//reconnect-websocket ;(function (global, factory) { if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { define([], factory) } else if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && module.exports) { module.exports = factory() } else { global.ReconnectingWebSocket = factory() } })(this || window, function () { if (!('WebSocket' in window)) { console.warn('此浏览器不支持WebSocket') return } if ('ReconnectingWebSocket' in window) { return } function ReconnectingWebSocket(url, protocols, options) { // Default settings var settings = { /** Whether this instance should log debug messages. */ debug: false, /** Whether or not the websocket should attempt to connect immediately upon instantiation. */ automaticOpen: true, /** The number of milliseconds to delay before attempting to reconnect. */ reconnectInterval: 1000, /** The maximum number of milliseconds to delay a reconnection attempt. */ maxReconnectInterval: 30000, /** The rate of increase of the reconnect delay. Allows reconnect attempts to back off when problems persist. */ reconnectDecay: 1.5, /** The maximum time in milliseconds to wait for a connection to succeed before closing and retrying. */ timeoutInterval: 2000, /** The maximum number of reconnection attempts to make. Unlimited if null. */ maxReconnectAttempts: null, /** The binary type, possible values 'blob' or 'arraybuffer', default 'blob'. */ binaryType: 'blob', } if (!options) { options = {} } // Overwrite and define settings with options if they exist. for (var key in settings) { if (typeof options[key] !== 'undefined') { this[key] = options[key] } else { this[key] = settings[key] } } // These should be treated as read-only properties /** The URL as resolved by the constructor. This is always an absolute URL. Read only. */ this.url = url /** The number of attempted reconnects since starting, or the last successful connection. Read only. */ this.reconnectAttempts = 0 /** * The current state of the connection. * Can be one of: WebSocket.CONNECTING, WebSocket.OPEN, WebSocket.CLOSING, WebSocket.CLOSED * Read only. */ this.readyState = WebSocket.CONNECTING /** * A string indicating the name of the sub-protocol the server selected; this will be one of * the strings specified in the protocols parameter when creating the WebSocket object. * Read only. */ this.protocol = null // Private state variables var self = this var ws var forcedClose = false var timedOut = false var eventTarget = document.createElement('div') // Wire up "on*" properties as event handlers eventTarget.addEventListener('open', function (event) { self.onopen(event) }) eventTarget.addEventListener('close', function (event) { self.onclose(event) }) eventTarget.addEventListener('connecting', function (event) { self.onconnecting(event) }) eventTarget.addEventListener('message', function (event) { self.onmessage(event) }) eventTarget.addEventListener('error', function (event) { self.onerror(event) }) // Expose the API required by EventTarget this.addEventListener = eventTarget.addEventListener.bind(eventTarget) this.removeEventListener = eventTarget.removeEventListener.bind(eventTarget) this.dispatchEvent = eventTarget.dispatchEvent.bind(eventTarget) /** * This function generates an event that is compatible with standard * compliant browsers and IE9 - IE11 * * This will prevent the error: * Object doesn't support this action * * http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19345392/why-arent-my-parameters-getting-passed-through-to-a-dispatched-event/19345563#19345563 * @param s String The name that the event should use * @param args Object an optional object that the event will use */ function generateEvent(s, args) { var evt = document.createEvent('CustomEvent') evt.initCustomEvent(s, false, false, args) return evt } this.open = function (reconnectAttempt) { ws = new WebSocket(self.url, protocols || []) ws.binaryType = this.binaryType if (reconnectAttempt) { if (this.maxReconnectAttempts && this.reconnectAttempts > this.maxReconnectAttempts) { return } } else { eventTarget.dispatchEvent(generateEvent('connecting')) this.reconnectAttempts = 0 } if (self.debug || ReconnectingWebSocket.debugAll) { console.debug('ReconnectingWebSocket', 'attempt-connect', self.url) } var localWs = ws var timeout = setTimeout(function () { if (self.debug || ReconnectingWebSocket.debugAll) { console.debug('ReconnectingWebSocket', 'connection-timeout', self.url) } timedOut = true localWs.close() timedOut = false }, self.timeoutInterval) ws.onopen = function (event) { clearTimeout(timeout) if (self.debug || ReconnectingWebSocket.debugAll) { console.debug('ReconnectingWebSocket', 'onopen', self.url) } self.protocol = ws.protocol self.readyState = WebSocket.OPEN self.reconnectAttempts = 0 var e = generateEvent('open') e.isReconnect = reconnectAttempt reconnectAttempt = false eventTarget.dispatchEvent(e) } ws.onclose = function (event) { clearTimeout(timeout) ws = null if (forcedClose) { self.readyState = WebSocket.CLOSED eventTarget.dispatchEvent(generateEvent('close')) } else { self.readyState = WebSocket.CONNECTING var e = generateEvent('connecting') e.code = event.code e.reason = event.reason e.wasClean = event.wasClean eventTarget.dispatchEvent(e) if (!reconnectAttempt && !timedOut) { if (self.debug || ReconnectingWebSocket.debugAll) { console.debug('ReconnectingWebSocket', 'onclose', self.url) } eventTarget.dispatchEvent(generateEvent('close')) } var timeout = self.reconnectInterval * Math.pow(self.reconnectDecay, self.reconnectAttempts) setTimeout( function () { self.reconnectAttempts++ self.open(true) }, timeout > self.maxReconnectInterval ? self.maxReconnectInterval : timeout ) } } ws.onmessage = function (event) { if (self.debug || ReconnectingWebSocket.debugAll) { console.debug('ReconnectingWebSocket', 'onmessage', self.url, event.data) } var e = generateEvent('message') e.data = event.data eventTarget.dispatchEvent(e) } ws.onerror = function (event) { if (self.debug || ReconnectingWebSocket.debugAll) { console.debug('ReconnectingWebSocket', 'onerror', self.url, event) } eventTarget.dispatchEvent(generateEvent('error')) } } // Whether or not to create a websocket upon instantiation if (this.automaticOpen == true) { this.open(false) } /** * Transmits data to the server over the WebSocket connection. * * @param data a text string, ArrayBuffer or Blob to send to the server. */ this.send = function (data) { if (ws) { if (self.debug || ReconnectingWebSocket.debugAll) { console.debug('ReconnectingWebSocket', 'send', self.url, data) } return ws.send(data) } else { throw 'INVALID_STATE_ERR : Pausing to reconnect websocket' } } /** * Closes the WebSocket connection or connection attempt, if any. * If the connection is already CLOSED, this method does nothing. */ this.close = function (code, reason) { // Default CLOSE_NORMAL code if (typeof code == 'undefined') { code = 1000 } forcedClose = true if (ws) { ws.close(code, reason) } } /** * Additional public API method to refresh the connection if still open (close, re-open). * For example, if the app suspects bad data / missed heart beats, it can try to refresh. */ this.refresh = function () { if (ws) { ws.close() } } } /** * An event listener to be called when the WebSocket connection's readyState changes to OPEN; * this indicates that the connection is ready to send and receive data. */ ReconnectingWebSocket.prototype.onopen = function (event) {} /** An event listener to be called when the WebSocket connection's readyState changes to CLOSED. */ ReconnectingWebSocket.prototype.onclose = function (event) {} /** An event listener to be called when a connection begins being attempted. */ ReconnectingWebSocket.prototype.onconnecting = function (event) {} /** An event listener to be called when a message is received from the server. */ ReconnectingWebSocket.prototype.onmessage = function (event) {} /** An event listener to be called when an error occurs. */ ReconnectingWebSocket.prototype.onerror = function (event) {} /** * Whether all instances of ReconnectingWebSocket should log debug messages. * Setting this to true is the equivalent of setting all instances of ReconnectingWebSocket.debug to true. */ ReconnectingWebSocket.debugAll = false ReconnectingWebSocket.CONNECTING = WebSocket.CONNECTING ReconnectingWebSocket.OPEN = WebSocket.OPEN ReconnectingWebSocket.CLOSING = WebSocket.CLOSING ReconnectingWebSocket.CLOSED = WebSocket.CLOSED return ReconnectingWebSocket }) let indidocxModule = { version: '2023.0412.01', createInstance(options) { let indidocxobj = { //对象属性 slCtl: { id: 0, //slctl的唯一id forWindowID: CreateRandomId(), $$idx: {}, Activation: '', initPortID: 0, domain: '', curFileType: 'default', strNeedSaveMark: 'false', strPageNumUrl: '', strPageNum: '', strWaterMarkUrl: '', strWaterMark: '', strWaterMarkParam: '', strPageHeader: '', strPageHeaderUrl: '', strSpace: '', uploadCompentInfoUrl: 'api/framework/v1/indidocx/saveIndidocxMessage', doTime: new Date(), isV6PluginInstall: false, isFileOpen: false, curPromise: {}, checkInstall: function (argsobj, froceUpdate = false) { indidocxobj.slCtl.$$idx = indidocxobj.slCtl.formatParams(argsobj) if (window.idxProcessCheck && !froceUpdate) { return window.idxProcessCheck } if (window.sessionStorage && sessionStorage.getItem('isV6PluginInstall') !== null) { indidocxobj.slCtl.isV6PluginInstall = JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem('isV6PluginInstall')) return Promise.resolve(indidocxobj.slCtl.isV6PluginInstall) } window.idxProcessCheck = indidocxobj.slCtl.Content.Control._initHttpServer(6000) return window.idxProcessCheck }, getRef: function (str, start, substr, seperator) { var pos var endpos pos = str.indexOf(substr, start) if (pos == -1) return '' endpos = str.indexOf(seperator, pos + 1) if (endpos == -1) return str.substring(pos + substr.length, str.length) else return str.substring(pos + substr.length, endpos) }, getFileType: function (strFileName) { var arrtmp = strFileName.split('.') return '.' + arrtmp.pop().toLowerCase() }, htmldecode: function (s) { return s // var div = document.createElement('div') // div.innerHTML = s // return div.textContent }, setFileList: function (data) { var strlist = new Array() for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { strlist.push( data[i].properties + '' + fnGetFileLink(data[i].code) + '' ) } if (strlist != null && strlist != undefined) { indidocxobj.slCtl.Content.Files._FileInfoString = strlist indidocxobj.slCtl.Content.Files.FileList = indidocxobj.slCtl.analyzeFileList() //解析filelist } }, analyzeFileList: function () { var arrFileMap = indidocxobj.slCtl.Content.Files._FileInfoString.map(function ( onefile, index ) { var filelink = '' if (typeof fnGetFileLink === 'function') { filelink = fnGetFileLink( indidocxobj.slCtl.getRef(onefile, 0, '', '') ) } return { FileName: indidocxobj.slCtl.htmldecode( indidocxobj.slCtl.getRef(onefile, 0, '', '') ), Unid: indidocxobj.slCtl.getRef(onefile, 0, '', ''), CatNum: indidocxobj.slCtl.getRef(onefile, 0, '', ''), Size: indidocxobj.slCtl.getRef(onefile, 0, '', ''), FileType: indidocxobj.slCtl.getRef(onefile, 0, '', ''), Completed: parseInt( indidocxobj.slCtl.getRef(onefile, 0, '', '') ), doAdd: indidocxobj.slCtl.getRef(onefile, 0, '', '') == 'True' ? true : false, Type: indidocxobj.slCtl.getFileType( indidocxobj.slCtl.getRef(onefile, 0, '', '') ), CreateInfo: indidocxobj.slCtl.getRef(onefile, 0, '', ''), UpdateInfo: indidocxobj.slCtl.getRef(onefile, 0, '', ''), TaodaInfo: indidocxobj.slCtl.getRef(onefile, 0, '', ''), NeedUpdate: indidocxobj.slCtl.getRef(onefile, 0, '', ''), AllowPrint: false, DocUnid: indidocxobj.slCtl.getRef(onefile, 0, '', ''), Uploading: parseInt(indidocxobj.slCtl.getRef(onefile, 0, '', '')) == 0 && indidocxobj.slCtl.getRef(onefile, 0, '', '') == 'False' ? true : false, Link: filelink, } }) return arrFileMap }, socketSend: function (url, opts) { if ('function' == typeof opts) { fn = opts opts = {} } if (!opts) opts = {} var prefix = opts.prefix || '__jp' // use the callback name that was passed if one was provided. // otherwise generate a unique name by incrementing our counter. var id = opts.name || prefix + this.count++ var param = opts.param || 'callback' // add qs component var action = url.substr(url.lastIndexOf('/') + 1) action += (~action.indexOf('?') ? '&' : '?') + param + '=' + encodeURIComponent(id) action = action.replace('?&', '?') this.socketSendSafe(action, 5) }, socketSendSafe(msg, times = 5) { if (times <= 0) { console.warn('通信中断') var start = msg.indexOf('callback') + 16 var callback = msg.substr(start, msg.indexOf('&', start) - start) window[callback] && window[callback]({ Update: false }) return } var curconn = window.IndidocxShareSocket || indidocxobj.slCtl.socket if (curconn.readyState == WebSocket.CONNECTING) { console.log('连接中') setTimeout(function () { indidocxobj.slCtl.socketSendSafe(msg, times - 1) }, 500) } else if ( curconn.readyState == WebSocket.CLOSED || curconn.readyState == WebSocket.CLOSING ) { curconn.open() console.log('重新启动socket') setTimeout(function () { indidocxobj.slCtl.socketSendSafe(msg, times - 1) }, 500) } else { //OPEN curconn.send(msg) } }, receiveMsg: function (msg) { // console.log('get message ' + msg.data) eval(msg.data) }, //控件传输层 V6控件发送请求 以后控件更换逻辑只需修改此函数即可 sendRequest: function (action, contentJson, timeout, method) { contentJson.sid = indidocxobj.slCtl.id contentJson.Activation = indidocxobj.slCtl.Activation contentJson.base_host = location.origin contentJson.cookie = indidocxobj.slCtl.$$idx.httpserver.cookie contentJson.refresh_token = indidocxobj.slCtl.$$idx.httpserver.refresh_token contentJson.getActivationUrl = indidocxobj.slCtl.$$idx.httpserver.getActivationUrl contentJson.action = action contentJson.doTime = Date.now() var queryString = '' for (var key in contentJson) { queryString += key + '=' + encodeURIComponent(contentJson[key]) + '&' } indidocxobj.slCtl.socketSend(action, { param: queryString, timeout }) }, formatParams: function (argsobj) { var $$idxtemp = {} $$idxtemp.httpserver = {} $$idxtemp.httpserver.sid = argsobj.sid == undefined ? 'testuser' : argsobj.sid $$idxtemp.httpserver.Activation = argsobj.Activation == undefined ? '' : argsobj.Activation $$idxtemp.httpserver.UserName = argsobj.UserName == undefined ? 'admin' : argsobj.UserName $$idxtemp.httpserver.MaxFileSize = argsobj.MaxFileSize == undefined ? '20' : argsobj.MaxFileSize $$idxtemp.httpserver.SetTakeLogConfig = argsobj.SetTakeLogConfig == undefined ? 'true' : argsobj.SetTakeLogConfig $$idxtemp.httpserver.RefuseFileType = argsobj.RefuseFileType == undefined ? '' : argsobj.RefuseFileType $$idxtemp.httpserver.AcceptFileType = argsobj.AcceptFileType == undefined ? '' : argsobj.AcceptFileType $$idxtemp.httpserver.UseMark = argsobj.UseMark == undefined ? 'true' : argsobj.UseMark $$idxtemp.httpserver.ContentNeedFormate = argsobj.ContentNeedFormate == undefined ? '' : argsobj.ContentNeedFormate $$idxtemp.httpserver.TaoDaType = argsobj.TaoDaType == undefined ? '' : argsobj.TaoDaType $$idxtemp.httpserver.DirDeleteTime = argsobj.DirDeleteTime == undefined ? '' : argsobj.DirDeleteTime $$idxtemp.httpserver.FileFilter = argsobj.FileFilter == undefined ? '' : argsobj.FileFilter $$idxtemp.httpserver.MultiText = argsobj.MultiText == undefined ? '' : argsobj.MultiText $$idxtemp.httpserver.MaxAttachCount = argsobj.MaxAttachCount == undefined ? '' : argsobj.MaxAttachCount $$idxtemp.httpserver.UseRevise = argsobj.UseRevise == undefined ? '' : argsobj.UseRevise $$idxtemp.httpserver.UploadParam = argsobj.UploadParam == undefined ? '' : argsobj.UploadParam $$idxtemp.httpserver.UploadUrl = argsobj.UploadUrl == undefined ? '' : argsobj.UploadUrl $$idxtemp.httpserver.ServerUpdateUrl = argsobj.ServerUpdateUrl == undefined ? '' : argsobj.ServerUpdateUrl $$idxtemp.httpserver.cookie = argsobj.cookie == undefined ? '' : this.Base64.encode(argsobj.cookie) $$idxtemp.httpserver.refresh_token = argsobj.refresh_token == undefined ? '' : this.Base64.encode(argsobj.refresh_token) $$idxtemp.httpserver.getActivationUrl = argsobj.getActivationUrl == undefined ? '' : argsobj.getActivationUrl $$idxtemp.idxV6version = argsobj.idxV6version == undefined ? '' : argsobj.idxV6version indidocxobj.slCtl.id = $$idxtemp.httpserver.sid indidocxobj.slCtl.Activation = $$idxtemp.httpserver.Activation return $$idxtemp }, // V6控件打开附件 fnV6OpenFile: function (fname, fileparam) { indidocxobj.slCtl.isFileOpen = true var promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let eventName = indidocxobj.slCtl.registerEvent('_OpenFileCompleted_', resolve, false) var userfile = indidocxobj.slCtl.Content.Control.getFileByName(fname) var usefileinfostring = indidocxobj.slCtl.Content.Control._getFileInfoByName(fname) if (userfile == null) { userfile = {} ;(userfile.Unid = CreateRandomId()), (usefileinfostring = fname) } var action = '/openfile' if (fileparam.NeedUpdate === undefined) fileparam.NeedUpdate = [1, 3, 2].indexOf(Number(fileparam.Status)) == -1 var contentJson = { fileunid: userfile.Unid, fileinfo: usefileinfostring, fileparam: JSON.stringify(fileparam), UserName: indidocxobj.slCtl.$$idx.httpserver.UserName, UploadParam: indidocxobj.slCtl.$$idx.httpserver.UploadParam, UploadUrl: indidocxobj.slCtl.$$idx.httpserver.UploadUrl, callback: 'window.' + eventName, } var timeout = 0 // 60 * 5000 indidocxobj.slCtl.sendRequest(action, contentJson, timeout, 'get') }).catch(function (reason) { indidocxobj.slCtl.isFileOpen = false return Promise.reject(reason) }) return promise }, CreateTrackFileName: function (sourcename) { var count = 1 var tmp = null var files = indidocxobj.slCtl.Content.Files for (var i = 0; i < files.FileList.length; i++) { var userFile = files.FileList[i] var filename = userFile.FileName if (filename.indexOf('痕迹稿') != -1 && filename.indexOf('_' + sourcename) != -1) { count++ } } tmp = '痕迹稿' + count + '_' + sourcename //痕迹1_正文.doc return tmp }, getV8IDXAddress: function () { if (window.location.protocol == 'http:') { return 'ws://' + indidocxobj.slCtl.domain + ':15880/indidocx' } else { return 'wss://' + indidocxobj.slCtl.domain + ':15881/indidocx' } }, /** * 注册回调事件 * @param {string} eventType 事件类型 * @param {function} resolve * @param {boolean} isfileopen 标识打开文件 * @returns {string} 事件名称 */ registerEvent(eventType, resolve, isfileopen) { let eventName = eventType + CreateRandomId() + '_' + indidocxobj.slCtl.forWindowID indidocxobj.slCtl.curPromise[eventName] = resolve window[eventName] = function (o) { if (isfileopen !== undefined) indidocxobj.slCtl.isFileOpen = isfileopen if (typeof fnRefreshFileList === 'function') { fnRefreshFileList() } if (o == undefined) { indidocxobj.slCtl.curPromise[eventName](false) return } //此处需要返回操作回调的参数 indidocxobj.slCtl.curPromise[eventName](o) } return eventName }, launchBrowser: function (url, type) { var action = '/launchie' var contentJson = { starturl: url, browser: type, } this.sendRequest(action, contentJson) }, Content: { Files: { FileList: [], _FileInfoString: [], FileUploadDoing: function () {}, AllFilePost: function () {}, ErrorOccurred: function () {}, SingleFileUploadFinished: function () {}, FileDeleted: function () {}, DupNameFile: function () {}, _anylaze: function () {}, _syncFileInfo: function () {}, }, Control: { ReadHTML: function () {}, getHTMLed: function () {}, getLablesed: function () {}, FileConvertPDFed: function () {}, FileAdded: function () {}, ActionEnd: function () {}, EventRegioned: function () {}, SingleFileDownloaded: function () {}, SilentDownloaded: function () {}, ErrorMessage: function () {}, OnFileSelected: function () {}, getPrintListed: function () {}, SaveFileCompleted: function () {}, _getversionCompleted: function (o) { console.log(o.message) }, _getFileStatued: function () {}, _inithttpCompleted: function () {}, _initHttpServer: function (timeout, tresolve, treject) { var promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let eventName = '_inithttpCompleted_' + indidocxobj.slCtl.forWindowID window[eventName] = function (o) { var returnValue = false if (indidocxobj.slCtl.isV6PluginInstall != false) { //已经初始化成功 returnValue = indidocxobj.slCtl.isV6PluginInstall resolve(returnValue) tresolve && tresolve(returnValue) return } if (o == undefined) { //伪成功事件 indidocxobj.slCtl.isV6PluginInstall = false returnValue = indidocxobj.slCtl.isV6PluginInstall return } if (o.Update != '' && o.querystring != undefined) { indidocxobj.slCtl.isV6PluginInstall = o //this.Content.Control._synMessage(); returnValue = o if (window.sessionStorage) { sessionStorage.setItem('isV6PluginInstall', JSON.stringify(o)) } if (o.querystring.indexOf('授权') > -1) { returnValue = o.querystring } if (!!indidocxobj.slCtl.uploadCompentInfoUrl) indidocxobj.slCtl.Content.Control._uploadCompentInfo(o) } resolve(returnValue) //是否安装控件 tresolve && tresolve(returnValue) } var baseUrl = '/inithttpserver' var contentJson = { idxversion: indidocxobj.slCtl.$$idx.idxV6version, ServerUpdateUrl: indidocxobj.slCtl.$$idx.httpserver.ServerUpdateUrl, UserName: indidocxobj.slCtl.$$idx.httpserver.UserName, UploadParam: indidocxobj.slCtl.