem; } .pt-24 { padding-top: 6rem; } .pt-28 { padding-top: 7rem; } .pt-32 { padding-top: 8rem; } .pt-36 { padding-top: 9rem; } .pt-40 { padding-top: 10rem; } .pt-44 { padding-top: 11rem; } .pt-48 { padding-top: 12rem; } .pt-52 { padding-top: 13rem; } .pt-56 { padding-top: 14rem; } .pt-60 { padding-top: 15rem; } .pt-64 { padding-top: 16rem; } .pt-72 { padding-top: 18rem; } .pt-80 { padding-top: 20rem; } .pt-96 { padding-top: 24rem; } .pr-px { padding-right: 0.0625rem; } .pr-0 { padding-right: 0; } .pr-none { padding-right: 0; } .pr-0\.5 { padding-right: 0.125rem; } .pr-1 { padding-right: 0.25rem; } .pr-1\.5 { padding-right: 0.375rem; } .pr-2 { padding-right: 0.5rem; } .pr-2\.5 { padding-right: 0.625rem; } .pr-3 { padding-right: 0.75rem; } .pr-3\.5 { padding-right: 0.875rem; } .pr-4 { padding-right: 1rem; } .pr-5 { padding-right: 1.25rem; } .pr-6 { padding-right: 1.5rem; } .pr-7 { padding-right: 1.75rem; } .pr-8 { padding-right: 2rem; } .pr-9 { padding-right: 2.25rem; } .pr-10 { padding-right: 2.5rem; } .pr-11 { padding-right: 2.75rem; } .pr-12 { padding-right: 3rem; } .pr-14 { padding-right: 3.5rem; } .pr-16 { padding-right: 4rem; } .pr-18 { padding-right: 4.5rem; } .pr-20 { padding-right: 5rem; } .pr-24 { padding-right: 6rem; } .pr-28 { padding-right: 7rem; } .pr-32 { padding-right: 8rem; } .pr-36 { padding-right: 9rem; } .pr-40 { padding-right: 10rem; } .pr-44 { padding-right: 11rem; } .pr-48 { padding-right: 12rem; } .pr-52 { padding-right: 13rem; } .pr-56 { padding-right: 14rem; } .pr-60 { padding-right: 15rem; } .pr-64 { padding-right: 16rem; } .pr-72 { padding-right: 18rem; } .pr-80 { padding-right: 20rem; } .pr-96 { padding-right: 24rem; } .pb-px { padding-bottom: 0.0625rem; } .pb-0 { padding-bottom: 0; } .pb-none { padding-bottom: 0; } .pb-0\.5 { padding-bottom: 0.125rem; } .pb-1 { padding-bottom: 0.25rem; } .pb-1\.5 { padding-bottom: 0.375rem; } .pb-2 { padding-bottom: 0.5rem; } .pb-2\.5 { padding-bottom: 0.625rem; } .pb-3 { padding-bottom: 0.75rem; } .pb-3\.5 { padding-bottom: 0.875rem; } .pb-4 { padding-bottom: 1rem; } .pb-5 { padding-bottom: 1.25rem; } .pb-6 { padding-bottom: 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padding-right: 18rem; } .pc\:px-80 { padding-left: 20rem; padding-right: 20rem; } .pc\:px-96 { padding-left: 24rem; padding-right: 24rem; } .pc\:py-px { padding-top: 0.0625rem; padding-bottom: 0.0625rem; } .pc\:py-0 { padding-top: 0; padding-bottom: 0; } .pc\:py-none { padding-top: 0; padding-bottom: 0; } .pc\:py-0\.5 { padding-top: 0.125rem; padding-bottom: 0.125rem; } .pc\:py-1 { padding-top: 0.25rem; padding-bottom: 0.25rem; } .pc\:py-1\.5 { padding-top: 0.375rem; padding-bottom: 0.375rem; } .pc\:py-2 { padding-top: 0.5rem; padding-bottom: 