123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302 |
- <template>
- <div>
- <a-spin :spinning="spinningtree" :class="$style.spin" />
- <a-empty v-if="empty" />
- <a-tree
- v-else
- :key="key"
- ref="caseTree"
- v-model="checkedKeys"
- :block-node="false"
- :show-icon="true"
- :show-line="true"
- :check-strictly="true"
- :checkable="false"
- :draggable="false"
- :tree-data="treeData"
- :replace-fields="replaceFields"
- :selected-keys="defaultSelectedKeys"
- :expanded-keys="expandedKeys"
- :default-expanded-keys="defaultTreeExpandedKeys"
- :load-data="onLoadData"
- @select="treeSelect"
- @check="treeCheck"
- @expand="onExpand"
- @drop="onDrop"
- >
- <template v-slot:title="{ text, props }">
- <span v-if="text.indexOf(searchValue) > -1">
- {{ text.substr(0, text.indexOf(searchValue))
- }}<span :class="$style.active">{{ searchValue }}</span
- >{{ text.substr(text.indexOf(searchValue) + searchValue.length) }}</span
- ><span v-else>{{ text }}</span>
- <!-- 后台返回数量,如果有数量的话就显示 -->
- <span v-if="props.count > 0">({{ props.count }})</span>
- </template>
- <!-- 如果已配置负责人,则展示用户图标 -->
- <template slot="hasuser" slot-scope="item">
- <a-icon type="team" @click="showUser(item)" />
- </template>
- </a-tree>
- <!-- <a-form-model :model="interForm" :label-col="{ span: 7 }" :wrapper-col="{ span: 15 }">
- <a-form-model-item label="阶段名称" required>
- <a-select v-model="interForm.stageField">
- <a-select-option v-for="item in stage" :key="item.code" :value="item.code">
- {{ item.name }}
- </a-select-option>
- </a-select>
- </a-form-model-item>
- </a-form-model> -->
- </div>
- </template>
- <script>
- import { message } from 'ant-design-vue'
- import LawService from '../law-service'
- import components from './_import-components/law-case-tree-import'
- export default {
- name: 'LawCaseTree',
- metaInfo: {
- title: 'LawCaseTree',
- },
- components,
- props: {
- // 默认选中节点
- caseType: {
- type: String,
- default: '',
- },
- caseStage: {
- type: String,
- default: '',
- },
- defaultTopNodeText: {
- type: String,
- default: '案件进展阶段',
- },
- defaultTopNodeId: {
- type: String,
- default: '0',
- },
- },
- data() {
- return {
- empty: false,
- spinningtree: true,
- treeData: [],
- dataList: [], // 数组dataList,搜索要用
- defaultTreeExpandedKeys: ['0'],
- defaultSelectedKeys: ['0'],
- checkedKeys: [], // 选中的节点数据
- replaceFields: {
- title: 'text',
- key: 'ids',
- },
- expandedKeys: ['0'],
- searchValue: '',
- searchStr: '',
- key: 0,
- // 树
- }
- },
- mounted() {
- this.initTreeData()
- },
- methods: {
- // 点击地址树展开时调用
- onLoadData(treeNode) {
- let caseType = ''
- let caseStage = ''
- if (treeNode.dataRef.props.parentId === 'root') {
- caseType = treeNode.dataRef.id
- } else {
- caseType = treeNode.dataRef.props.parentId
- caseStage = treeNode.dataRef.id
- }
- return LawService.getCaseTree(caseType, caseStage).then((res) => {
- if (treeNode.dataRef.id !== '0') {
- res.data.forEach((d) => {
- d.props.parentName = treeNode.dataRef.text
- d.props.caseType = treeNode.dataRef.props.parentId
- d.ids = d.id + '_' + treeNode.dataRef.id
- })
- treeNode.dataRef.children = res.data
- this.treeData = this.transformData([...this.treeData])
- this.generateList(this.treeData)
- }
- })
- },
- // 初始化地址树
- initTreeData() {
- LawService.getCaseTree(this.caseType, this.caseStage).then((res) => {
- this.spinningtree = false
- if (res.data.length) {
- res.data.forEach((r) => {
- r.ids = r.id + '_0'
- })
- const treeNode = [
- {
- id: this.caseStage === '' ? this.defaultTopNodeId : this.caseStage,
- ids: this.caseStage === '' ? this.defaultTopNodeId : this.caseStage,
- text: this.defaultTopNodeText,
- leaf: true,
- props: {