$$idx.httpserver.UploadParam, UploadUrl: indidocxobj.slCtl.$$idx.httpserver.UploadUrl, callback: 'window.' + eventName, } indidocxobj.slCtl.sendRequest(baseUrl, contentJson, 30000, 'get') if (timeout == undefined) { timeout = 8000 } setTimeout(window[eventName], timeout) }).catch(function (reason) { return Promise.reject(reason) }) return promise }, _uploadCompentInfo: function (serverinfo) { var state = JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem('vuex')) var userinfo = state?.sd?.common?.userInfo?.default || {} var data = { userId: userinfo.id, userAccount: userinfo.account, userName: userinfo.name, updateDate: Date.now(), //当前日期的毫秒值 controlType: 'IndidocX', // browsername: navigator.userAgent, equipmentName: serverinfo.HostName, indidocxVersion: serverinfo.Update, //inididoc版本 } var ajax = indidocxobj.slCtl.createXHR() ajax.open('POST', indidocxobj.slCtl.uploadCompentInfoUrl) ajax.onreadystatechange = function () { if (ajax.readyState == 4 && ajax.status == 200) { console.log('上传组件信息成功') } } ajax.setRequestHeader('Cache-Control', 'no-cache') ajax.setRequestHeader('Content-type', 'application/json;charset=utf-8') ajax.setRequestHeader('Authorization', state?.sd?.login?.tokens?.access_token) ajax.send(JSON.stringify(data)) }, _getServerMessage: function (o) { if (typeof handleIdxMessage === 'function') { handleIdxMessage(o) } indidocxobj.slCtl.Content.Control._synMessage() }, _synMessage: function () { let eventName = '_getServerMessage_' + indidocxobj.slCtl.forWindowID var baseUrl = '/synmessage' var contentJson = { sid: indidocxobj.slCtl.id, callback: 'window.' + eventName, } indidocxobj.slCtl.sendRequest(baseUrl, contentJson, 3000000, 'get') }, _getVersion: function () { let eventName = '_getversionCompleted_' + indidocxobj.slCtl.forWindowID var baseUrl = '/getversion' var contentJson = { sid: indidocxobj.slCtl.id, callback: 'window.' + eventName, } indidocxobj.slCtl.sendRequest(baseUrl, contentJson, 30000, 'get') }, _getTerminalInfo: function () { let eventName = '_geTerminalInfoCompleted_' + indidocxobj.slCtl.forWindowID var baseUrl = '/getterminalinfo' var contentJson = { sid: indidocxobj.slCtl.id, callback: 'window.' + eventName, } indidocxobj.slCtl.sendRequest(baseUrl, contentJson, 30000, 'get') }, getFileByName: function (fname) { var userfile = null indidocxobj.slCtl.Content.Files.FileList.map(function (onefile, index) { if (onefile.Unid == fname || onefile.FileName == fname) { userfile = onefile } }) return userfile }, _getFileInfoByName: function (fname) { var usefileinfostring = null indidocxobj.slCtl.Content.Files._FileInfoString.map(function (onefile, index) { if ( indidocxobj.slCtl.getRef(onefile, 0, '', '') == fname || indidocxobj.slCtl.htmldecode( indidocxobj.slCtl.getRef(onefile, 0, '', '') ) == fname ) { usefileinfostring = onefile } }) return usefileinfostring }, //编辑 EditFile: function (fname, fileparam, argsobj) { indidocxobj.slCtl.$$idx = indidocxobj.slCtl.formatParams(argsobj) return indidocxobj.slCtl.fnV6OpenFile(fname, fileparam) }, //打开本地文件夹 OpenLoaclDir: function (openpath, argsobj) { var promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let eventName = indidocxobj.slCtl.registerEvent('_OpenLoaclDirCompleted_', resolve) indidocxobj.slCtl.$$idx = indidocxobj.slCtl.formatParams(argsobj) var action = '/openloacldir' var contentJson = { openfiledir: openpath, callback: 'window.' + eventName, } var timeout = 60 * 5000 indidocxobj.slCtl.sendRequest(action, contentJson, timeout, 'get') }).catch(function (reason) { return Promise.reject(reason) }) return promise }, //下载附件 SaveFileToLocal: function (fname, fileparam, argsobj) { var promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let eventName = indidocxobj.slCtl.registerEvent('_SaveFileCompleted_', resolve) indidocxobj.slCtl.$$idx = indidocxobj.slCtl.formatParams(argsobj) var userfile = indidocxobj.slCtl.Content.Control.getFileByName(fname) var usefileinfostring = indidocxobj.slCtl.Content.Control._getFileInfoByName(fname) if (userfile == null) { userfile = {} ;(userfile.Unid = CreateRandomId()), (usefileinfostring = fname) } var action = '/downloadfile' if (fileparam == undefined) fileparam = '' var contentJson = { fileunid: userfile.Unid, fileparam: JSON.stringify(fileparam), fileinfo: usefileinfostring, callback: 'window.' + eventName, } var timeout = 60 * 5000 indidocxobj.slCtl.sendRequest(action, contentJson, timeout, 'get') }).catch(function (reason) { return Promise.reject(reason) }) return promise }, //批量下载 SaveMultiFiles: function (strFiles, fileparam, argsobj) { var promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let eventName = indidocxobj.slCtl.registerEvent('_SaveFileCompleted_', resolve) indidocxobj.slCtl.