0.5rem; } .pc\:py-2\.5 { padding-top: 0.625rem; padding-bottom: 0.625rem; } .pc\:py-3 { padding-top: 0.75rem; padding-bottom: 0.75rem; } .pc\:py-3\.5 { padding-top: 0.875rem; padding-bottom: 0.875rem; } .pc\:py-4 { padding-top: 1rem; padding-bottom: 1rem; } .pc\:py-5 { padding-top: 1.25rem; padding-bottom: 1.25rem; } .pc\:py-6 { padding-top: 1.5rem; padding-bottom: 1.5rem; } .pc\:py-7 { padding-top: 1.75rem; padding-bottom: 1.75rem; } .pc\:py-8 { padding-top: 2rem; padding-bottom: 2rem; } .pc\:py-9 { padding-top: 2.25rem; padding-bottom: 2.25rem; } .pc\:py-10 { padding-top: 2.5rem; padding-bottom: 2.5rem; } .pc\:py-11 { padding-top: 2.75rem; padding-bottom: 2.75rem; } .pc\:py-12 { padding-top: 3rem; padding-bottom: 3rem; } .pc\:py-14 { padding-top: 3.5rem; padding-bottom: 3.5rem; } .pc\:py-16 { padding-top: 4rem; padding-bottom: 4rem; } .pc\:py-18 { padding-top: 4.5rem; padding-bottom: 4.5rem; } .pc\:py-20 { padding-top: 5rem; padding-bottom: 5rem; } .pc\:py-24 { padding-top: 6rem; padding-bottom: 6rem; } .pc\:py-28 { padding-top: 7rem; padding-bottom: 7rem; } .pc\:py-32 { padding-top: 8rem; padding-bottom: 8rem; } .pc\:py-36 { padding-top: 9rem; padding-bottom: 9rem; } .pc\:py-40 { padding-top: 10rem; padding-bottom: 10rem; } .pc\:py-44 { padding-top: 11rem; padding-bottom: 11rem; } .pc\:py-48 { padding-top: 12rem; padding-bottom: 12rem; } .pc\:py-52 { padding-top: 13rem; padding-bottom: 13rem; } .pc\:py-56 { padding-top: 14rem; padding-bottom: 14rem; } .pc\:py-60 { padding-top: 15rem; padding-bottom: 15rem; } .pc\:py-64 { padding-top: 16rem; padding-bottom: 16rem; } .pc\:py-72 { padding-top: 18rem; padding-bottom: 18rem; } .pc\:py-80 { padding-top: 20rem; padding-bottom: 20rem; } .pc\:py-96 { padding-top: 24rem; padding-bottom: 24rem; } .pc\:pt-px { padding-top: 0.0625rem; } .pc\:pt-0 { padding-top: 0; } .pc\:pt-none { padding-top: 0; } .pc\:pt-0\.5 { padding-top: 0.125rem; } .pc\:pt-1 { padding-top: 0.25rem; } .pc\:pt-1\.5 { padding-top: 0.375rem; } .pc\:pt-2 { padding-top: 0.5rem; } .pc\:pt-2\.5 { padding-top: 0.625rem; } .pc\:pt-3 { padding-top: 0.75rem; } .pc\:pt-3\.5 { padding-top: 0.875rem; } .pc\:pt-4 { padding-top: 1rem; } .pc\:pt-5 { padding-top: 1.25rem; } .pc\:pt-6 { padding-top: 1.5rem; } .pc\:pt-7 { padding-top: 1.75rem; } .pc\:pt-8 { padding-top: 2rem; } .pc\:pt-9 { padding-top: 2.25rem; } .pc\:pt-10 { padding-top: 2.5rem; } .pc\:pt-11 { padding-top: 2.75rem; } .pc\:pt-12 { padding-top: 3rem; } .pc\:pt-14 { padding-top: 3.5rem; } .pc\:pt-16 { padding-top: 4rem; } .pc\:pt-18 { padding-top: 4.5rem; } .pc\:pt-20 { padding-top: 5rem; } .pc\:pt-24 { padding-top: 6rem; } .pc\:pt-28 { padding-top: 7rem; } .pc\:pt-32 { padding-top: 8rem; } .pc\:pt-36 { padding-top: 9rem; } .pc\:pt-40 { padding-top: 10rem; } .pc\:pt-44 { padding-top: 11rem; } .pc\:pt-48 { padding-top: 12rem; } .pc\:pt-52 { padding-top: 13rem; } .pc\:pt-56 { padding-top: 14rem; } .pc\:pt-60 { padding-top: 15rem; } .pc\:pt-64 { padding-top: 16rem; } .pc\:pt-72 { padding-top: 18rem; } .pc\:pt-80 { padding-top: 20rem; } .pc\:pt-96 { padding-top: 24rem; } .pc\:pr-px { padding-right: 0.0625rem; } .pc\:pr-0 { padding-right: 0; } .pc\:pr-none { padding-right: 0; } .pc\:pr-0\.5 { padding-right: 0.125rem; } .pc\:pr-1 { padding-right: 0.25rem; } .pc\:pr-1\.5 { padding-right: 0.375rem; } .pc\:pr-2 { padding-right: 0.5rem; } .pc\:pr-2\.5 { padding-right: 0.625rem; } .pc\:pr-3 { padding-right: 0.75rem; } .pc\:pr-3\.5 { padding-right: 0.875rem; } .pc\:pr-4 { padding-right: 1rem; } .pc\:pr-5 { padding-right: 1.25rem; } .pc\:pr-6 { padding-right: 1.5rem; } .pc\:pr-7 { padding-right: 1.75rem; } .pc\:pr-8 { padding-right: 2rem; } .pc\:pr-9 { padding-right: 2.25rem; } .pc\:pr-10 { padding-right: 2.5rem; } .pc\:pr-11 { padding-right: 2.75rem; } .pc\:pr-12 { padding-right: 3rem; } .pc\:pr-14 { padding-right: 3.5rem; } .pc\:pr-16 { padding-right: 4rem; } .pc\:pr-18 { padding-right: 4.5rem; } .pc\:pr-20 { padding-right: 5rem; } .pc\:pr-24 { padding-right: 6rem; } .pc\:pr-28 { padding-right: 7rem; } .pc\:pr-32 { padding-right: 8rem; } .pc\:pr-36 { padding-right: 9rem; } .pc\:pr-40 { padding-right: 10rem; } .pc\:pr-44 { padding-right: 11rem; } .pc\:pr-48 { padding-right: 12rem; } .pc\:pr-52 { padding-right: 13rem; } .pc\:pr-56 { padding-right: 14rem; } .pc\:pr-60 { padding-right: 15rem; } .pc\:pr-64 { padding-right: 16rem; } .pc\:pr-72 { padding-right: 18rem; } .pc\:pr-80 { padding-right: 20rem; } .pc\:pr-96 { padding-right: 24rem; } .pc\:pb-px { padding-bottom: 0.0625rem; } .pc\:pb-0 { padding-bottom: 0; } .pc\:pb-none { padding-bottom: 0; } .pc\:pb-0\.5 { padding-bottom: 0.125rem; } .pc\:pb-1 { padding-bottom: 0.25rem; } .pc\:pb-1\.5 { padding-bottom: 0.375rem; } .pc\:pb-2 { padding-bottom: 0.5rem; } .pc\:pb-2\.5 { padding-bottom: 0.625rem; } .pc\:pb-3 { padding-bottom: 0.75rem; } .pc\:pb-3\.5 { padding-bottom: 0.875rem; } .pc\:pb-4 { padding-bottom: 1rem; } .pc\:pb-5 { padding-bottom: 1.25rem; } .pc\:pb-6 { padding-bottom: 1.5rem; } .pc\:pb-7 { padding-bottom: 1.75rem; } .pc\:pb-8 { padding-bottom: 2rem; } .pc\:pb-9 { padding-bottom: 2.25rem; } .pc\:pb-10 { padding-bottom: 2.5rem; } .pc\:pb-11 { padding-bottom: 2.75rem; } .pc\:pb-12 { padding-bottom: 3rem; } .pc\:pb-14 { padding-bottom: 3.5rem; } .pc\:pb-16 { padding-bottom: 4rem; } .pc\:pb-18 { padding-bottom: 4.5rem; } .pc\:pb-20 { padding-bottom: 5rem; } .pc\:pb-24 { padding-bottom: 6rem; } .pc\:pb-28 { padding-bottom: 7rem; } .pc\:pb-32 { padding-bottom: 