- parentId: this.caseStage === '' ? 'root' : this.caseType,
- },
- children: res.data,
- key: this.defaultTopNodeId,
- },
- ]
- this.treeData = this.transformData(treeNode)
- this.expandedKeys = this.defaultTreeExpandedKeys
- this.generateList(this.treeData)
- this.empty = false
- } else {
- this.empty = true
- }
- })
- },
- transformData(data) {
- return data.map((d) => {
- const { children, ...rest } = d
- return {
- ...rest,
- children: children && this.transformData(children),
- scopedSlots: { title: 'title' },
- }
- })
- },
- // 处理搜索用的dataList
- generateList(data) {
- for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
- const node = data[i]
- const key = node.id
- const title = node.text
- const props = node.props
- this.dataList.push({ key, id: key, title: title, props })
- if (node.children) {
- this.generateList(node.children)
- }
- }
- },
- // 点击树
- treeSelect(selectedKeys, info) {
- this.defaultSelectedKeys = selectedKeys
- this.$emit('treeSelect', [...selectedKeys], info)
- },
- /***
- * 选中复选框时的事件
- */
- treeCheck(allKeys, echecked) {
- // echecked.checkedNodes 选中的所有节点信息为数组 .data.props 获取详细信息
- // echecked.node.dataRef 当前选中的节点信息
- if (this.single) {
- this.checkedKeys.checked = []
- this.checkedKeys.checked = [echecked.node.dataRef.id]
- }
- this.$emit('checkedKeys', echecked.node.dataRef, echecked.checkedNodes)
- },
- onExpand(expandedKeys) {
- // 用户点击展开时,取消自动展开效果
- this.expandedKeys = expandedKeys
- this.autoExpandParent = false
- },
- // 拖拽节点方法
- onDrop(info) {
- // 被插入节点信息
- const dropKey = info.node.eventKey
- const dropNode = info.node.dataRef
- // 拖拽节点信息
- const dragKey = info.dragNode.eventKey
- const dragNode = info.dragNode.dataRef
- const dropPos = info.node.pos.split('-')
- // -1表示之前 0表示合并 1表示之后
- const dropPosition = info.dropPosition - Number(dropPos[dropPos.length - 1])
- // 分类合并至事项内
- if (dropNode.props.isroot && (dropPosition === 1) | (dropPosition === -1)) {
- message.info('不能将分类拖拽至与根节点同层级', 1)
- return false
- }
- // 如果被插入节点是末级节点,并且是合并方式的时候,则不可以执行
- if (dropPosition === 0) {
- if (dropNode.props.isEnd === '1') {
- message.info('被插入节点是末级节点,不可执行', 1)
- return false
- }
- }
- const loop = (data, key, callback) => {
- data.forEach((item, index, arr) => {
- if (item.id === key) {
- return callback(item, index, arr)
- }
- if (item.children) {
- return loop(item.children, key, callback)
- }
- })
- }
- const data = this.treeData
- // Find dragObject
- let dragObj
- loop(data, dragKey, (item, index, arr) => {
- arr.splice(index, 1)
- dragObj = item
- })
- if (!info.dropToGap) {
- // Drop on the content
- loop(data, dropKey, (item) => {
- item.children = item.children || []
- // where to insert 示例添加到尾部,可以是随意位置
- item.children.push(dragObj)
- })
- } else if (
- (info.node.children || []).length > 0 && // Has children
- info.node.expanded && // Is expanded
- dropPosition === 1 // On the bottom gap
- ) {
- loop(data, dropKey, (item) => {
- item.children = item.children || []
- // where to insert 示例添加到尾部,可以是随意位置
- item.children.unshift(dragObj)
- })
- } else {
- let ar
- let i
- loop(data, dropKey, (item, index, arr) => {
- ar = arr
- i = index
- })
- if (dropPosition === -1) {
- ar.splice(i, 0, dragObj)
- } else {
- ar.splice(i + 1, 0, dragObj)
- }
- }
- this.treeData = data
- // 拖拽完成,调用接口
- const dragParams = {
- nodeId: dragNode.id,
- targetnodeType: dropNode.props.isroot ? 'root' : 'category', // category/root
- targetnodeId: dropNode.id,
- position: dropPosition, // -1 0 1 之前 合并 之后
- }
- LawService.dragNode(dragParams).then((res) => {
- if (!res) {
- message.info(dropNode.text + '节点下存在相同分类编号,拖拽失败')
- }
- })
- },
- },
- }
- </script>
- <style module lang="scss">
- @use '@/common/design' as *;
- </style>