$$idx = indidocxobj.slCtl.formatParams(argsobj) if (fileparam == undefined) fileparam = '' var arrFileNames = strFiles.split('|') var strFilesInfo = '' for (var j = 0, len = arrFileNames.length; j < len; j++) { if (arrFileNames[j] != '') { for ( var i = 0, ten = indidocxobj.slCtl.Content.Files.FileList.length; i < ten; i++ ) { if (arrFileNames[j] == indidocxobj.slCtl.Content.Files.FileList[i].FileName) { if ( indidocxobj.slCtl.Content.Files.FileList[i].Link.indexOf('fileName') > 0 ) { strFilesInfo += '|' + indidocxobj.slCtl.Content.Files.FileList[i].Link } else { strFilesInfo += '|' + indidocxobj.slCtl.Content.Files.FileList[i].Link + '?fileName=' + arrFileNames[j] } } } } } var action = '/downloadmultifile' var contentJson = { fileparam: JSON.stringify(fileparam), files: strFilesInfo, callback: 'window.' + eventName, } var timeout = 60 * 5000 indidocxobj.slCtl.sendRequest(action, contentJson, timeout, 'get') }).catch(function (reason) { return Promise.reject(reason) }) return promise }, //清稿 QingGao: function (fname, fileparam, argsobj) { indidocxobj.slCtl.isFileOpen = true var promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let eventName = indidocxobj.slCtl.registerEvent( '_OpenFileCompleted_', resolve, false ) indidocxobj.slCtl.$$idx = indidocxobj.slCtl.formatParams(argsobj) var userfile = indidocxobj.slCtl.Content.Control.getFileByName(fname) var usefileinfostring = indidocxobj.slCtl.Content.Control._getFileInfoByName(fname) if (userfile == null) { userfile = {} ;(userfile.Unid = CreateRandomId()), (usefileinfostring = fname) } var _files = '' for ( var j = 0, len = indidocxobj.slCtl.Content.Files.FileList.length; j < len; j++ ) { _files += '|' + indidocxobj.slCtl.Content.Files.FileList[j].FileName } var action = '/qinggao' var contentJson = { fileunid: userfile.Unid, fileinfo: usefileinfostring, fileparam: JSON.stringify(fileparam), UserName: indidocxobj.slCtl.$$idx.httpserver.UserName, UploadParam: indidocxobj.slCtl.$$idx.httpserver.UploadParam, UploadUrl: indidocxobj.slCtl.$$idx.httpserver.UploadUrl, trackFileName: indidocxobj.slCtl.CreateTrackFileName(fname), callback: 'window.' + eventName, } var timeout = 0 //60 * 2000 indidocxobj.slCtl.sendRequest(action, contentJson, timeout, 'get') }).catch(function (reason) { indidocxobj.slCtl.isFileOpen = false return Promise.reject(reason) }) return promise }, //套打 TaoDa: function ( ModelUrl, ContentFieldName, fname, fileparam, OldDocName, values, taodainfo, argsobj ) { var replacename = '' if (checkFileExt(ModelUrl, '.docx')) { replacename = CreateRandomId() + '.docx' } else if (checkFileExt(ModelUrl, '.doc')) { replacename = CreateRandomId() + '.doc' } ModelUrl = changeURLArg(ModelUrl, 'fileName', replacename) indidocxobj.slCtl.isFileOpen = true var promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let eventName = indidocxobj.slCtl.registerEvent( '_OpenFileCompleted_', resolve, false ) indidocxobj.slCtl.$$idx = indidocxobj.slCtl.formatParams(argsobj) var userfile = indidocxobj.slCtl.Content.Control.getFileByName(fname) var usefileinfostring = indidocxobj.slCtl.Content.Control._getFileInfoByName(fname) if (userfile == null) { userfile = {} ;(userfile.Unid = CreateRandomId()), (usefileinfostring = fname) } else { var infoarr = usefileinfostring.split('') usefileinfostring = infoarr[0] + '' + taodainfo + '' + infoarr[1].split('')[1] //更新taodainfo for (var i = 0; i < indidocxobj.slCtl.Content.Files._FileInfoString.length; i++) { if ( indidocxobj.slCtl.getRef( indidocxobj.slCtl.Content.Files._FileInfoString[i], 0, '', '' ) == fname || indidocxobj.slCtl.getRef( indidocxobj.slCtl.Content.Files._FileInfoString[i], 0, '', '' ) == fname ) { indidocxobj.slCtl.Content.Files._FileInfoString.splice( i, 1, usefileinfostring ) } } } var _files = '' for ( var j = 0, len = indidocxobj.slCtl.Content.Files.FileList.length; j < len; j++ ) { _files += '|' + indidocxobj.slCtl.Content.Files.FileList[j].FileName } var action = '/taoda' var contentJson = { fileunid: userfile.Unid, olddocname: OldDocName, model_url: ModelUrl, contentfieldname: ContentFieldName, fieldvalues: JSON.stringify(values), fileparam: JSON.stringify(fileparam), fileinfo: usefileinfostring, UserName: indidocxobj.slCtl.$$idx.httpserver.UserName, UploadParam: indidocxobj.slCtl.$$idx.httpserver.UploadParam, UploadUrl: indidocxobj.slCtl.$$idx.httpserver.UploadUrl, callback: 'window.' + eventName, } var timeout = 0 // 60 * 2000 indidocxobj.slCtl.sendRequest(action, contentJson, timeout, 'get') }).catch(function (reason) { indidocxobj.slCtl.isFileOpen = false return Promise.reject(reason) }) return promise }, //盖章 GaiZhang: function ( ModelUrl, ContentFieldName, fname, fileparam, OldDocName, values, argsobj ) { var replacename = '' if (checkFileExt(ModelUrl, '.docx')) { replacename = CreateRandomId() + '.docx' } else if (checkFileExt(ModelUrl, '.doc')) { replacename = CreateRandomId() + '.doc' } ModelUrl = changeURLArg(ModelUrl, 'fileName', replacename) indidocxobj.slCtl.isFileOpen = true var promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let eventName = indidocxobj.slCtl.registerEvent( '_OpenFileCompleted_', resolve, false ) indidocxobj.slCtl.$$idx = indidocxobj.slCtl.formatParams(argsobj) var userfile = indidocxobj.slCtl.Content.Control.getFileByName(fname) var usefileinfostring = indidocxobj.slCtl.Content.Control._getFileInfoByName(fname) if (userfile == null) { userfile = {} ;(userfile.Unid = CreateRandomId()), (usefileinfostring = fname) } var action = '/gaizhang' var contentJson = { fileunid: userfile.Unid, model_url: ModelUrl, contentfieldname: ContentFieldName, fileparam: JSON.stringify(fileparam), fieldvalues: JSON.stringify(values), fileinfo: usefileinfostring, UserName: indidocxobj.slCtl.$$idx.httpserver.UserName, UploadParam: indidocxobj.slCtl.