8rem; } .pc\:pb-36 { padding-bottom: 9rem; } .pc\:pb-40 { padding-bottom: 10rem; } .pc\:pb-44 { padding-bottom: 11rem; } .pc\:pb-48 { padding-bottom: 12rem; } .pc\:pb-52 { padding-bottom: 13rem; } .pc\:pb-56 { padding-bottom: 14rem; } .pc\:pb-60 { padding-bottom: 15rem; } .pc\:pb-64 { padding-bottom: 16rem; } .pc\:pb-72 { padding-bottom: 18rem; } .pc\:pb-80 { padding-bottom: 20rem; } .pc\:pb-96 { padding-bottom: 24rem; } .pc\:pl-px { padding-left: 0.0625rem; } .pc\:pl-0 { padding-left: 0; } .pc\:pl-none { padding-left: 0; } .pc\:pl-0\.5 { padding-left: 0.125rem; } .pc\:pl-1 { padding-left: 0.25rem; } .pc\:pl-1\.5 { padding-left: 0.375rem; } .pc\:pl-2 { padding-left: 0.5rem; } .pc\:pl-2\.5 { padding-left: 0.625rem; } .pc\:pl-3 { padding-left: 0.75rem; } .pc\:pl-3\.5 { padding-left: 0.875rem; } .pc\:pl-4 { padding-left: 1rem; } .pc\:pl-5 { padding-left: 1.25rem; } .pc\:pl-6 { padding-left: 1.5rem; } .pc\:pl-7 { padding-left: 1.75rem; } .pc\:pl-8 { padding-left: 2rem; } .pc\:pl-9 { padding-left: 2.25rem; } .pc\:pl-10 { padding-left: 2.5rem; } .pc\:pl-11 { padding-left: 2.75rem; } .pc\:pl-12 { padding-left: 3rem; } .pc\:pl-14 { padding-left: 3.5rem; } .pc\:pl-16 { padding-left: 4rem; } .pc\:pl-18 { padding-left: 4.5rem; } .pc\:pl-20 { padding-left: 5rem; } .pc\:pl-24 { padding-left: 6rem; } .pc\:pl-28 { padding-left: 7rem; } .pc\:pl-32 { padding-left: 8rem; } .pc\:pl-36 { padding-left: 9rem; } .pc\:pl-40 { padding-left: 10rem; } .pc\:pl-44 { padding-left: 11rem; } .pc\:pl-48 { padding-left: 12rem; } .pc\:pl-52 { padding-left: 13rem; } .pc\:pl-56 { padding-left: 14rem; } .pc\:pl-60 { padding-left: 15rem; } .pc\:pl-64 { padding-left: 16rem; } .pc\:pl-72 { padding-left: 18rem; } .pc\:pl-80 { padding-left: 20rem; } .pc\:pl-96 { padding-left: 24rem; } } /*!markdown --- title: Space Between --- | Class | Properties | | ----------- | ------------------------ | | space-x-px | margin-left: 0.0625rem | | space-x-px.space-x-reverse | margin-right: 0.0625rem | | space-x-0 | margin-left: 0 | | space-x-0.space-x-reverse | margin-right: 0 | | space-x-none | margin-left: 0 | | space-x-none.space-x-reverse | margin-right: 0 | | space-x-0\.5 | margin-left: 0.125rem | | space-x-0\.5.space-x-reverse | margin-right: 0.125rem | | space-x-1 | margin-left: 0.25rem | | space-x-1.space-x-reverse | margin-right: 0.25rem | | space-x-1\.5 | margin-left: 0.375rem | | space-x-1\.5.space-x-reverse | margin-right: 0.375rem | | space-x-2 | margin-left: 0.5rem | | space-x-2.space-x-reverse | margin-right: 0.5rem | | space-x-2\.5 | margin-left: 0.625rem | | space-x-2\.5.space-x-reverse | margin-right: 0.625rem | | space-x-3 | margin-left: 0.75rem | | space-x-3.space-x-reverse | margin-right: 0.75rem | | space-x-3\.5 | margin-left: 