$$idx.httpserver.UploadParam, UploadUrl: indidocxobj.slCtl.$$idx.httpserver.UploadUrl, callback: 'window.' + eventName, } var timeout = 0 // 60 * 2000 indidocxobj.slCtl.sendRequest(action, contentJson, timeout, 'get') }).catch(function (reason) { indidocxobj.slCtl.isFileOpen = false return Promise.reject(reason) }) return promise }, //更新正文 UpdateRegion: function (fname, values, picvalues, fileparam, argsobj) { indidocxobj.slCtl.isFileOpen = true var promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let eventName = indidocxobj.slCtl.registerEvent( '_OpenFileCompleted_', resolve, false ) indidocxobj.slCtl.$$idx = indidocxobj.slCtl.formatParams(argsobj) var userfile = indidocxobj.slCtl.Content.Control.getFileByName(fname) var usefileinfostring = indidocxobj.slCtl.Content.Control._getFileInfoByName(fname) if (userfile == null) { userfile = {} ;(userfile.Unid = CreateRandomId()), (usefileinfostring = fname) } var action = '/updateregion' var contentJson = { fieldvalues: JSON.stringify(values), picvalues: picvalues, fileunid: userfile.Unid, fileparam: JSON.stringify(fileparam), fileinfo: usefileinfostring, UserName: indidocxobj.slCtl.$$idx.httpserver.UserName, UploadParam: indidocxobj.slCtl.$$idx.httpserver.UploadParam, UploadUrl: indidocxobj.slCtl.$$idx.httpserver.UploadUrl, callback: 'window.' + eventName, } var timeout = 0 // 60 * 2000 indidocxobj.slCtl.sendRequest(action, contentJson, timeout, 'get') }).catch(function (reason) { indidocxobj.slCtl.isFileOpen = false return Promise.reject(reason) }) return promise }, //文档打印 PrintDocument: function (fname, fileparam, values, argsobj) { var promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let eventName = indidocxobj.slCtl.registerEvent('_OpenFileCompleted_', resolve) indidocxobj.slCtl.$$idx = indidocxobj.slCtl.formatParams(argsobj) var userfile = indidocxobj.slCtl.Content.Control.getFileByName(fname) var usefileinfostring = indidocxobj.slCtl.Content.Control._getFileInfoByName(fname) if (userfile == null) { userfile = {} ;(userfile.Unid = CreateRandomId()), (usefileinfostring = fname) } var action = '/printdocument' var contentJson = { fieldvalues: JSON.stringify(values), fileunid: userfile.Unid, fileparam: JSON.stringify(fileparam), fileinfo: usefileinfostring, UserName: indidocxobj.slCtl.$$idx.httpserver.UserName, UploadParam: indidocxobj.slCtl.$$idx.httpserver.UploadParam, UploadUrl: indidocxobj.slCtl.$$idx.httpserver.UploadUrl, callback: 'window.' + eventName, } var timeout = 0 // 60 * 2000 indidocxobj.slCtl.sendRequest(action, contentJson, timeout, 'get') }).catch(function (reason) { return Promise.reject(reason) }) return promise }, //转换pdf DOCConvertToPDF: function (fname, fileparam, argsobj) { indidocxobj.slCtl.isFileOpen = true var promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let eventName = indidocxobj.slCtl.registerEvent('_OpenFileCompleted_', resolve) indidocxobj.slCtl.$$idx = indidocxobj.slCtl.formatParams(argsobj) var userfile = indidocxobj.slCtl.Content.Control.getFileByName(fname) var usefileinfostring = indidocxobj.slCtl.Content.Control._getFileInfoByName(fname) if (userfile == null) { userfile = {} ;(userfile.Unid = CreateRandomId()), (usefileinfostring = fname) } var action = '/convertdoctopdf' var contentJson = { fileunid: userfile.Unid, fileinfo: usefileinfostring, UserName: indidocxobj.slCtl.$$idx.httpserver.UserName, UploadParam: indidocxobj.slCtl.$$idx.httpserver.UploadParam, UploadUrl: indidocxobj.slCtl.$$idx.httpserver.UploadUrl, callback: 'window.' + eventName, } var timeout = 0 // 60 * 5000 indidocxobj.slCtl.sendRequest(action, contentJson, timeout, 'get') }).catch(function (reason) { indidocxobj.slCtl.isFileOpen = false return Promise.reject(reason) }) return promise }, DOCConvertToOFD: function (fname, fileparam, argsobj) { var promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let eventName = indidocxobj.slCtl.registerEvent('_OpenFileCompleted_', resolve) indidocxobj.slCtl.$$idx = indidocxobj.slCtl.formatParams(argsobj) var userfile = indidocxobj.slCtl.Content.Control.getFileByName(fname) var usefileinfostring = indidocxobj.slCtl.Content.Control._getFileInfoByName(fname) if (userfile == null) { userfile = {} ;(userfile.Unid = CreateRandomId()), (usefileinfostring = fname) } var action = '/convertdoctoofd' var contentJson = { fileunid: userfile.Unid, fileinfo: usefileinfostring, UserName: indidocxobj.slCtl.$$idx.httpserver.UserName, UploadParam: indidocxobj.slCtl.$$idx.httpserver.UploadParam, UploadUrl: indidocxobj.slCtl.$$idx.httpserver.UploadUrl, callback: 'window.' + eventName, } var timeout = 0 //60 * 5000 indidocxobj.slCtl.sendRequest(action, contentJson, timeout, 'get') }).catch(function (reason) { return Promise.reject(reason) }) return promise }, //图片章 TuPianZhang: function (fname, fileparam, argsobj) { var promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let eventName = indidocxobj.slCtl.registerEvent('_TuPianZhangCompleted_', resolve, false) var userfile = indidocxobj.slCtl.Content.Control.getFileByName(fname) var usefileinfostring = indidocxobj.slCtl.Content.Control._getFileInfoByName(fname) if (userfile == null) { userfile = {} ; (userfile.Unid = CreateRandomId()), (usefileinfostring = fname) } var action = '/tupianzhang' var contentJson = { fileunid: userfile.Unid, fileinfo: usefileinfostring, fileparam: JSON.stringify(fileparam), UserName: indidocxobj.slCtl.