0.875rem | | space-x-3\.5.space-x-reverse | margin-right: 0.875rem | | space-x-4 | margin-left: 1rem | | space-x-4.space-x-reverse | margin-right: 1rem | | space-x-5 | margin-left: 1.25rem | | space-x-5.space-x-reverse | margin-right: 1.25rem | | space-x-6 | margin-left: 1.5rem | | space-x-6.space-x-reverse | margin-right: 1.5rem | | space-x-7 | margin-left: 1.75rem | | space-x-7.space-x-reverse | margin-right: 1.75rem | | space-x-8 | margin-left: 2rem | | space-x-8.space-x-reverse | margin-right: 2rem | | space-x-9 | margin-left: 2.25rem | | space-x-9.space-x-reverse | margin-right: 2.25rem | | space-x-10 | margin-left: 2.5rem | | space-x-10.space-x-reverse | margin-right: 2.5rem | | space-x-11 | margin-left: 2.75rem | | space-x-11.space-x-reverse | margin-right: 2.75rem | | space-x-12 | margin-left: 3rem | | space-x-12.space-x-reverse | margin-right: 3rem | | space-x-14 | margin-left: 3.5rem | | space-x-14.space-x-reverse | margin-right: 3.5rem | | space-x-16 | margin-left: 4rem | | space-x-16.space-x-reverse | margin-right: 4rem | | space-x-18 | margin-left: 4.5rem | | space-x-18.space-x-reverse | margin-right: 4.5rem | | space-x-20 | margin-left: 5rem | | space-x-20.space-x-reverse | margin-right: 5rem | | space-x-24 | margin-left: 6rem | | space-x-24.space-x-reverse | margin-right: 6rem | | space-x-28 | margin-left: 7rem | | space-x-28.space-x-reverse | margin-right: 7rem | | space-x-32 | margin-left: 8rem | | space-x-32.space-x-reverse | margin-right: 8rem | | space-x-36 | margin-left: 9rem | | space-x-36.space-x-reverse | margin-right: 9rem | | space-x-40 | margin-left: 10rem | | space-x-40.space-x-reverse | margin-right: 10rem | | space-x-44 | margin-left: 11rem | | space-x-44.space-x-reverse | margin-right: 11rem | | space-x-48 | margin-left: 12rem | | space-x-48.space-x-reverse | margin-right: 12rem | | space-x-52 | margin-left: 13rem | | space-x-52.space-x-reverse | margin-right: 13rem | | space-x-56 | margin-left: 14rem | | space-x-56.space-x-reverse | margin-right: 14rem | | space-x-60 | margin-left: 15rem | | space-x-60.space-x-reverse | margin-right: 15rem | | space-x-64 | margin-left: 16rem | | space-x-64.space-x-reverse | margin-right: 16rem | | space-x-72 | margin-left: 18rem | | space-x-72.space-x-reverse | margin-right: 18rem | | space-x-80 | margin-left: 20rem | | space-x-80.space-x-reverse | margin-right: 20rem | | space-x-96 | margin-left: 24rem | | space-x-96.space-x-reverse | margin-right: 24rem | | space-y-px | margin-top: 0.0625rem | | space-y-px.space-y-reverse | margin-bottom: 0.0625rem | | space-y-0 | margin-top: 0 | | space-y-0.space-y-reverse | margin-bottom: 0 | | space-y-none | margin-top: 0 | | space-y-none.space-y-reverse | margin-bottom: 0 | | space-y-0\.5 | margin-top: 0.125rem | | space-y-0\.5.space-y-reverse | margin-bottom: 0.125rem | | space-y-1 | margin-top: 0.25rem | | space-y-1.space-y-reverse | margin-bottom: 0.25rem | | space-y-1\.5 | margin-top: 0.375rem | | space-y-1\.5.space-y-reverse | margin-bottom: 0.375rem | | space-y-2 | margin-top: 0.5rem | | space-y-2.space-y-reverse | margin-bottom: 0.5rem | | space-y-2\.5 | margin-top: 0.625rem | | space-y-2\.5.space-y-reverse | margin-bottom: 0.625rem | | space-y-3 | margin-top: 0.75rem | | space-y-3.space-y-reverse | margin-bottom: 0.75rem | | space-y-3\.5 | margin-top: 0.875rem | | space-y-3\.5.space-y-reverse | margin-bottom: 0.875rem | | space-y-4 | margin-top: 1rem | | space-y-4.space-y-reverse | margin-bottom: 1rem | | space-y-5 | margin-top: 1.25rem | | space-y-5.space-y-reverse | margin-bottom: 1.25rem | | space-y-6 | margin-top: 1.5rem | | space-y-6.space-y-reverse | margin-bottom: 1.5rem | | space-y-7 | margin-top: 1.75rem | | space-y-7.space-y-reverse | margin-bottom: 1.75rem | | space-y-8 | margin-top: 2rem | | space-y-8.space-y-reverse | margin-bottom: 2rem | | space-y-9 | margin-top: 2.25rem | | space-y-9.space-y-reverse | margin-bottom: 2.25rem | | space-y-10 | margin-top: 2.5rem | | space-y-10.space-y-reverse | margin-bottom: 2.5rem | | space-y-11 | margin-top: 2.75rem | | space-y-11.space-y-reverse | margin-bottom: 2.75rem | | space-y-12 | margin-top: 3rem | | space-y-12.space-y-reverse | margin-bottom: 3rem | | space-y-14 | margin-top: 3.5rem | | space-y-14.space-y-reverse | margin-bottom: 3.5rem | | space-y-16 | margin-top: 4rem | | space-y-16.space-y-reverse | margin-bottom: 4rem | | space-y-18 | margin-top: 4.5rem | | space-y-18.space-y-reverse | margin-bottom: 4.5rem | | space-y-20 | margin-top: 5rem | | space-y-20.space-y-reverse | margin-bottom: 5rem | | space-y-24 | margin-top: 6rem | | space-y-24.space-y-reverse | margin-bottom: 6rem | | space-y-28 | margin-top: 7rem | | space-y-28.space-y-reverse | margin-bottom: 7rem | | space-y-32 | margin-top: 8rem | | space-y-32.space-y-reverse | margin-bottom: 8rem | | space-y-36 | margin-top: 9rem | | space-y-36.space-y-reverse | margin-bottom: 9rem | | space-y-40 | margin-top: 10rem | | space-y-40.space-y-reverse | margin-bottom: 10rem | | space-y-44 | margin-top: 11rem | | space-y-44.space-y-reverse | margin-bottom: 11rem | | space-y-48 | margin-top: 12rem | | space-y-48.space-y-reverse | margin-bottom: 12rem | | space-y-52 | margin-top: 13rem | | space-y-52.space-y-reverse | margin-bottom: 13rem | | space-y-56 | margin-top: 14rem | | space-y-56.space-y-reverse | margin-bottom: 14rem | | space-y-60 | margin-top: 15rem | | space-y-60.space-y-reverse | margin-bottom: 15rem | | space-y-64 | margin-top: 