$$idx.httpserver.UserName, UploadParam: indidocxobj.slCtl.$$idx.httpserver.UploadParam, UploadUrl: indidocxobj.slCtl.$$idx.httpserver.UploadUrl, callback: 'window.' + eventName, } var timeout = 0 // 60 * 5000 indidocxobj.slCtl.sendRequest(action, contentJson, timeout, 'get') }).catch(function (reason) { return Promise.reject(reason) }) return promise }, }, }, createXHR: function () { if (typeof XMLHttpRequest != 'undefined') { //兼容高版本浏览器 return new XMLHttpRequest() } else if (typeof ActiveXObject != 'undefined') { //IE6 采用 ActiveXObject, 兼容IE6 var versions = [ //由于MSXML库有3个版本,因此都要考虑 'MSXML2.XMLHttp.6.0', 'MSXML2.XMLHttp.3.0', 'MSXML2.XMLHttp', ] for (var i = 0; i < versions.length; i++) { try { return new ActiveXObject(versions[i]) } catch (e) { //跳过 } } } else { throw new Error('您的浏览器不支持XHR对象') } }, Base64: { base64EncodeChars: 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/', base64DecodeChars: new Array( -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 62, -1, -1, -1, 63, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 ), base64encode: function (str) { var out, i, len var c1, c2, c3 len = str.length i = 0 out = '' while (i < len) { c1 = str.charCodeAt(i++) & 0xff if (i == len) { out += this.base64EncodeChars.charAt(c1 >> 2) out += this.base64EncodeChars.charAt((c1 & 0x3) << 4) out += '==' break } c2 = str.charCodeAt(i++) if (i == len) { out += this.base64EncodeChars.charAt(c1 >> 2) out += this.base64EncodeChars.charAt(((c1 & 0x3) << 4) | ((c2 & 0xf0) >> 4)) out += this.base64EncodeChars.charAt((c2 & 0xf) << 2) out += '=' break } c3 = str.charCodeAt(i++) out += this.base64EncodeChars.charAt(c1 >> 2) out += this.base64EncodeChars.charAt(((c1 & 0x3) << 4) | ((c2 & 0xf0) >> 4)) out += this.base64EncodeChars.charAt(((c2 & 0xf) << 2) | ((c3 & 0xc0) >> 6)) out += this.base64EncodeChars.charAt(c3 & 0x3f) } return out }, base64decode: function (str) { var c1, c2, c3, c4 var i, len, out len = str.length i = 0 out = '' while (i < len) { do { c1 = this.base64DecodeChars[str.charCodeAt(i++) & 0xff] } while (i < len && c1 == -1) if (c1 == -1) break do { c2 = this.base64DecodeChars[str.charCodeAt(i++) & 0xff] } while (i < len && c2 == -1) if (c2 == -1) break out += String.fromCharCode((c1 << 2) | ((c2 & 0x30) >> 4)) do { c3 = str.charCodeAt(i++) & 0xff if (c3 == 61) return out c3 = this.base64DecodeChars[c3] } while (i < len && c3 == -1) if (c3 == -1) break out += String.fromCharCode(((c2 & 0xf) << 4) | ((c3 & 0x3c) >> 2)) do { c4 = str.charCodeAt(i++) & 0xff if (c4 == 61) return out c4 = this.base64DecodeChars[c4] } while (i < len && c4 == -1) if (c4 == -1) break out += String.fromCharCode(((c3 & 0x03) << 6) | c4) } return out }, utf16to8: function (str) { var out, i, len, c out = '' len = str.length for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { c = str.charCodeAt(i) if (c >= 0x0001 && c <= 0x007f) { out += str.charAt(i) } else if (c > 0x07ff) { out += String.fromCharCode(0xe0 | ((c >> 12) & 0x0f)) out += String.fromCharCode(0x80 | ((c >> 6) & 0x3f)) out += String.fromCharCode(0x80 | ((c >> 0) & 0x3f)) } else { out += String.fromCharCode(0xc0 | ((c >> 6) & 0x1f)) out += String.fromCharCode(0x80 | ((c >> 0) & 0x3f)) } } return out }, utf8to16: function (str) { var out, i, len, c var char2, char3 out = '' len = str.length i = 0 while (i < len) { c = str.charCodeAt(i++) switch (c >> 4) { case 0: case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: case 6: case 7: // 0xxxxxxx out += str.charAt(i - 1) break case 12: case 13: // 110x xxxx 10xx xxxx char2 = str.charCodeAt(i++) out += String.fromCharCode(((c & 0x1f) << 6) | (char2 & 0x3f)) break case 14: // 1110 xxxx 10xx xxxx 10xx xxxx char2 = str.charCodeAt(i++) char3 = str.charCodeAt(i++) out += String.fromCharCode( ((c & 0x0f) << 12) | ((char2 & 0x3f) << 6) | ((char3 & 0x3f) << 0) ) break } } return out }, //end encode: function (input) { return this.base64encode(this.utf16to8(input)) }, decode: function (str) { return this.utf8to16(this.base64decode(str)) }, }, }, } /** * 获取随机ID * @returns string */ function CreateRandomId() { return Number(Math.random().toString().substr(3, 3) + Date.now()).toString(36) } /** * 修改url参数 */ function changeURLArg(url, arg, arg_val) { var pattern = arg + '=([^&]*)' var replaceText = arg + '=' + arg_val if (url.match(pattern)) { var tmp = '/(' + arg + '=)([^&]*)/gi' tmp = url.replace(eval(tmp), replaceText) return tmp } else { if (url.match('[?]')) { return url + '&' + replaceText } else { return url + '?' + replaceText } } } /** * 判断后缀 */ function checkFileExt(filename, ext) { var index = filename.lastIndexOf('.') filename = filename.substring(index) if (filename.toLowerCase() == ext) { return true } else { return false } } if (!window.slCtlList) { window.slCtlList = [] } window.slCtlList.push(indidocxobj) //初始化socket var conn = window.IndidocxShareSocket || indidocxobj.slCtl.socket if (conn == undefined) { conn = new ReconnectingWebSocket(indidocxobj.slCtl.getV8IDXAddress()) conn.onmessage = indidocxobj.slCtl.receiveMsg window.IndidocxShareSocket = conn indidocxobj.slCtl.socket = conn } return indidocxobj }, } export default indidocxModule