16rem | | space-y-64.space-y-reverse | margin-bottom: 16rem | | space-y-72 | margin-top: 18rem | | space-y-72.space-y-reverse | margin-bottom: 18rem | | space-y-80 | margin-top: 20rem | | space-y-80.space-y-reverse | margin-bottom: 20rem | | space-y-96 | margin-top: 24rem | | space-y-96.space-y-reverse | margin-bottom: 24rem | */ .space-x-px > :not([hidden]) ~ :not([hidden]) { margin-left: 0.0625rem; } .space-x-px.space-x-reverse > :not([hidden]) ~ :not([hidden]) { margin-right: 0.0625rem; } .space-x-0 > :not([hidden]) ~ :not([hidden]) { margin-left: 0; } .space-x-0.space-x-reverse > :not([hidden]) ~ :not([hidden]) { margin-right: 0; } .space-x-none > :not([hidden]) ~ :not([hidden]) { margin-left: 0; } .space-x-none.space-x-reverse > :not([hidden]) ~ :not([hidden]) { margin-right: 0; } .space-x-0\.5 > :not([hidden]) ~ :not([hidden]) { margin-left: 0.125rem; } .space-x-0\.5.space-x-reverse > :not([hidden]) ~ :not([hidden]) { margin-right: 0.125rem; } .space-x-1 > :not([hidden]) ~ :not([hidden]) { margin-left: 0.25rem; } .space-x-1.space-x-reverse > :not([hidden]) ~ :not([hidden]) { margin-right: 0.25rem; } .space-x-1\.5 > :not([hidden]) ~ :not([hidden]) { margin-left: 0.375rem; } .space-x-1\.5.space-x-reverse > :not([hidden]) ~ :not([hidden]) { margin-right: 0.375rem; } .space-x-2 > :not([hidden]) ~ :not([hidden]) { margin-left: 0.5rem; } .space-x-2.space-x-reverse > :not([hidden]) ~ :not([hidden]) { margin-right: 0.5rem; } .space-x-2\.5 > :not([hidden]) ~ :not([hidden]) { margin-left: 0.625rem; } .space-x-2\.5.space-x-reverse > :not([hidden]) ~ :not([hidden]) { margin-right: 0.625rem; } .space-x-3 > :not([hidden]) ~ :not([hidden]) { margin-left: 0.75rem; } .space-x-3.space-x-reverse > :not([hidden]) ~ :not([hidden]) { margin-right: 0.75rem; } .space-x-3\.5 > :not([hidden]) ~ :not([hidden]) { margin-left: 0.875rem; } .space-x-3\.5.space-x-reverse > :not([hidden]) ~ :not([hidden]) { margin-right: 0.875rem; } .space-x-4 > :not([hidden]) ~ :not([hidden]) { margin-left: 1rem; } .space-x-4.space-x-reverse > :not([hidden]) ~ :not([hidden]) { margin-right: 1rem; } .space-x-5 > :not([hidden]) ~ :not([hidden]) { margin-left: 1.25rem; } .space-x-5.space-x-reverse > :not([hidden]) ~ :not([hidden]) { margin-right: 1.25rem; } .space-x-6 > :not([hidden]) ~ :not([hidden]) { margin-left: 1.5rem; } .space-x-6.space-x-reverse > :not([hidden]) ~ :not([hidden]) { margin-right: 1.5rem; } .space-x-7 > :not([hidden]) ~ :not([hidden]) { margin-left: 1.75rem; } .space-x-7.space-x-reverse > :not([hidden]) ~ :not([hidden]) { margin-right: 1.75rem; } .space-x-8 > :not([hidden]) ~ :not([hidden]) { margin-left: 2rem; } .space-x-8.space-x-reverse > :not([hidden]) ~ 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